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Brixton Reclaim The Streets - 20 years ago! 6th June 1998


Sure was a very different Brixton back then.




Feature and videos here: Brixton Reclaim The Streets party – archive photos and video footage, 6th June 1998
Great day that.

Thousands in the streets. Techno sound systems outside the town hall. Kids sandpit in the street outside Morleys / Speedy Noodle. Bloke scaling the lampposts to put bin bags over the CCTV cameras. Bewildered coppers not knowing what to do. Never forget it!

20 years ago! FFS.....

Familiar face at 27:59?

I've got a load of photos from that day (actual, real photos, which will need scanning) I should post up here.

To be fair, the need to reclaim the streets is as burning today as it ever was...
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Great day that.

Thousands in the streets. Techno sound systems outside the town hall. Kids sandpit in the street outside Morleys / Speedy Noodle. Bloke scaling the lampposts to put bin bags over the CCTV cameras. Bewildered coppers not knowing what to do. Never forget it!

20 years ago! FFS.....

Familiar face at 27:59?

I've got a load of photos from that day (actual, real photos, which will need scanning) I should post up here.

To be fair, the need to reclaim the streets is as burning today as it ever was...

Proud to be part of the footage! The RTS parties were amazing. I doubt if I'll ever go to a protest to top the M41 bash.
Ah, I'm feeling all nostalgic. Loads of old faces in those vids. Midland Bank on the High Street, 'Brixton Oval' outside the Ritzy, complete with taxi rank before it was pedestrianised. Pizza Hut where KFC is now. :)
Superb video from Headjam, i don't really remember this at all. There was alot going on, familiar faces, love the guys playing chess.

I also remember the locals complaining about the BO of the ravers !
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I went to one that started at Euston.. Few train rides later and we got there. It was epic. Which one was it?
Sure was a very different Brixton back then.

Ten months after this 'party', David Copeland also tried to 'reclaim the streets' in his own way by leaving a nail bomb in the middle of Brixton market, timed to go off when many the people using it (and who had used it for forty years or more) would be gathered in large numbers.

The only regularly recorded and acknowledged victims of that act of terrorism are people who were murdered in a simliar nail bomb attack five miles away and two weeks later.

Walking around Brixton now, one wonders excatly what was reclaimed in Brixton and by whom.
Ten months after this 'party', David Copeland also tried to 'reclaim the streets' in his own way by leaving a nail bomb in the middle of Brixton market, timed to go off when many the people using it (and who had used it for forty years or more) would be gathered in large numbers.

The only regularly recorded and acknowledged victims of that act of terrorism are people who were murdered in a simliar nail bomb attack five miles away and two weeks later.

Walking around Brixton now, one wonders excatly what was reclaimed in Brixton and by whom.
Even the memorial plaque is rather overshadowed by Will Self's street art.
Ten months after this 'party', David Copeland also tried to 'reclaim the streets' in his own way by leaving a nail bomb in the middle of Brixton market, timed to go off when many the people using it (and who had used it for forty years or more) would be gathered in large numbers.

The only regularly recorded and acknowledged victims of that act of terrorism are people who were murdered in a simliar nail bomb attack five miles away and two weeks later.

Walking around Brixton now, one wonders excatly what was reclaimed in Brixton and by whom.
That's history for you. But that doesn't belittle what Reclaim The Streets meant at the time.
Hi everyone,

I'm part of a production for a very upcoming film (completion this Monday) and we are looking to include some of the images in that article and the original post, would anybody be able to send me in the right direction of who took/owns those images?

Thanks so much in advance.
Hi everyone,

I'm part of a production for a very upcoming film (completion this Monday) and we are looking to include some of the images in that article and the original post, would anybody be able to send me in the right direction of who took/owns those images?

Thanks so much in advance.
editor posted the article and I wouldn't be surprised if they are his photos.
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