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Brixton chitter chatter, part 2

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Ooh, am I first?

So, this widening of the pavement outside Morleys et al. Have they considered the fact that widening the pavement will narrow the road and how this will affect bus stops and traffic generally?
So, this widening of the pavement outside Morleys et al. Have they considered the fact that widening the pavement will narrow the road and how this will affect bus stops and traffic generally?

i was thinking this the other day as my bus crawling through the traffic and the bus driver couldnt overtake another bus so we all had to wait impatiently for it to move on :mad::rolleyes:
i'm quite pissed off that its going to take so long to sort out, this has added at least an extra 40mins on to my weekly doings
Yeah right, it's all pavements and helicopters :rolleyes:

Where's the juicy stuff? :mad:

Back in the day Brixton chitter chatter used to be sooo much better than this *flicks hair*

My new downstairs neigbours like an argument. Last night it was he's not happy with her being on the piss and she's not happy about borrowing money for him.

He trashed her room last week.

Their landlady has a history of choosing shit tennants.
Ya might wanna ask the old bird who I've seen AGAIN with her dress hitched up, pleasuring herself outside late night D's on CHL. Not a great sight first thing in the mornin :eek:

Not for you maybe.

Hubba hubba!
Ooh, am I first?

So, this widening of the pavement outside Morleys et al. Have they considered the fact that widening the pavement will narrow the road and how this will affect bus stops and traffic generally?

Yes, but the central island is narrower (although not by as much as they're extending the pavement). Bastards moved the No. 45 bus stop as well :mad:
hehe, this thread always brings images like this to my mind:


Nothing wrong with a bit of curtain twitching!

I've started clearing space in my fridge for the impending Chucklehead cider weekend and have had the ususal arguments with my uncultured friends as to why I'm not leaving Herne Hill over the weekend of County Fair. No, Lovebox is not better than owls, jousting and geese herding.

A mate was threatened with a machete the other night after asking his neighbour to turn down Celine Dion. Oh and a UKIP branded bus drove into the bridge at Coldharbour Lane / Railton Road. Again. There's potential for U-Turn jokes there somewhere.

Oh and that shop in Granville has extended its range of plastic fruit:

And a little late, but Keith Hill meets Bob the Builder at the Effra Early Years opening (2 years late)

Helicopter's out again!

Is it just me, or are the 'copters out every night lately? A few years ago, they were out every eve at around 8 pm - we raised it at the cpcg (community police consultative group) and was told it was a tactic being used at the time to pick up intel, reassurance, etc. Each flight costs shitloads of money which, we argued, would be better used to fund officers on the ground. Looks like they might be doing it again.

Apart from the cost, it makes you feel like you're living in a war zone, and its bloody annoying when you're trying to get a good night's kip.
bloody helicopter, it did at least half a dozen circles overhead last night about 1.30 ish... seemed pretty low. I did begin to think war zone too or rather just how much overtime and fuel is that costing?
I might bring it up at the cpcg on tuesday (1st july, 6 pm, town hall), tho' the main topic for the night is stop n' search, so might not get a chance to raise it this time.
(bit late on the breaking-news bleeding-edge form of chitter chatter but anyway) ...

... very large sections of Brixton Road northbound were cordoned off and a load of police cars (6? 7? 8?) parked around the place at 02:15ish this morning - from just past St Matthews up to Brixton Hill - and the copter was hovering above the area as well.

Another killing? (hope not) .... or another prison break?
There had been a earlier accident so Brixton Hill was shut all evening and traffic diverted down St Matthew's and Water Lane - nice, not:mad:
a helicopter was hovering right over my house for half an hour this afternoon, and it was there for about 15 mins or so this morning too :hmm:
The high street's all closed off to traffic from barnardos up to the town hall. Security alert at the tube someone was saying.
Oh and for the benefit of any cheapskate drinkers out there, there are several crates of cans and bottles of beers reduced to fifty pence each sitting in sainsbury's.
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