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Brixton planning watch: planning applications and decisions listed

You'll have to give us the planning ref. cos links to the planning website always come out broken :(
18/01431/FUL | Erection of three storey building to provide a restaurant (Use Class A3) at the ground floor level and 2 flats (Use Class C3) on the upper floors. | Rear Of 389 Coldharbour Lane London SW9 8LQ
Cheers. Comparing Existing to Proposed ground floor plan, the Bin Store area outside on Railton Rd. is removed. There are new residential and commerical bin stores round the back.



I don't think the residents will bother taking their rubbish all the way round the back to put in in their bin. Does anyone?

Note: This means the loss of the back room at the Dogstar.
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Cheers. Comparing Existing to Proposed ground floor plan, the Bin Store area outside on Railton Rd. is removed. There are new residential and commerical bin stores round the back.

View attachment 134106

View attachment 134107

I don't think the residents will bother taking their rubbish all the way round the back to put in in their bin. Does anyone?

Note: This means the loss of the back room at the Dogstar.
I think the Offline nights were the only ones to ever make use of the room for 'club' type stuff - there's just been a pool table and cloakroom in there ever since.
I think the Offline nights were the only ones to ever make use of the room for 'club' type stuff - there's just been a pool table and cloakroom in there ever since.
where do people smoke? I thought there was a sort of yard out there?
Presumably if it was a smoking area it could be a problem - seeing as the main entrance has queues and security and all that?
where do people smoke? I thought there was a sort of yard out there?
Presumably if it was a smoking area it could be a problem - seeing as the main entrance has queues and security and all that?
There's a back room with a fairly small smoking area outside that.

The club wisely bought the old comic shop on Coldharbour lane to give them a buffer in that direction, but any development that's right next to the Dogstar is going to suffer from a shit load of noise
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Dogstar people must have decided there's enough cash to be made selling the space off that it's worth the risk of noise complaints in the future. Assuming they own it?
I see from the (badly written) DAS that it's a resubmission of the exact same scheme that was given permission in 2011. They are resubmitting because they didn't start construction within the 3 year time limit - therefore the previous permission has lapsed.
They've specced 70mm mineral wool and 100mm thermalite blocks for the party wall, and have wisely put all the staircases bathrooms etc. along it. So long as they put decent windows in, they *should* be ok from a noise POV.
They've specced 70mm mineral wool and 100mm thermalite blocks for the party wall, and have wisely put all the staircases bathrooms etc. along it. So long as they put decent windows in, they *should* be ok from a noise POV.
Where are the smokers going to go? They tend to make more noise than anyone because they're outside.
They've specced 70mm mineral wool and 100mm thermalite blocks for the party wall, and have wisely put all the staircases bathrooms etc. along it. So long as they put decent windows in, they *should* be ok from a noise POV.
Good luck to them with that :thumbs:
Dogstar people must have decided there's enough cash to be made selling the space off that it's worth the risk of noise complaints in the future. Assuming they own it?
Seems to be owned by Atlantic Dogstar Limited, but mortgaged to Barclays Bank


  • Dogstar charge.pdf
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Perhaps they'll introduce a Heath Robinson style smoking room.

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I get the feeling this permission is designed to raise the commercial value of the property, rather than be implemented any time soon.
They've specced 70mm mineral wool and 100mm thermalite blocks for the party wall, and have wisely put all the staircases bathrooms etc. along it. So long as they put decent windows in, they *should* be ok from a noise POV.

That's down to me. I objected to original application. Its ludicrous for a bar owner to build flats next door to his pub/ club.

The original plans didn't have any sound proofing. They put this in, if I remember correctly, as result of comments.

I still think its not on for a bar owner to build flats right next to late night licensed bar.
Didn't this come up a few months ago Brixton planning watch: planning applications and decisions listed
If it's the same one I seem to recall the Brixton Society putting in an objection saying something like it would be totally unacceptable unless the currently disused passage between Brixton Road (tube entrance) and Electric Avenue was reopened (because of nuisance to residents on Electric Lane etc).
I'll move these posts to that thread as it makes sense to keep the story in one place.
Didn't this come up a few months ago Brixton planning watch: planning applications and decisions listed
If it's the same one I seem to recall the Brixton Society putting in an objection saying something like it would be totally unacceptable unless the currently disused passage between Brixton Road (tube entrance) and Electric Avenue was reopened (because of nuisance to residents on Electric Lane etc).

Yes it is. Been looking at Lambeth planning website and can't work out what is going on.

17/03991/FUL | Change of use from Retail (Use Class A1) to Restaurant (Use Class A3), replacement of the existing Electric Lane facade to create a new shop front, installation of glazed windows to the north facade and the extension of the existing footpath to Electric Lane. | Units On Electric Lane Located Rear Of 427 Brixton Road London SW9

Says awaiting decision. Doesn't make sense.

Can you see what's been happening?

I put comments opposing this change of use. I got letter about this. Forgot I had opposed original application.
Didn't this come up a few months ago Brixton planning watch: planning applications and decisions listed
If it's the same one I seem to recall the Brixton Society putting in an objection saying something like it would be totally unacceptable unless the currently disused passage between Brixton Road (tube entrance) and Electric Avenue was reopened (because of nuisance to residents on Electric Lane etc).

Here it says all the planning applications related to this change of use are "pending consideration". Including change of use to bar/ restaurant.

Even though the change of use application was some time ago.

I really don't understand what is going on.

OHI5CABO03700 | Units On Electric Lane Located Rear Of 427 Brixton Road London SW9
I need to try to get a handle on these applications. Have had other non-planning issues recently, so a bit out of the loop.

It's possible that these are speculative applications and the applicants want some indication from the council that they may get approval before they put more negotiation into it.

Given the sensitivities in the area highlighted in the Brixton Society response it seems strange that the planners never asked either of the applicants to do a community consultation prior to submission of the application - as they have several times on developments in Loughborough Junction for example.

What we need is a purge on planning. It would be great if the Greens can get on a councillor with the incisive expertise Brian Palmer used to provide. We live in hope.
Genuine bemusement as to why you think that this is awful compared to what is there presently?!
What's there is ugly but this just extends the ugliness into a hipster joint crassly emblazoned with the word' MEAT'. How many more fucking trendy, booze-shunting pricey chain restaurants (and their piss distributing customers) does Brixton need?
What's there is ugly but this just extends the ugliness into a hipster joint crassly emblazoned with the word' MEAT'. How many more fucking trendy, booze-shunting pricey chain restaurants (and their piss distributing customers) does Brixton need?

Maybe if the Albert, a Greene King chain pub, weren’t selling 3 shots for a fiver then we might have less booze shunted piss artists all over town.

Regardless, Meat Liquor or not, bringing that part of Electric Lane into use cannot be seen as a bad thing.
Maybe if the Albert, a Greene King chain pub, weren’t selling 3 shots for a fiver then we might have less booze shunted piss artists all over town.
The Albert has been in Brixton for over a hundred years, it's an affordable boozer and much-loved by more than a few long term members of the community. Now what has this to do with planning?
Genuine bemusement as to why you think that this is awful compared to what is there presently?!

It's a loading bay for shops.

This is totally unsuitable site for yet another restaurant/ bar due to its proximity to residential housing.

As I've said previously if this site is underused then better use would be for office/ workshop space.

There is no need for more bars / restaurant in Brixton.
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