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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

This is why it needs to be forced. People are never going to give up their cars willingly.

Ban private cars from city centres. Ban on street parking for private vehicles. Make petrol ruinously expensive. Tax per mile, weighted against vehicle size, close through/cross city road routes. 20mph max in any built up area, etc etc.

Driving needs to be made an utterly miserable experience for anyone it isn’t absolutely essential for. And that’s a list a lot smaller than most people think.
Petrol ruiniously expensive will impact on those that drive due to additional or medical needs.
Ruinously expensive fuel is just not going to happen anytime soon because we've managed to build a country where too many people are car dependant. Realistically it has to start in cities with things like LTNs - and road pricing if there is any hope of getting that through politically.
Ruinously expensive fuel is just not going to happen anytime soon because we've managed to build a country where too many people are car dependant. Realistically it has to start in cities with things like LTNs - and road pricing if there is any hope of getting that through politically.
Road pricing will happen with electric vehicles, politically there is just too much money waiting to be lost from petrol duty and they won't want to raise all electricity prices to cover that loss.
Road pricing will happen with electric vehicles, politically there is just too much money waiting to be lost from petrol duty and they won't want to raise all electricity prices to cover that loss.
Yes, I agree and it will hopefully be one of the positives to come out of a transition to EVs.
So people who would struggle to walk or use public transport and therefore have to use a vehicle should be penalised out of their benefits? Do you work for the government, because I think there's a job for you.
I think you've completely misunderstood what i was saying.

PIP/DLA exist to cover extra costs of disabilities.

If cars are being taxed to increase their costs and this hits people with disabilities with an extra cost then this extra cost could be covered through PIP/DLA, as that is the purpose of these benefits.

So anyone with mobility issues or whatever that meant they really needed to use a car could get extra payments through PIP/DLA to cover this, not a cut out of their benefits.
I think you've completely misunderstood what i was saying.

PIP/DLA exist to cover extra costs of disabilities.

If cars are being taxed to increase their costs and this hits people with disabilities with an extra cost then this extra cost could be covered through PIP/DLA, as that is the purpose of these benefits.

So anyone with mobility issues or whatever that meant they really needed to use a car could get extra payments through PIP/DLA to cover this, not a cut out of their benefits.
So you're saying there would be an increase in pip and dla to cover this, that was not clear but welcomed if that's what you meant.
I think you've completely misunderstood what i was saying.

PIP/DLA exist to cover extra costs of disabilities.

If cars are being taxed to increase their costs and this hits people with disabilities with an extra cost then this extra cost could be covered through PIP/DLA, as that is the purpose of these benefits.

So anyone with mobility issues or whatever that meant they really needed to use a car could get extra payments through PIP/DLA to cover this, not a cut out of their benefits.
The problem is that would run counter to what is actually happening to benefits, ie they’re shrinking/becoming harder to get in the first place. :( Whatever controls get put in place, blue badge holders should not be penalised, and also ideally those who don’t quite qualify but still need car transport for genuine accessibility reasons.

My completely-not-serious-but-satisfying solution would be everyone who isn’t the above having to apply for permits for their semi regular journeys ;)
This hiding behind people with disabilities to stop measures to reduce car usage is pretty sickening especially as it usually comes from people that don’t give a shit otherwise but as it impacts them suddenly seem to care.
This hiding behind people with disabilities to stop measures to reduce car usage is pretty sickening especially as it usually comes from people that don’t give a shit otherwise but as it impacts them suddenly seem to care.
Yes, but tbf that’s not what is happening in this recent exchange.
So you're saying there would be an increase in pip and dla to cover this, that was not clear but welcomed if that's what you meant.
Yes, why are you still doubting what I meant when I've been completely explicit now since you clearly misunderstood my initial post.
The problem is that would run counter to what is actually happening to benefits, ie they’re shrinking/becoming harder to get in the first place. :( Whatever controls get put in place, blue badge holders should not be penalised, and also ideally those who don’t quite qualify but still need car transport for genuine accessibility reasons.

My completely-not-serious-but-satisfying solution would be everyone who isn’t the above having to apply for permits for their semi regular journeys ;)
Yeah but beesonthewhatnow idea is not something that is going to happen with the current politicians, I wasn't dealing with the current world but one in which a government exists which would consider such policies.
I walked the length of Croxted road around lunchtime today, from West Dulwich to Brockwell park.

The "no to LTNs" placards continue to outnumber massive traffic queues, of which I saw none.

Here is the queue that built up during a cycle of the traffic lights at the bottom

Screenshot 2022-03-03 at 14.52.09.jpgScreenshot 2022-03-03 at 14.52.26.jpg
Looks similar to when I took the bus in early December, during "rush hour". It does get busier when the school run is happening, and only during term time. If only someone could figure out the cause.
Solution obviously is to ban kids from driving themselves to school ( :thumbs: )
I was tongue in cheek, but surprised that there are that many kids driving themselves.
Even the College, which isn't short of land, doesn't have that much all-day parking space for them

Can't imagine 6th formers self driving would be that material compared to the number of parents doing the school run. But happy to be corrected
I was tongue in cheek, but surprised that there are that many kids driving themselves.
Even the College, which isn't short of land, doesn't have that much all-day parking space for them

Can't imagine 6th formers self driving would be that material compared to the number of parents doing the school run. But happy to be corrected
I think the moan was that they fill all the (not resident only) parking In the surrounding streets.
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