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Brixton Somerleyton Road development, Ovalhouse and Brixton Green - funding, proposed rents etc

"Somerleyton Road is exciting, innovative and genuinely crafted through partnership."

Poor Jacko. He has morphed into the bullshit that his hero Mr Tony use to spout out.

Empty. Hollow. Means fuck all.

Interesting comment at the end of the Brixton Blog piece:

Whereas this article gives a great sense of the strengths and potential of Somerleyton Rd Mr Carroll and / or Brixton Blog does the council a disservice in implying that Brixton Green have had to ‘fight’ for all the houses to be for rent. When I was first canvassed about this Brixton Green were planning a more traditional development model, albeit community led. At one of the workshop meetings I went to it was intimated that the council wanted to pilot a new model and keep the land themselves rather than sell it off.

This is accurate.

The idea that the Council retain ownership and rent/ lease all properties on site was Council idea not Brixton Green.

So were a lot of the ideas for the site. Brixton Green still push idea its all down to them.

At recent meeting I was at they kept referring to it as "there" project. When its not. Its Council project.
It's saying something when Jacko and his Nu Labour pals are seen as the restraining force in this 'exciting' and 'innovative', and 'genuinely crafted partnership.'

What are Brad's property interests around Brixton?
It's saying something when Jacko and his Nu Labour pals are seen as the restraining force in this 'exciting' and 'innovative', and 'genuinely crafted partnership.'

What are Brad's property interests around Brixton?

From what Ive heard and seen its some of the better Council officers who have had to step in at times as a "restraining force". And yes that’s saying something.

Surprised the Brixton Blog article says Brad business is in property. Normally keeps quiet about it.

What is sad about this is that the idea is not all bad. Involve the local community etc.
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Surprised the Brixton Blog article says Brad business is in property. Normally keeps quiet about it.

Strangely Brixton Green Community Land is being shown as dissolved at Company Check.

Likewise for Bradley Carroll Consultancy Ltd.

Ditto for Annie-mail Ltd, a company that Brad was listed as being a Director of. There is a liability of £311,587.

Unless this is a different Brad Carroll? They are all listed on the same profile page though.
Strangely Brixton Green Community Land is being shown as dissolved at Company Check.
Likewise for Bradley Carroll Consultancy Ltd.
Ditto for Annie-mail Ltd, a company that Brad was listed as being a Director of. There is a liability of £311,587.
Unless this is a different Brad Carroll? They are all listed on the same profile page though.
I was sniffing around Companies House website but had not twigged Bradley Joseph Carroll might be the very one. Had assumed not because there seemed to be an Irish connection - and the North West Powerhouse is quite closely linked to Ireland demographically.

However if you have turned up a company called Brixton Green Community Land Ltd that suggests this is Brad and that dissolved company was his. I think more searching is called for - though having a dissolved company with no assets is no big thing. If he turned out to be a director of Keating Estates for example that would be news - but I don't think he is actually a prolific director unlike Jerry Knight - or Julian Pycraft of 400 Coldharbour Lane (ex Granada minicabs and soon to be Rosies Thai Restaurant) .
Did the Brixton Buzz article setting out Brixton Green's alleged lies and demanding apologies ever actually happen in the end?
No, it was going to be entitled "The Lies of Brixton Green in Detail" or similar. Publication announced as imminent at the end of July. I can't link to the relevant post without contravening my gagging order.
They've stuck up a load of banners showing the proposed developement on the corner of Somerleyton Road. I stood and chatted to locals for a while and the reaction to the plans was overwhelmingly negative. One pointed out the lack of black people in the mock ups (a la Brixton Square) while several others expressed surprise and dismay at the sheer scale of the proposals.

"It's mainly for rich folks," seemed to be the consensus.
Lambeth have approved the scheme.

Our ambitions to build 304 new homes, a theatre and much more at Somerleyton Road were given the go ahead by the council’s planning committee last night. This means work could start on the £100 million scheme in Spring next year.

Over a number of years, the council, Brixton Green, Ovalhouse, local people and the design team have worked together to plan a ‘street for all ages’ – from the children’s nursery to the extra care homes.

The council is committed to building 1000 new homes at council rents over the next four years and because it’s acting as its own developer, the focus for Somerleyton Road can be on building affordable homes and a thriving community rather than making a profit.

The development will be owned and managed by local people, businesses and the wider community. The new homes will all be for rent and managed through a new housing cooperative to make sure tenancies and rents are fair. Half of the new homes will be available at affordable rents and 121 of these will be at council rent levels.

Future Brixton
I do wish someone would quantify what Brixton Green have actually done, besides acting like twats.

At the moment they are working on how the finished scheme will be managed. From what I’ve been told the consultation for it is invite only (by Brixton Green).

The development will be owned and managed by local people, businesses and the wider community.

( From Future Brixton)

No detail or how it will be managed. I wonder if nearby residents have been asked about this? ( maybe editor knows?)
At the moment they are working on how the finished scheme will be managed. From what I’ve been told the consultation for it is invite only (by Brixton Green).

( From Future Brixton)

No detail or how it will be managed. I wonder if nearby residents have been asked about this? ( maybe editor knows?)
I know nothing about it.
I know nothing about it.

I attended a recent meeting of the Brixton Neighbourhood Forum ( on behalf of BRUG). An offshoot of Brixton Society and normally a friendly gathering of different community groups.

The recent one I attended Brixton Green turned up to talk about "Their planning application" thats just been agreed. They have been going around telling people its a Brixton Green planning application.

Forgetting the fact that its not a Brixton Green planning application they managed to wind me up before meeting. ie asking why I attended Brixton meetings any more as I was out of the Mansions etc.

Anyway they went on at such a length without actually saying much detail that other groups did not have time to say what they were doing. Including the great work they had done at Number 6. Which I pointed out at meeting was not something that certain other community groups- Brixton Come Together- thought.

I asked about long term management as this was an issue that is important and there had been little detail on. Met with silence on this from BG. They were fuming about my questions.

Did get back up from others at meeting.
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Brixton Green seem to have a new website compared to when I last looked.

Q&A | Brixton Green

Although the strange URL makes me wonder if it's supposed to be live yet :confused:

Thanks for this.

Well. Interesting read.

Who will own the completed development?

Lambeth Council will retain the freehold providing 250 year leases to the Ovalhouse Theatre (for the theatre) and to a new community body for the remainder of the site.

Who will live in the new homes?

100% of the homes will be for rent and they will all be owned by a new housing cooperative. The aim is for the development to provide homes for a mix of income groups. 40% of the homes will have genuine low cost rents, the kind of rents that the Council sets. 50% of all the homes will be Affordable Homes, as defined by the government. At least 60 of the homes will be part of an extra care scheme for older people.

There is a proposal for a local lettings policy for the homes.

So the new "Community Body" will have a lease for 250 years. Thats how I read it.

My acquaintance already said to BG there are issues about a Coop were people will be on different tenancies and rent levels. Normally in permanent Coops everybody is the same. I agree I think this is an issue.

Also if the Coop is for the housing this implies that there will be a two tier body. The Housing Coop and the "community body".

So will the Coop come under the Council or will it be sub licensed to the "community body"? From what Ive heard it will come under the "community body".

All sounds very complicated to me. Is it adding to many layers of management that will add a lot ff cost to the completed Council project in long term?

And what does this mean in practise:

40% of the homes will have genuine low cost rents, the kind of rents that the Council sets.

How will this be guaranteed in the future? "Kind of" is to vague for me.
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I still wonder what Lambeth are doing dealing with such a shifty, opaque, opinion-dividing, shambolic outfit who posted up an official statement from their board that was full of defamatory lies.
At the moment they are working on how the finished scheme will be managed. From what I’ve been told the consultation for it is invite only (by Brixton Green).

( From Future Brixton)

No detail or how it will be managed. I wonder if nearby residents have been asked about this? ( maybe editor knows?)

I strongly suspect that the detail will be "managed by Brixton Green for fees", and that "managed by local people, businesses and the wider community" (a rather broad definition) will be manipulated to mean whatever Lambeth Council and Brixton Green want it to mean.
I still wonder what Lambeth are doing dealing with such a shifty, opaque, opinion-dividing, shambolic outfit who posted up an official statement from their board that was full of defamatory lies.

What are Lambeth doing?
Living down to their reputation.

What does the current organisation of Brixton Green have to do with any future management agreement they might conclude with Lambeth council?
Because it would require a new constitution or an amendment to its existing one - which would fundamentally change the way it operates?

Its current legal framework prevents 'office holders' eg. co. sec, chair, directors, trustees from remuneration under the Charities Act?

And as a membership body that would require ratification by its members?
What does the current organisation of Brixton Green have to do with any future management agreement they might conclude with Lambeth council?
This is what they say about their future involvement

Will Brixton Green be the new community body?

No. Brixton Green's role is to make sure the community are at the forefront of the redevelopment. When the new community body is up and running, the community will have succeeded and Brixton Green's job will be done.
From my hands-on experience of sitting in with meetings with Brixton Green related to this development, I can say that they seemed to have a very, very flexible approach to their involvement.

So flexible in fact, it was nigh on impossible to work out what they were doing.
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