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Bulb energy - UK's biggest green supplier - becomes Octopus energy

Not sure whether I said but I got stopped in the street by someone from an energy company wanting me to change - when he asked me who I was with. I said Ecotricity and he said 'ah don't bother then we can only save you money if you're with one of the big suppliers'.
Bulb are saying we need to increase our monthly amount by £15 but we've not had a winter with them yet so I'm going to hold off.
Have been a Bulb user for a few years, with being out of work since March I did ask if I could reduce my DD as £150+ in credit and they’re taking £55/ month and I use only £20 at present.

the App wouldn’t let me reduce it and they suggested I contacted a third party budgeting / financial health check provider to get their opinion which bulb would act on.

I wasn’t happy with this approach, my contract is with Bulb and I didn’t wish to talk to a third party about my contractual arrangements. The offshore chat fella begrudgingly agreed to not take the direct debit in September to use up some of that surplus. I’m moving house shortly so won’t need the surplus for the winter months.

Have to say this was my first negative experience of Bulb, I was disappointed that not only could I not reduce my direct debit as I wanted but also had to fight to get the DD waived for a month to use the surplus.
I’m leaving Bulb because of this policy. It’s shit and crap.

When I started with them I set my DD pretty low, and then ended up in significant debit with them. I wasn’t bothered because I knew it would even out over the summer. They contacted me and said I had to increase my DD to a figure if their choosing. I knew it would stretch me badly financially, but the only option was to get this third party financial set up. No lockdown allowances at all, no discussion. Two options: pay more or get involved with this third party thing.

I’ve complained, but just received responses that have never addressed my core complaint.

So on that basis, I’m out.
I've found Ecotricity to be very good :)

They do actually invest in renewables rather than credits. Not sure how they compare on prices though.

having been with ebico for a few years, was thinking about moving on, as they hitched their wagon to the nottingham 'robin hood energy' thing which is going under and handing everyone over to british gas.

haven't quite had the energy to deal with it yet...
Bulb are saying we need to increase our monthly amount by £15 but we've not had a winter with them yet so I'm going to hold off.

Have been a Bulb user for a few years, with being out of work since March I did ask if I could reduce my DD as £150+ in credit and they’re taking £55/ month and I use only £20 at present.

They contacted me and said I had to increase my DD to a figure if their choosing.

It's standard practice for energy companies.

When we all paid quarterly in arrears ("on receipt of bill" in their language) energy companies were holding three months of our debt.

One of the reasons they were so keen to get us to pay by direct debit is to move to a position where the customer pays for their energy up front. i.e. build up a credit during the summer months which whittles away during winter.

It was a massive cash-flow boost for energy companies which very few customers seemed to notice...
I'm leaving Bulb too. Their prices are going up and they want to increase my monthly payment. Their forecast usage for the next year that forms the basis of this claim is significantly higher (15881 gas, 6335 electricity) than both my September bill's annual estimates (13534, 4222) and my own nerdy long-term spreadsheet tracking (13900, 3760) and they cost more anyway. Their customer service hasn't been great when I needed it and so my gas meter isn't on the smart network despite repeatedly trying to get this sorted.

Switched to Octopus.

My original offer on this thread stands: PM me for a referral link and I'll donate the £50 proceeds to charity. Not fussed what you do with yours.
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We're with bulb, my husband said something last week about them getting into trouble for overcharging every customer. I know they all do that, then rake it in from the interest they earn on our money, but bulb were apparently super bad.

I'll ask him where he saw it in a bit and try to link a source.
Hmm yeah they emailed today to say they are putting it up to £90 per month as they expect me to have £100 in credit by now with winter coming and I was £20 in debit by the time they issued my statement, though that was back in credit by £40 once it was paid. I'll see what happens over the winter as we might not have put out usage in correctly.
I wonder if one of the reasons for Bulb asking increase Direct Debits is that people have been using more energy as they are on furlough or WFH. I've always worked from home and their most recent projections for my usage has meant they've suggested I lower my DD by £15 per month. :confused:
I don't bother with the plucky start-ups anymore, they're all a bunch of useless so and sos.

I just switch between the big players every year depending on who offers the best prices per kWh.
I wouldn't say Ecotricity are covered in that. They're the only one (I understand) of two that actually invest in renewables rather than just buy credits. I've found them really good and reliable.
I wonder if one of the reasons for Bulb asking increase Direct Debits is that people have been using more energy as they are on furlough or WFH.
We've been WFH since March and I reckon we've used 25-30% more energy than roughly the same period last year. The increase in actual bills is slightly less, because of flat rate standing charges.

I suppose we haven't had full WFH in winter yet, so that will probably increase further, but I'm still not sure Bulb's estimates were on point.
I wouldn't say Ecotricity are covered in that. They're the only one (I understand) of two that actually invest in renewables rather than just buy credits. I've found them really good and reliable.

I know they’ve been around for a while, but at least for my region their prices have always been extortionate.

Don’t they all invest in renewables nowadays anyway? (e.g. the big six all have wind their own wind farms Our renewable energy sites)
ah ok that must be there are only two out of the small companies.

How much do they cost/unit round you against other suppliers? I've not noticed them being really expensive but I must check my prices.

bulb (allegedly new prices) and octopus about level on price. (are octopus going to put their prices up days after i sign up?)

a lot of the above puts me off the idea of bulb...
When Ovo fucked about with my direct debit I just cancelled it. They're generally more willing to negotiate when they don't have unfettered access to your bank account.

They do this to me a lot. I cancel the direct debit, but the account is still expecting the dd amount on the right day. So the day after it's due I normally get a shrill letter demanding £13 or whatever I happen to owe with dire threats of debt collectors etc. I rang them and asked if they were intending to come across so strongly and the guy apologised and put us on a pay when you get the bill account. Still get letters but they are much more polite.
6 months later and the account gets shunted to the dd side again and they start squarking for money every month. I ignore them and make sure I never owe them more than £100.

bulb (allegedly new prices) and octopus about level on price. (are octopus going to put their prices up days after i sign up?)

a lot of the above puts me off the idea of bulb...
Octopus is 12 month fixed prices, no exit charge, so there's that. Remember to use someone's sign up referral link.
Yep, bulb hoiking up my charges over here too.
Thing is, I use more electricity in summer cos my flat is shockingly hot and I need AC on, and heating comes under the horrifically high service charge. Which I barely use anyway.
So Bulb will be taking £81 on Monday....but I'm really tight financially.......and £115 in credit with them.
Should I just cancel the direct or phone them and ask them to use the credit. If they refuse I'll just change supplier and they can use the credit....thoughts?
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