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Can anyone recommend some cool, unusual high quality bars/restaurants/cafes in Bristol?


New Member
Hi, I moved back to Bristol after 6 years away and am keen to try cool new places. Naturally when I used to live here I had my favourite haunts but now I'm looking for interesting independent places (no chains) for the day and/or evening so show off how diverse and unique Bristol is to my boyfriend. Any recommendations on individual places or on how I might be able to find little hidden gems would be much appreciated. Thankkksssssssss.
Right now? That's not that bizarre tbh. You having a drink elsewhere first?

More in the context of the thread, was funny timing.

Going to see another mate first for a takeaway as he can't make it out tonight due to kid duties in Gloucester Road area.

Don't think I will be in any other pubs first. Couple of mates are running a disco night at The Plough so gonna head there after.

Just had a beer at Reading station though.
More in the context of the thread, was funny timing.

Going to see another mate first for a takeaway as he can't make it out tonight due to kid duties in Gloucester Road area.

Don't think I will be in any other pubs first. Couple of mates are running a disco night at The Plough so gonna head there after.

Just had a beer at Reading station though.
No worries, i'm a few metres from the plough so was just wondering...have a good night (in fact i think at least two other posters are within a few doors, but i won't be outing them)
Ah right. Well if you fancy a beer much later PM me later on.

And ta, first full night without the nipper or Mrs in yonks. I fully intend to enjoy!
Duvet Vous is on tomorrow. Few house music's and that.

Bizarrely I'm on a train to Bristol for an evenings entertainment at The Plough at a mates night their.

That's the Queens Head in Easton, different pub altogether. A few of my friends are going to that.
I mostly drink in the Wetherspoons, I must admit. That's because I resent paying the ridiculous prices they charge at most places.

Places I like in town are Zero Degrees, Colstons Yard, Mud Dock Café. None of them have been too wanky when I've been there although I don't go to them very often as they are not cheap.
The Baccy Factory is totes cool.

Yeah, used to drink there a bit before I fell out with my friends who live in Bedminster. Also that was in the days before George Ferguson became mayor and pissed me off.
Tbf I've not been to the Tobacco factory bar and I've never heard anyone call it the Baccy factory but the Guardian says it's cool.
I've never heard anyone call it that either. It's a bit like a Bedminster version of the Watershed.
I liked going to Small Bar last time I was in Bristol, it's a craft beer pub - not particularly unique but nice old pub type atmosphere and really good selection of ales, as I remember it.
Think it was served in a jug type glass with a handle. Personally I'm not too fussed about the thing the beer comes in, I just liked the beer, the price and the atmosphere :)
Tbf I've not been to the Tobacco factory bar and I've never heard anyone call it the Baccy factory but the Guardian says it's cool.
The Boy's PTA holds meetings in the tobacco factory, and my antenatal group used to meet up with their babies and get pissed there of an afternoon :oops:

The Old Bookshop however is a bit further up North Street and is often mentioned by the childless people I know who actually have lives as a good venue. I've only been into it during the day and was served terrible coffee and told they had no cake!
The Tobacco Factory in Bedminster has some great theatre productions, so it's not too bad for a quick drink before that. That area wouldn't really be my first choice for spending an evening out though unless I'm going to see something.

I quite like Small Bar in town, it's mainly craft beer, but they do have two different types of cider. The fact that it only comes in two thirds of a pint mugs means that you tend to appreciate the drink more and the prices are pretty cheap compared to some other places (although you can obviously pay more for specialty beers etc).

If you are going to the Stokes Croft type of area, I'd recommend going to the Bell, which is one of the few decent pubs around there. Other places are kind of ok if you can put up with the certain types of people you'll meet. No. 51 is ok for food, but can get a bit wanky.

If you're prepared to go a little out of the way, then the Volunteer Tavern behind Cabot Circus in St Judes is excellent and although popular, is out of the way enough to not be frequented by utter wankers (mostly).

The Duke of York in St Werburghs is alright enough for a few pints, but they really need to sort out the lighting iirc.

Any of the Thali Cafés are good to grab some food, but try to get to the Easton or Montpelier ones if you can.

If you're going further east, then the Whitehall Tavern is quite nice, or the Red Lion, both in the Whitehall area.

I quite like the Star and Dove in Totterdown too, which has a good selection of bar snacks and food. Quite a quick walk from Temple Meads if you're that way.

Clearly there's loads more, but you might struggle to find places that aren't full of wankers if you go to the more widely publicised places in the trendy parts of Bristol. Avoid Clifton for the most part as it will be almost entirely full of cunts, but if you insist, then there is the odd decent pub - the Alma Tavern's alright (and has a small theatre upstairs) or the White Lion for the views across the Gorge.

Hope that helps.
There aren't any actually cool pubs in Bristol, just pubs that some people think are cool.
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