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Bulb energy - UK's biggest green supplier - becomes Octopus energy

I'm still with Bristol Energy, green tarif. They were losing money big time and have been taken over. I CBA changing at the mo and will only switch to other green suppliers if / when I do.
Don't most suppliers get their customers to build up credits in their accounts? I'm sure I've had it from a couple of them. It doesn't bother me at the moment with interest rates being nonexistent.
Yes, but the core purpose of this is to predict and balance the year as a whole - high winter consumption, low summer, but regular monthly payments. Building up a surplus beyond that is overbilling.
i'm octopus. What happens if/ when your energy supply company goes bust do you & your account get 'bought' by a surviving one?

IME pretty much. Just got an email to say XYZ will now be running Bristol Energy. Maybe I should look into it a bit more but it's obviously so boring and I've still got power, so....
Private Eye have run stuff on Bristol Energy - they say it was sold last year though.

i'm octopus. What happens if/ when your energy supply company goes bust do you & your account get 'bought' by a surviving one?

The government hands you over to another company and you wait for the switch while paying shit prices.
I was with one last year or the year before that failed. No warning given. Then I was suddenly with Scottish Power and paying double in a deal I could not get out of until they finished the paperwork. . . . then I moved to Octopus.
I hope they don't go under. With the last guys I ended about £150 in credit but by the time I was done with Scottish Power I was £150 in debt (despite still paying my monthlies).
OFGEM have a system to transfer customers to other suppliers. No idea what it means in terms of transferring tariffs - I'm on a 12 month fixed deal for green energy with them.
The government picks a supplier and you get stuck on the closest tariff that they have to what you had at the last place, and you just have to live with it until they have done all the paperwork. . . took them a few months at double the cost last time it happened to me . . and that was a much smaller company than octopus or bulb.
I’m with Octopus, green deal fixed rate for electricity (only - no gas here). 14 and a bit pence per kilowatt hour. Fixed rate comes to an end next month - new deal is going to be 23p/kWh!!! Ouch. 65% increase.
I’m with Octopus, green deal fixed rate for electricity (only - no gas here). 14 and a bit pence per kilowatt hour. Fixed rate comes to an end next month - new deal is going to be 23p/kWh!!! Ouch. 65% increase.
Going to be a shit winter.
. . . and it's not like the prices will ever fall again.
Fixed rates are presumably going to screw the small suppliers particularly if the prices they buy at greatly increase.
I know of “miles and points” people who pay £1000+ of credit into their account using a credit card and then get a refund back to their bank account (aka Manufactured Spend). It’s often the smaller suppliers who take Credit cards to provide a point of difference. Stuff like that can’t be helping.
I know of “miles and points” people who pay £1000+ of credit into their account using a credit card and then get a refund back to their bank account (aka Manufactured Spend). It’s often the smaller suppliers who take Credit cards to provide a point of difference. Stuff like that can’t be helping.

It can’t be costing them much as they’d just block this.

You could just require a payment closed loop, or require people to not withdraw top ups.

I had an Indian call centre type of call this morning, claiming to be from bulb, asking if I was happy with their service, could they do anything for me, and would I like a smart meter. Very weird.
I had an Indian call centre type of call this morning, claiming to be from bulb, asking if I was happy with their service, could they do anything for me, and would I like a smart meter. Very weird.
They always seem to have the same script wherever they're from: "Hello arthur, how are you this morning?" (Why the fuck do you want to know :confused:). Am always non committal until it's clear in case it's actually someone human from a proper company.
I work from home so as soon as they've told me what finance company they're from I just say 'No thank you' and put the phone down. I'm always aware they have my phone number and are probably 'working' at 3 am in the morning when I'd prefer not to provoke them into phoning me.
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