Fuller notes on the Brixton Central Masterplan "reference group" meeting on 2nd December. Part one as site said to long to post up all in one message.
This was the third reference group consultation meeting on the development of a masterplan for the Brixton Central area.
Well attended. Though only a few had been to all three meetings.
The officers/ consultants gave an overview first then we were split up on tables for discussion of the proposals developed so far by the consultants and officers.
Summary of what they said below:
The Future Brixton project would bring a lot of new investment into Brixton. New jobs and homes.
The full 60 page report on the consultation up to now is
The consultation identified
12 development principles which people were asked to rate. The top four were affordable housing - which was truly affordable, culture and community, car parking for market and affordable workspace and retail.
There will be new car parking space on the old Ice Rink site. Either a smaller car park at ground level or a larger multi story car park.
The idea of a hotel where the disused building by station on Popes road was not fully supported. Two thirds had concerns. Such as does Brixton need another hotel.
The proposal was to "activate" the space between the railway lines. With retail on ground level. Above that an opportunity for workspace and homes higher up.
The site would be able to have additional retail, light industrial and artists studios. They did say artist studios but its not on the website. There are artists studios in some of the arches. Which are in danger of being lost if there is new development.
Design approach.
The design approach was to look at the use of the space and environment. There is opportunity for a new and improved public realm. Particularly by the Rec alongside Brixton Station and between Rec and Ice Rink site. Also extension of Brixton Village with a new covered market space. At higher levels flats with their own outdoor space. About 250 units. To put this amount in the heights would be 15 to 18 stories. There would be a new "public square" on Popes road with new entrance to station.
The development brief that would go to a "development partner" is not the actual architectural design itself. This comes at later stage.
After this there were some questions/ points from those present:
The building of 250 units and improvements would have a knock on effect of increasing land values in surrounding area and thus putting up rents of private renters.
The answer from Council officer:
The Council was encouraging the building of more housing. This was in line with planning policy. This would help to ease pressure on housing. Officer did not refute that land values around the area may increase.
Someone from London Citizens said that they wanted affordable housing to be based on medium income for the area. Rather than the up to 80% of market rent that is classified as affordable but in reality is not to most people.
Answer from officer:
40% of the housing on the site will be affordable ( in theory) and based on the up to 80% of market rent model. The officers will use the affordable model are using on other sites in Lambeth- a "blended" rate. That is larger family units will be set at around 60% of market rent to make them approximately similar to Council target rent. One bed single person flats will be nearer to the 80% of market rent. ie not really affordable. Lambeth Council officers reckon this is good deal. It means they can get larger family sized units ( 3 beds) at rents which will not be affected by benefit caps. (Single people are low priority for the Council.)
The proposal include a lot of tall buildings. This will affect the skyline. The Council have produced a Tall Building study which says how tall buildings should be in specific areas.
Answer from officer:
The heights of buildings will take into account the tall building study.
(There appears to be an argument about how much height of buildings is affected by being in Brixton. Most of which is in Conservation area. So I am not sure there is definite answer to how tall certain buildings can be yet.)
Officer said that the next stage will be for the Council to agree a "development brief". The Council will need to define its relationship with the other big landowner on the site- Network Rail. In theory NR could decide on its own what to do with its land and apply for planning permission. The Council is likely to seek a relationship with NR to make a coherent scheme for all the site.
The officers will put a report into the Cabinet of the Council ( the main decision making body of the Council consisting of Cllrs). The Cabinet will agree the development brief or amend it. This will take place in April/ May. A full planning application will go in around Autumn 2016.
There will be more consultation later on as the project progresses.
We were split up into groups to discuss the
We wrote our comments on the sheets provided by consultants. I do not have yet the full report for this meeting. The consultants asked specific questions on homes, heights of building and uses.
There was a summing up at the end from each group so here are some for my notes on what came up.
Concerns about putting people living above other uses ( workshops/ retail). This might be detrimental to the living environment. There would need to be good management and security for the housing if it was above a other uses.
At my table we did not think there should be housing between the railway lines when so many other uses were on the same site. That this would not work. Instead we said there should be new public space. Also the new blocks between railway lines would be inappropriate heights for the existing streetscape of Brixton.
Everyone agreed that truly affordable housing was very important. Some said they did not mind how tall buildings were as long as that meant the maximum affordable housing.
Air quality- was a study to be done about this? As a lot of new homes would be on the site.
As the buildings were high and therefore highly visible the architecture should be of a high standard.
Instead of hotel a youth hostel or homeless centre was suggested instead.
The new retail should be affordable shops that retained the culture and flavour of the area and not just new more expensive restaurants/ bars. Existing traders should be protected and the market not diluted.
Pushing the existing light industrial further out east was wrong approach. Some of the big arches were used by well established arts group "
The bureau of Silly Ideas" to fabricate large pieces for example.
The car park led to differing opinions. Some thought it was necessary for the market. Others thought car use should be discouraged and greener form of transport use encouraged by less car parking space. It would be possible to "filter" out certain types of traffic from the area. ie private cars but allow traders vehicles, delivery vehicles and buses.
(The Council said it is thinking of doing an experiment like up at Loughborough Junction closing some roads etc around market area to through traffic. Not sure yet exactly how this will work).
Suggested that there should be secure cycle parking as this was not on the proposal drawings. Also Boris bikes in the market area.