No, it really is Redwood.Looks like Reece-Mogg
Looks like Reece-Mogg
The analogy is good. He looks similar to me. I was assuming he had been meeting his man inside for a tincture of Laudanum.It looks nothing like the scrawny necked cunt.
two steaks, what'll you give me?
He does look like one of those people who goes round the pubs trying to sell stolen meat
"I bought all the tickets for the meat raffle, tough luck plebeians"
I'm a fucking cunt.
Meat's a bit warm but I've also got razors, Lynx, Tampax.....owt ya like?
Woman in pink: "I'll give you a 10 second head start before my friend releases the dog. He's not eaten for a week."
"I've come for the stakeholders' meeting."