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Brixton news, rumours and general chat - June 2017

This is a sad start to the month: a friend on FB is reporting that "Atlantic Bakery was robbed of their week’s takings" :(

I posted on Buzz about the fire on Station Road - some more detail was offered on FB again:


A lot of swimmers and women from the sauna took refuge in Wetherspoons - clad in foil sheets! Lambeth doesn't have a linked fire alarm system in the premises beneath the Rec.Initially there was no alarm to help Rec users to leave the building, although the staff were helpful and polite once the evacuation was undertaken.
Bernie Sanders is apparently launching his book (or at least the paperback version) at the Academy tomorrow with David Lammy in the chair.

Will they be out on the knocker supporting Helen Hayes - or Kate Hoey - that is the question.Bernie Sanders.jpg
If you try to download the manifesto from Lambeth labour's website you just get an error message 'access denied'. Inspiring stuff. :facepalm:

I'm no LD supporter but for Lambeth Labour to say the LDs are hopeless locally is bollox. The LD Cllrs worked hard in local issues. They lost there seats due to national issues. Locally they were good on planning committee. As Lambeth Labour is run in Stalinist lines they were the only Cllrs to provide an opposition. Except for the one Green Cllr.
I fucking loathe Lambeth Labour. They're actually worse than scummy Lambeth Tories (who at least opposed the 'bookish libraries' and the demolition of Cressingham Gardens), but given the nationwide context, I'll be voting Labour but only for Corbyn.

Chucka and his slippery Blairite chums can suck my ballot paper. And yes, I am angry.
I fucking loathe Lambeth Labour. They're actually worse than scummy Lambeth Tories (who at least opposed the 'bookish libraries' and the demolition of Cressingham Gardens), but given the nationwide context, I'll be voting Labour but only for Corbyn.

Chucka and his slippery Blairite chums can suck my ballot paper. And yes, I am angry.

I saw today even the Evening Standard had to report that in London Corbyn ratings have improved. A few weeks ago ES was salivating on prospect that Labour MPs were under threat.

So Osborne's ES ran piece today why Corbyn will take this country to the dogs. That London electorate should behave in grown up manner.

I really hate the Standard.
I fucking loathe Lambeth Labour. They're actually worse than scummy Lambeth Tories (who at least opposed the 'bookish libraries' and the demolition of Cressingham Gardens), but given the nationwide context, I'll be voting Labour but only for Corbyn.

The reason they can behave like this is because they can.

ANY opposition and they'd be a better council.

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