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Brixton 'Splash' 2017 street festival - news and discussion

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Brixton Splash might be happening next year................sort of.

‘A rejuvenated Brixton Splash will take place next August – but it will have a new name, a new image and new events.’

Councillor Jack Hopkins, cabinet member for regeneration, business and culture, said: “We are supportive of this becoming a community-led initiative to make the event work for everybody in Brixton – residents, businesses and visitors.'

Dip in to make another Brixton Splash - London News Online
Brixton Splash might be happening next year................sort of.

‘A rejuvenated Brixton Splash will take place next August – but it will have a new name, a new image and new events.’

Councillor Jack Hopkins, cabinet member for regeneration, business and culture, said: “We are supportive of this becoming a community-led initiative to make the event work for everybody in Brixton – residents, businesses and visitors.'

Dip in to make another Brixton Splash - London News Online
Steve Reed Memorial Pool
Brixton Splash might be happening next year................sort of.

‘A rejuvenated Brixton Splash will take place next August – but it will have a new name, a new image and new events.’

Councillor Jack Hopkins, cabinet member for regeneration, business and culture, said: “We are supportive of this becoming a community-led initiative to make the event work for everybody in Brixton – residents, businesses and visitors.'

Dip in to make another Brixton Splash - London News Online
Community activist Ros Griffiths – who founded the event in 2006
No, she did not.
It's heating up even more. This was comment was left by 'blackerdread' on the Buzz article:

How can and who gave LAMBETH and sell out ROZ run a event for people LAMBETH don’t want splash to be run by the original committee? Because it was not run by puppets like ROZ ,who tried to take the name she registered to herself while being a member of splash . My question of ROZ ? Is iwhy did you walk out on splash ? After attacking a board member? (Chairman) can you be trusted and why ? Are you speaking on my behalf and when diid anyone ask you to speak for us miss sell out
Another comment on Buzz:
So Ross Griffiths and Clark Jack have decided that they are running a new Splash for Brixton? Where’s their mandate? Which community groups are backing them? Who is sponsoring? Why are they doing this? Will the money be unaccounted for like every splash thus far? Who really benefits?
Let’s take Splash back for Brixton with real community involvement and kick the politicians out from running it.
Oh dear. So now the 'trademark holders' of the name Brixton Splash have got all chirpsy all over social media, because the article referred to the festival as a Splash 'with a new name and a new format'. Even though the Buzz piece was attributing SLP/LNO, they decided to lob in a few legal threats without bothering to contact us first. Hey, it's not like we've supported the event for the past ten years or anything!

With an attitude like that, perhaps it's no wonder that their £100,000 crowdfunding campaign (which Buzz kindly promoted for them) only managed to reach the pathetically low total of just £69.
The guy behind Pop Brixton is, or at least claims to be involved with Splash btw, through Lee Jasper. From the horses mouth after a tirade I threw at him last year over dogs not being allowed in Pop of all things. He claims he's a good friend. Oh and Jasper founded Splash accoriding to him, which was news to me as I was a local in the Albert when pat founded it.

They tossed me out of Pop after my discussion and I'll never set foot in there again, the fucking freeloading cunts.
Oh dear. So now the 'trademark holders' of the name Brixton Splash have got all chirpsy all over social media, because the article referred to the festival as a Splash 'with a new name and a new format'. Even though the Buzz piece was attributing SLP/LNO, they decided to lob in a few legal threats without bothering to contact us first. Hey, it's not like we've supported the event for the past ten years or anything!

With an attitude like that, perhaps it's no wonder that their £100,000 crowdfunding campaign (which Buzz kindly promoted for them) only managed to reach the pathetically low total of just £69.

Just had a look at the "real" Brixton Splash FB page. FFS they have got it in for you. Nasty.

The article in question in Brixton Buzz - if they had looked at the bottom of it to the links to previous articles it can be seen the positive coverage of previous Brixton Splash by Brixton Buzz.
Just had a look at the "real" Brixton Splash FB page. FFS they have got it in for you. Nasty.

The article in question in Brixton Buzz - if they had looked at the bottom of it to the links to previous articles it can be seen the positive coverage of previous Brixton Splash by Brixton Buzz.
They got their knickers in a twist without even bothering to read the article - if they had they would have seen that the article was referencing the article by the SLP, and that it was made abundantly clear that it wasn't going to be the same Splash.

The association with Brixton Splash ™ was being made by Ros Griffiths and their claims that I was somehow in breach of their trademark didn't even make any sense.

Mind you, I've no idea who this lot claiming to be the 'trademark holders' of Brixton Splash are - they refused to give any names when asked, although the cavalier style does seem rather Jasper-esque.

Still, I'm sure the £69 they raised on their crowdfunding campaign (just £99,931 short of their target) and yesterday's triumphant work in disenfranchising one of their biggest supporters will prove masterstrokes in their attempts to reclaim the festival for themselves.

As I see it, everyone has lost out here. I don't want any of the people currently involved to be running it.
I liked Splash. The politicking around it is pretty awful.

The continual erasing of Pat from how it started by both sides is really annoying.
I have little respect for those who keep doing doing it.

Both the old Splash ™ lot and now the new 'Splash-styled' festival bunch have tried to write him out of the event's history, but for all their dishonest airbrushing, the facts speak for themselves, and unhappily for them, they're all neatly and definitively documented here: Brixton Splash continues to airbrush its founder from the event’s history
They got their knickers in a twist without even bothering to read the article - if they had they would have seen that the article was referencing the article by the SLP, and that it was made abundantly clear that it wasn't going to be the same Splash.

The association with Brixton Splash ™ was being made by Ros Griffiths and their claims that I was somehow in breach of their trademark didn't even make any sense.

Mind you, I've no idea who this lot claiming to be the 'trademark holders' of Brixton Splash are - they refused to give any names when asked, although the cavalier style does seem rather Jasper-esque.

Still, I'm sure the £69 they raised on their crowdfunding campaign (just £99,931 short of their target) and yesterday's triumphant work in disenfranchising one of their biggest supporters will prove masterstrokes in their attempts to reclaim the festival for themselves.

As I see it, everyone has lost out here. I don't want any of the people currently involved to be running it.

Would it not be quite difficult to trademark "Brixton Splash" if you hadn't come up with the original idea, ie if you weren't Pat? Seems a bit strange.
Would it not be quite difficult to trademark "Brixton Splash" if you hadn't come up with the original idea, ie if you weren't Pat? Seems a bit strange.

The UKIPO (the official registration authority) don't raise these sort of objections themselves - registration is generally first come first served.

However, if a third party can demonstrate that they have sufficient use prior to the filing date/use by the owner to give the third party unregistered (passing off) rights then they can challenge the trade mark registration. Until it's successfully challenged then it is assumed valid.

The registration in question can be found here:

Intellectual Property Office - By number results
The UKIPO (the official registration authority) don't raise these sort of objections themselves - registration is generally first come first served.

However, if a third party can demonstrate that they have sufficient use prior to the filing date/use by the owner to give the third party unregistered (passing off) rights then they can challenge the trade mark registration. Until it's successfully challenged then it is assumed valid.

The registration in question can be found here:

Intellectual Property Office - By number results
Thanks very much for the info.
Given the lamentable lack of community engagement which greeted their crowdfunding attempt, I don't think we'll be seeing the so-called 'original' Brixton Splash TM putting on a comparable street festival next year.

I can't say I'm minded to even support any of their efforts after the way they behaved on social media.
Given the lamentable lack of community engagement which greeted their crowdfunding attempt, I don't think we'll be seeing the so-called 'original' Brixton Splash TM putting on a comparable street festival next year.

I can't say I'm minded to even support any of their efforts after the way they behaved on social media.

People love the event, but there's not a lot of respect left on the streets for Mr Jasper, Ms Griffiths et al. Too many people think they've been milking the event and the event's cachet for their own purposes.
Mind you, I've no idea who this lot claiming to be the 'trademark holders' of Brixton Splash are - they refused to give any names when asked, although the cavalier style does seem rather Jasper-esque.

As I see it, everyone has lost out here. I don't want any of the people currently involved to be running it.

I thought the comments on the FB page were Jasper-esque as well.

At bottom of this is infighting between different community leaders in the Afro Caribbean community.

On the one side Jasper and the other those that are more close to the Labour administration.

Its about differences of political opinion. Creating power bases.

Trouble is its being fought over a popular festival that people (including me) had a good time at. I never had a any trouble at the festival itself. There were issues about aspects of the organisation if you lived in central Brixton. But apart from that its a loss.

I also think , whatever I might think of Jasper, its not beyond reason to wonder if this Nu Labour Council want a "cleaned" up festival thats just a bit less Afro Caribbean and more reflective of the new more upmarket Brixton they would like to promote.

If Jasper had been a bit more clever he could have got more support here. But instead let personal beef with Brixton Buzz and Ed to get in the way.
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