It’s rather telling though sadly not surprising at all to see the contrast between the “welcome” and subsequent treatment new member
Marilla has received here so far, and that of another new poster in the Squire and Partners thread back in March (post no. 512 and onwards).
In that instance, a new member to the boards posted an comment that happened to be critical of Squire and Partners. There were elements of the post that seemed contradictory to an established poster, which prompted him to ask the new poster if a particular aspect of the post might amount to double standards.
Cue much indignation from some quarters by the very suggestion of it, complete with accusations of the established poster who made that comment of 'having a go' at the new poster, and his post of being 'insulting and nonsense'. A completely out of order and unacceptable way to greet a new arrival to the forum, by any account.
Fast forward nine months, and when another new poster expresses an opinion that appears to be off-message with some, they are rewarded with a condescending reply and a succession of subsequent exchanges that are pretty fucking far from welcoming, and by the very same people who were crying foul about about another new member being challenged on their initial post to boot.
A cynic might be tempted to conclude that brand new members to the Brixton forum must be afforded the friendliest & most uncritical welcome possible- unless of course their initial post offers a differing opinion to one’s own viewpoint on any given subject- in which case, release the hounds!