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Brixton bars and venues coming out of the lockdown and (slowly) reopening

I don’t understand why people will give pubs their money for nothing for these crowdfunders.

Why is someone an 'idiot' for supporting their local independent live music venue/pub that could well disappear forever without some financial help? Be sure to elaborate your reasons. Thanks.
I don’t understand why people will give pubs their money for nothing for these crowdfunders.


Disagree (partly because we have done it, at a very minor level)

They are all getting raped by the breweries for rent even in lockdown (only Admiral is the exception I read somewhere).

I don't pub as much as I did in younger days, but know that I would miss them if they weren't there. If a few quid from similar minded people helps them to keep their heads above water so that they are still there once the lurgy threats reduce - I think it is money well spent. If I thought that a pub was to fail and be replaced by more flats but that a few tenners from me and others could have saved it, I would be gutted

In the case of the Railway, which was given as an example, I was no great supporter of their relatively expensive beer and occasionally chaotic bar staff but.....
They are great for kid friendly afternoons, the food is passable, there was plenty of space for larger gatherings and I have had some wicked random music nights there.
They have put on an excellent virtual quiz during the shut-down: I think it morally correct to give a bit of money every time you join the quiz on facebook (you would have to pay if you did it in the pub). I've also taken a punt on tickets for their benefit weekended even though the date is fluid. In my view their reputation has been enhanced by their behaviour lately and more strength to their elbow.
Why is someone an 'idiot' for supporting their local independent live music venue/pub that could well disappear forever without some financial help? Be sure to elaborate your reasons. Thanks.
The owners have coined it in I’m sure over the years. They should use their savings.
Or they can use your savings... no difference to me!
Disagree (partly because we have done it, at a very minor level)

They are all getting raped by the breweries for rent even in lockdown (only Admiral is the exception I read somewhere).

I don't pub as much as I did in younger days, but know that I would miss them if they weren't there. If a few quid from similar minded people helps them to keep their heads above water so that they are still there once the lurgy threats reduce - I think it is money well spent. If I thought that a pub was to fail and be replaced by more flats but that a few tenners from me and others could have saved it, I would be gutted

In the case of the Railway, which was given as an example, I was no great supporter of their relatively expensive beer and occasionally chaotic bar staff but.....
They are great for kid friendly afternoons, the food is passable, there was plenty of space for larger gatherings and I have had some wicked random music nights there.
They have put on an excellent virtual quiz during the shut-down: I think it morally correct to give a bit of money every time you join the quiz on facebook (you would have to pay if you did it in the pub). I've also taken a punt on tickets for their benefit weekended even though the date is fluid. In my view their reputation has been enhanced by their behaviour lately and more strength to their elbow.
They're a major asset to the local community, nurturing local talent, hosting free weekly live music shows, DJ nights, putting on fashion shows for young designers and putting on events that bring the community together (like their Christmas carol singing concerts and the outdoor football screenings).

The beer may be more expensive than most, but that's what comes with being independent, and you can still enjoy the entertainment if you've only bought an orange juice or whatever.

I was happy to donate to their crowdfunder because it's important these kind of places survive - we've already lost far too many local music venues and they are essential for the next generation of musicians.
The owners have coined it in I’m sure over the years. They should use their savings.
Or they can use your savings... no difference to me!
And you know this for a fact, how...? How much do you think a pub like the Windmill makes (and they've just had their rent hiked up though the roof).

And you still haven't explained why you think anyone choosing to support their local venue is an 'idiot'. Please do.
Well the owner of the Railway isn't short of a few quid, and yes I do know that for a fact. But that's beside the point. I agree with you editor that we should support the independent pubs - but it's a bit too soon for them to open from what I can tell.

It's a terrible dilemma. I have friends who work locally in hospitality who don't actually want to come off furlough as the conditions are going to be so shit for them. Boris has forced the hand of owners and it's completely irresponsible. Even Whitty has come out and said that today - no wonder they canned the daily press conferences. Those guys could clearly no longer be trusted not to contradict what the buffoon next to them was saying every afternoon.

I did donate to the Windmill through the link you posted up a couple of months ago. Can't afford to give anymore right now but maybe you could post the link again?
Well the owner of the Railway isn't short of a few quid, and yes I do know that for a fact. But that's beside the point. I agree with you editor that we should support the independent pubs - but it's a bit too soon for them to open from what I can tell.

It's a terrible dilemma. I have friends who work locally in hospitality who don't actually want to come off furlough as the conditions are going to be so shit for them. Boris has forced the hand of owners and it's completely irresponsible. Even Whitty has come out and said that today - no wonder they canned the daily press conferences. Those guys could clearly no longer be trusted not to contradict what the buffoon next to them was saying every afternoon.

I did donate to the Windmill through the link you posted up a couple of months ago. Can't afford to give anymore right now but maybe you could post the link again?
Here's a list of local crowdfunders: Save your local pub/venue! There’s still time to donate to these crowdfunders

Most of their donations dried up early (that's why I wrote the article), but the Cavendish raised a frankly astonishing £20k, the Windmill is on £47k, Hootananny is on £17.5k, the Railway £6k and poor ol' Off The Cuff didn't even manage to hit the first £1k of their wildly ambitious £35k target.
The town centre is packed - almost back to pre-Covid levels. Some bars aren't making much of an effort to keep the queues outside social distanced which is a bit depressing and that new Whiskey Tumbler bar was totally rammed.
I went to the Beehive - via Brixton Station Road. Not a lot of social distancing going on in the queues outside Pop Brixton.
Max Cafe seemed about 60% full and the Eritrean places under Brixton Rec on the other side had customers - though mostly outside because smoking. The Craft Beer place seemed about 50%.

The Beehive itself they have invested in what I believe is called a theatre rope for the bouncer to monitor - so the admission experience is a bit more luxurious, and the boundary very clear.

It seemed pretty full inside (meaning tables all occupied) at 9.30 pm, and I could not see any of my old mates, so I came back home for the Philip Glass on Radio 3.
Passed through Brixton Hill around 1pm yesterday. Crown & Sceptre open with customers. White Horse, heaving outside, it looked like it's normal sunny friday night etc

Me & friends have been getting take outs at Canopy, Herne Hill, and then turning the park cafe benches into our own beer garden. We're not the only ones and you can spread out away from people fine.
Photos of Sat night around Brixton

Super Saturday night in Brixton - a look around the pubs as they reopened on Sat 4th July 2020

Super Saturday night in Brixton - a look around the pubs as they reopened on Sat 4th July 2020

Any word on the Effra Hall Tavern/Albert opening again?
From t'other thread:

Effra Hall Tavern opened last Saturday (see pic)

Super Saturday night in Brixton - a look around the pubs as they reopened on Sat 4th July 2020

No prospect of the Effra Social or Albert reopening any time soon as far as I can see.

Joiners Arms in Camberwell should be opening next week.
There was a piece on these new club events in the Evening Standard yesterday. The guy who co-runs the Jamm said it was going to be a bit of a challenge as people are not really allowed to dance, the music will be low and djs told to play more calm sets so as not to excite punters too much!

It all sounds pretty shit to me, but I suppose folk who do go to clubs just to sit around chatting it may not be that different. It's just a shame that nightclubs will be pandering to the brunch brigade, which for some reason I really don't like.
There was a piece on these new club events in the Evening Standard yesterday. The guy who co-runs the Jamm said it was going to be a bit of a challenge as people are not really allowed to dance, the music will be low and djs told to play more calm sets so as not to excite punters too much!

It all sounds pretty shit to me, but I suppose folk who do go to clubs just to sit around chatting it may not be that different. It's just a shame that nightclubs will be pandering to the brunch brigade, which for some reason I really don't like.
It's not my thing at all - I'd rather sit in the park with a beer and a small speaker - but I totally get why the bars are having to do this and I'll do my bit to support them.

It looks like some of the the POW DJs are doing it for free/cheap which is probably the only way they'll get work right now.

It's difficult because when I DJ my fundamental job is to pack a venue, make people drink more and dance, and with these new clubs all the rules have changed. I'm thinking of pitching a mellow 70s/folk night in one of my locals just so I can do something and I'd be happy to do it for free.
Walking through central Brixton now, you'd never know there was any kind of restrictions going on if you went past the Rum Kitchen, Satay Bar, Laundry and Brixton Village. And, of course, outside the Barrier Block where there's a 50+ people BBQ going on.
Fentiman arms was still shut when I passed it last week.
also North Brixton denizens have two new gaffs to try for mediterranean food...
de lieto on South Island place is offering wood oven pizza every day except Monday from afternoon til tennish on top of their vfm lunch menu...
and there is new joint advertising it’s self as hummus mezze deli, the aroma coming from there made my mouth water, gonna try halloumi pitta biz in the coming days....it’s on the Brixton road/Crewdson road junction.
I went to hootenanny yesterday. I had to ask the guy ‘manning’ the front gate if I should sign in and he half arsedly pointed at a notebook and then went back to reading his phone. While I enjoy the fact I can go to the pub again it’s utterly pointless having that notebook. It was life as completely normal. Not singling thing them out, everywhere is pretty much the same. The only place I’ve visited which is taking it very seriously is the commercial in herne hill.

there’s absolutely no way a second wave isn’t coming.
As an aside, hootenanny are doing a very good happy hour, from 5 to 7, pints are 2.50 :) and it is very nice sitting in that garden.
I went to hootenanny yesterday. I had to ask the guy ‘manning’ the front gate if I should sign in and he half arsedly pointed at a notebook and then went back to reading his phone. While I enjoy the fact I can go to the pub again it’s utterly pointless having that notebook. It was life as completely normal. Not singling thing them out, everywhere is pretty much the same.....
there’s absolutely no way a second wave isn’t coming.
Did you go in the hootenanny in the end ?
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