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Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2014

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Brixton 'Booty' car boot sale on Coldharbour Lane.....................
policy is a bit rich. Wonder how much the space costs them?

The good news is that it apparently attracts "a vibrant mix of buyers and sellers."
What caught my eye, buried in the blog was this:

Brixton booty is the first regular boot sale to held in the heart of Brixton, well almost the heart. It is situated on Coldharbour Lane, about 10 mins walk from the newly refurbished Town Hall.

I had an inkling that the Domino Club management was not really local (only one director was from Brixton a couple of years ago), but whoever is promoting this Brixton Booty seems to be taking their information from the "Future Brixton" website/blog without doing a reality check.

Or have I missed something?

Brixton 'Booty' car boot sale on Coldharbour Lane.

£25 to sell from a van or £20 for a car is pretty pricey compared to most.

What is a bit more unusual is having to pay to go and buy there :hmm:

8am onwards it costs £3
9am onwards it costs 50p

Guess this is to stop (or cash in on) the hawkers and traders swarming over the stalls first thing. Still seems a bit off to me though.

If they can get 30 pitches sold (10 vans and 20 cars for example) that makes £650.

Add 30 visitors at £3 and another 200 at 50p giving another £190 would give the organisers £840 for a Sunday mornings graft.

Glad to see a central Brixton boot sale but think the Nu Brickers pricing policy is a bit rich. Wonder how much the space costs them?

A day-long market stall on Brixton Station Rd only costs between £15 and £25 quid, and its all set up for you. They're 'aving a laugh.
Anyone else received a call from a security company scare-mongering about local crime in order to sell their security devices? The caller started off by referring to community safety, so I thought it was something to do with the council. She said that robberies and burglaries in the area are rising, then got pushier when I said I felt safe and didn't need their product, saying that there's a rise in aggravated burglary. When I repeated I felt safe in my area, she was indignant, and said something sarky along the lines of, "Oh, well, if you feel safe, good for you".
Anyone else received a call from a security company scare-mongering about local crime in order to sell their security devices? The caller started off by referring to community safety, so I thought it was something to do with the council. She said that robberies and burglaries in the area are rising, then got pushier when I said I felt safe and didn't need their product, saying that there's a rise in aggravated burglary. When I repeated I felt safe in my area, she was indignant, and said something sarky along the lines of, "Oh, well, if you feel safe, good for you".

ADT? They do a hard sell door to door as well
Anyone else received a call from a security company scare-mongering about local crime in order to sell their security devices? The caller started off by referring to community safety, so I thought it was something to do with the council. She said that robberies and burglaries in the area are rising, then got pushier when I said I felt safe and didn't need their product, saying that there's a rise in aggravated burglary. When I repeated I felt safe in my area, she was indignant, and said something sarky along the lines of, "Oh, well, if you feel safe, good for you".
We got home to a van full of riot police at the end if our road so maybe they have a point :hmm:
Looks like the self-centred nu-residents moving right next to a lively music venue and then complaining like fuck about the noise phenomenon isn't only confined to Coldharbour Lane. I'll post up more depressing info about this when I can.
Or, in my case, never answering the phone

I go one step further, i almost never give my home number to anyone, i never answer the phone if it rings but i pay for it because i'm old fashioned. There was a time when having a home telephone was important almost a sign of respectability. How dare these capitalists think they can just make random calls, it's almost as bad a knocking on the door unannounced. Lot's of charities do this now and think it's ok because "we have a licence from the council".
We got home to a van full of riot police at the end if our road so maybe they have a point :hmm:

There aren't many riots any more so those guys just hang round in random places waiting for things to kick off. Nothing untoward about them being on your road.
I just don't have a land line at all as I can see no point in it. The spam callers just go for my mobile instead.
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