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Can anyone recommend a kids ' coding course?


My bright 10 Yr old wants to learn to code. He wants to write games, but I've explained to get there he will need to start with the basics.he did Scratch at school, but I'm thinking python would be good now.

Ideally it needs to be online and delivered in a weekly single class rather than a "boot camp". I know there are loads of these around, but I have no idea which are good...
Any experience? Thanks
Khan academy have some coding stuff. I've not used it but their stuff I have used has been very good.
My four years old is starting to get into Scratch. It's almost the only way I let her on a computer at the moment after the overdose of screens that was home learning.
What's his aptitude. Some of the online courses in Coursera start at absolute beginners. They're adult but for engineering type stuff I don't think it always matters. Get taught it properly at start. I did one a while back and it started with downloading the software needed, how it worked and programming. He'll soon be in charge of your digital world.
Codecademy is decent but you'll need to do it alongside them. There's a level of grown up problem solving that's not really kid suitable with it, IME.

Firetech have excellent courses, but are a bit pricey.

Code Kingdoms i hear good things about but haven't got any direct experience of.

Worth looking to see if there's a codeclub near you. What is a Code Club? — Code Club
I'm a software engineer but I am old and too far removed from modern beginner teaching to offer any specific advice. What I would say is:

- for most people, once empowered by some basic teaching, a motivating self-identified hobby project is the best way to learn. Coding is generally driven by problem-driven discovery much more than it is by lessons and telling, which serves to firm up the former. That learning will be rubbish and will later need to be discarded, but we all go through that several times. Basically don't worry about too much formal learning too early on, plenty of time for that later.

- games and modding offer a lot of opportunities, either to write some rudimentary game with game making tools or, very differently, incremental meddling with other people's projects without needing to know how to make it from scratch. The detail of this is highly contextual but there are a lot of game modders out there that can't code per se, and IMO this is not a problem, it's more than enough that they have appetite for the underlying problem solving and more skills will likely follow

- there is no right or wrong language or technology or focus. Lots of people will suggest things based on what they learnt (I'm not about to recommend Turbo Pascal though) or what is currently popular in industry but both are irrelevant. See the first point about delivering something.

- they haven't come up as suggestions yet but some things like rapid learn-to-code bootcamps and separately competitive coding seem to me to be questionable and likely to be counter-productive
Dunno for sure.

I have taught coding to beginners but I don't really have good advice.
I would say if you want an easy win to boost engagement suing something like scratch or app developer is a nice start.
It has a reasonable interface and code blocks take out the problems of syntax errors (9/10 problems are a missing ; or })
That combined with a lot of decent tutorials will get you well on your way.
Sure it is a little limiting and might not feel like full on coding but it using the same logic and problem solving so it's a fine starting point.

If they have done this already then trying them out on a more full fat programing language is a good idea.

I agree with mauvais about having a project. That really helps transition from someone who is following instructions into someone who is using a toolset to create something.
I do think that it can be difficult for a beginner to set realistic goals. It's fine to bite off more than you can chew as a lesson but it can be disheartening to a beginner.

If the person is looking to do something a bit more serious and full on I guess going the route of Unity and C# may be the best choice. (or unreal with C++)
this also has a fair few tutorials but this is much closer to what I'd expect an adult learner to do.

beyond that i'm not sure. I cut my teeth on Visual Basic at college back in 99. Had a nice GUI interface for doing the interface and used VB for the coding.
It was fun to quickly knock together stuff that had a decent looking end results. I remember spending a weekend making a game where you had to click on the bouncing heads of my online friends.

Python is a reasonable shout as it seems the go to programming language for schools.

Might feel a bit underwhelming for newbie used to doing stuff in scratch though.

I have a few ebooks on this stuff if anyone is interested.

Also an old friend of mine decided to go into this area.
That's him.
If they want to write games then Platago! is decent, but it's fairly akin to scratch in that it's mainly drag and drop with some scripting of actions and stuff.

There's a decent Pygame primer as well - PyGame: A Primer on Game Programming in Python – Real Python

Depending on what kind of games the target is, the language will vary (but learning any language is a good start ) - if it's big AAA PS4 type games sooner or later doing some Unity and C++ is likely to be the route. If it's mobile, then Swift (iOS) or Kotlin (Android) will be a requirement. Those are VERY steep learning curves though.
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