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Brixton bars and venues coming out of the lockdown and (slowly) reopening


Thought this would be a good place to lost businesses coming back to life.

Here's the ones I've seen now serving takeaway drinks:

Coldharbour Lane
Shrub & Shutter
Hip Hop Chip Shop
Rum Kitchen

Brixton Road:
Crown & Anchor doing very good business selling two pints plastic bottles for people to enjoy in the adjacent park

Herne Hill
Off The Cuff
The Lounge place opposite
The (two?) breweries nearby

Any more?
OTC queue yesterday stopped any ability to social distance going through the pedestrianised bit. No attempt to make the queue get out of people’s way.
OTC queue yesterday stopped any ability to social distance going through the pedestrianised bit. No attempt to make the queue get out of people’s way.
I was in Herne Hill yesterday and noticed the OTC was opening later in the afternoon.
I tried to explain that thread when OTC first opened to the person I was with. He looked confused :D
Still open though innit??
I've just been listening to a Radio 4 debate about reopening the pubs and how they will enforce distancing rules. The presenter seemed incredulous that every punter would need to register. The bars re-opened in Germany three weeks ago and everybody who enters, registers their contact details, either by filling in a form or with their smart phone. Everybody has to sit at tables, no mingling and as it's summer, more tables have been put out on the pavement. Local councils have given permission for bars and restaurant to take up more of the pavement area than then is usually permitted for their venue. It's not the same but its better than nothing. Been out on the piss most evenings to make up for lost time. :D
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Lots of disability campaigner are rightfully cautious about the encroachment into pavements by bars & cafes
I will add that German and most other European cities have far broader pavements than UK cities. If it was up to me, UK cities should just close off certain streets to traffic for the remainder of the pandemic.
Why would anyone by a takeaway pint from a pub to have in the park? Serious question, it makes no sense.
Why would anyone by a takeaway pint from a pub to have in the park? Serious question, it makes no sense.
I think it makes sense at the Crown & Anchor which is literally right next to the park. Their prices are affordable-ish and I guess some will always prefer a fresh pint to a tinned/canned offering. Buying an expensive pint to stand in the street is just stupidity.
I think it makes sense at the Crown & Anchor which is literally right next to the park. Their prices are affordable-ish and I guess some will always prefer a fresh pint to a tinned/canned offering. Buying an expensive pint to stand in the street is just stupidity.
In that case it's convenience I get that. The plastic waste is another thing that irks.
I think it makes sense at the Crown & Anchor which is literally right next to the park. Their prices are affordable-ish and I guess some will always prefer a fresh pint to a tinned/canned offering. Buying an expensive pint to stand in the street is just stupidity.

I could see the logic in wanting a draft poured pint and decanting into your own glass pint glass in the park, tbf
Why would anyone by a takeaway pint from a pub to have in the park? Serious question, it makes no sense.
That's how it started here in Berlin. My main reason was to support my favourite bars, many of whom may close if this carries on. Didn't go to the park, had my beer in front of the bar and then someone had to check we all are far enough apart.
Why would anyone by a takeaway pint from a pub to have in the park? Serious question, it makes no sense.

Going into a pub and buying a pint is a little bit of normality isn't it. Even if you can't stay to drink it that's still appealing to a lot of people I think.
Why would anyone by a takeaway pint from a pub to have in the park? Serious question, it makes no sense.
For us real ale bores, a pint of draft, cask conditioned ale is vastly superior to any other form of beer.

In Winchester last weekend the Cathedral Close was rammed and the queue outside the Old Vine was horrific (I didn't bother).

I get what you mean though - why not just take a few tins to the park and meet friends for a drink. Depends how close the pub is to the park I guess.
Going into a pub and buying a pint is a little bit of normality isn't it. Even if you can't stay to drink it that's still appealing to a lot of people I think.
I get your point, but you don't actually 'go into' any of the bars I've seen - they all have a counter stuck right by the door.
This is, quite seriously, the most important factor in "why I haven't been buying pints and sitting in the park". I can't risk getting caught short, and I'm too old to risk getting done for pissing up an alley.
There's an abundance of bushes in the parks near me that have become fairly established ad hoc loos now, complete with orderly queues at peak times!
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