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Brixton bars and venues coming out of the lockdown and (slowly) reopening

Railway Tulse Hill benefit weekender now shifted from this weekend to weekend of 25 September
this is interesting - effectively a dj night

I guess by limiting groups to booths they're reducing the risk of breaking the loud music rule. I can't say I'm totally convinced, but I understand this is really tough for bars.

We will have to have a minimum of 4 per booth and a maximum of 6 to keep the average attendance up for each seating.

Customers will therefore have to buy group tickets, of 4, 5 or 6 - no individual tickets. We encourage you to try and gather a group of 6 so we can maximise the number of seats utilised at the venue.

Elsewhere, Jamm has built an entire new area - the Brixton Courtyard - with social distancing in mind.
presumably having people in their own booths (and in an open space? I've never been, nor probably will ever go to this place) helps limit any transmission of lurgy between groups - which has to be a good thing
Elsewhere, Jamm has built an entire new area - the Brixton Courtyard - with social distancing in mind.

Won't this more or less what they had before lockdown (but after reclaiming the space from being a car wash )

Either way - another good thing

Places with decent outdoor space: the above + DoE, railway, hoots etc will be relatively well / better off in the foreseeable
presumably having people in their own booths (and in an open space? I've never been, nor probably will ever go to this place) helps limit any transmission of lurgy between groups - which has to be a good thing
But if you're from different households then there's no way you're even a metre apart if you're all in a booth together. I hope it's safe because I want vars and pubs to survive, but not at the expense of another spike in transmission.
Good point - well made.
Although ever since Cummings gate I suspect that the rules are being breached more than observed.

I do wonder if the Leicester lock-down is a form of "pour encourager les autres" in a place which isn't London (and therefore is irrelevant) - still I'm veering widely off topic. Sorry
Railway Tulse Hill benefit weekender now shifted from this weekend to weekend of 25 September
Where did you read this? I'll be very surprised if that is the date because I can't see packed out gigs being allowed by then.
"We got tickets" emailed me this morning
Please note that this event has been rescheduled from 3rd, 4th and 5th July. It will now take place over the weekend of Friday 25th, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th Sep 2020.

Your ticket remains valid and all other details are the same.

Though I was previously of the belief that the date was still TBD, and was unaware of the possibility of it ever happening this weekend until I got the email.

Fully prepared for the date to move again - and for the line-up to change as there will be a lot of moving parts to coordinate
Tulse Hill and West Norwood:

Railway - Saturday 4th July
Tulse Hill Hotel - Monday 6th July
Knowles of Norwood - no date set, keeping a watching brief on Govt guidance
Great North Wood - Thursday 9th July
The Hope - not stated but they are just finishing up a refurb so expected soon
Horns Tavern - not stated
"We got tickets" emailed me this morning

Though I was previously of the belief that the date was still TBD, and was unaware of the possibility of it ever happening this weekend until I got the email.

Fully prepared for the date to move again - and for the line-up to change as there will be a lot of moving parts to coordinate
I'm certain that the date will change!
This is, quite seriously, the most important factor in "why I haven't been buying pints and sitting in the park". I can't risk getting caught short, and I'm too old to risk getting done for pissing up an alley.
Same here. In these circumstances I don’t think there’d be anything much wrong for someone to take a leak in the bushes at a common/ park if out of view to others- I certainly wouldn’t judge or bat an eyelid at others emerging from behind a bush after seemly having relieved themselves.

But when it comes to me doing it, the act of urinating in public even in the circumstances described above makes me feel like a complete vandal, and I’d be mortified at being spotted by others even if from a distance and if no indecent exposure had taken place.

I would probably feel less of a villain being seen setting a wheelie bin on fire for the lulz than be seen pissing on the street, even if it was against a tree and well away from any houses, street furniture or vehicles. Can’t explain why.
Jamm update - it's going to be interesting seeing what creative solutions venues come up with to survive this crisis

Brixton Jamm announce The Brixton Courtyard - A Summer Long Series of Socially Distanced Socials

Wow. Yes, that sounds worth spending just shy of 6 quid a pint for!

I've no idea why people are so desperate to go and spunk all their cash for that kind of experience (not singling out the Railway, just the pub experience in general)
People miss people. It's as simple as that. Some people have been in lockdown on their own. Some people haven't seen their friends for months. I absolutely understand why people want to go to the pub, despite the risks.
People miss people. It's as simple as that. Some people have been in lockdown on their own. Some people haven't seen their friends for months. I absolutely understand why people want to go to the pub, despite the risks.

It's not even the risks that are off putting to me. It's having to sit 1m away from my mates (they didnt put that on their rules but apparently that's gonna be the case in pubs) and be served by someone wearing a visor. Just doesn't sound like a good experience when there's a huge beautiful park around the corner and numerous off licences on the way.

Oh, and having to book, sign in and have a time limit
It's not even the risks that are off putting to me. It's having to sit 1m away from my mates (they didnt put that on their rules but apparently that's gonna be the case in pubs) and be served by someone wearing a visor. Just doesn't sound like a good experience when there's a huge beautiful park around the corner and numerous off licences on the way.

Oh, and having to book, sign in and have a time limit
Very few pubs are having time limits and as far as I can see, pubs are happy to accept the name of the person booking the group rather than asking for individual names.
There's some people I only know from the pub so it'll be good to see them again, and much as I've loved drinking in the park, it's not fun when the weather is shit and you're hoofed out around 9pm!
It's not even the risks that are off putting to me. It's having to sit 1m away from my mates (they didnt put that on their rules but apparently that's gonna be the case in pubs) and be served by someone wearing a visor. Just doesn't sound like a good experience when there's a huge beautiful park around the corner and numerous off licences on the way.

Oh, and having to book, sign in and have a time limit
It's not making me desperate to go back to the pub the moment that they open either. It does not sound anything like the experience I've missed. I'm going to stick with socialising in parks, gardens and doorsteps for the time being. Impressed by their efforts though and I hope the experience hits the mark for others.
Boris on LBC breakfast repeatedly refused to admit how fucking stupid it is to open the pubs on a mid-summer saturday. Every other country that's come out of lockdown has pointedly done it on a weekday.

But he 'trusts the British people to do the right thing'. Yep. Like in Bournemouth and Liverpool.

So. to summarise. In one 20 minute interview, he encouraged people to go out drinking in pubs tomorrow, despite us still being in a massive pandemic, putting bar staff at risk because they're in fear of losing their jobs. Refused to criticise his father who has flown off to Greece to prepare his country villa for guests and said he would never take the knee in support of BLM.

My OH is a nurse in a west london hospital and their A&E department has been told to prepare for the worst over the weekend. Fucking idiot. Sorry for the rant. We have still have four more fucking years of this dickhead.
Wow. Yes, that sounds worth spending just shy of 6 quid a pint for!

I've no idea why people are so desperate to go and spunk all their cash for that kind of experience (not singling out the Railway, just the pub experience in general)
I don’t understand why people will give pubs their money for nothing for these crowdfunders.

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