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BNP: The leaked Griffin memo


From Tuscany SE22
Have you guys seen the leaked memo from Nick Griffin? A lengthy read but an interesting insight into how screwed the BNP are at the moment, both internally and electorally.

Highlights include the mismanagement of wills, fraudulent claims in the EP and the EP's subsequent refusal to pay off staff members and those owed money for severance and Griffin's frosty relationship with Adam Walker.

Hahahaha they are fucked and by themselves.
One bloke in charge of wills with "secret" bank accounts might be worth the revenue investigating or just sitting back and watching the disaster.
Even if the bloke is honest as an homest thing paranoia and desire to keep everything hidden will destory the bnp :p
Son. Love it. Any news on that definite true story from jasna yet? Of course you being mugged doesn't say anything about your credibility. Of course not. Son. Fantastic.
Hahahaha they are fucked and by themselves.
One bloke in charge of wills with "secret" bank accounts might be worth the revenue investigating or just sitting back and watching the disaster.
Even if the bloke is honest as an homest thing paranoia and desire to keep everything hidden will destory the bnp :p

Seems they have a list of people who are about to drop dead and the amount they will be handing over. It seems that they are one of the few income sources for the party and they need a few more racists to fall of their perch to pay party members the money the party owes them.
Well dead facists is always a good thing :D
Getting them to leave money to the bnp bad, having it stolen by the treasurer mixed feelings.
He's obvioulsly an appalling person.
But he's robbing the bnp and upsetting dead nazis who didnt expect that:D

So mines a pint and he can pay for the celebratery curry:)
If he has sole control of the wills then its entirely legal fucking the bnp over for millions must make him the greatist anti facist in the Uk since the war:)
Bit exclusivist. Assumes either that posters are all male, or that female posters don't mind being addressed as males.

I tend to rock up at the pub and say 'alright guys' whether the group is male/female/mixed. In 24 years I have not had a complaint yet, but I forgot, this is Urban and not the pub.

Anyways, back to the BNP....
I tend to rock up at the pub and say 'alright guys' whether the group is male/female/mixed. In 24 years I have not had a complaint yet, but I forgot, this is Urban and not the pub.

Anyways, back to the BNP....
You haven't had a complaint yet, but your pub companions probably mutter "here comes Bernard Manning" when they see you. :p
As for the BNP stuff, that's just Oxbridge Nick setting out his version of history before his enemies set out theirs. He has a bit of form for it (unsurprisingly). I wouldn't take his version as gospel, although it will probably be interesting to compare it to "the other sides' " version eventually.
If you're reading it as an indication of the BNP being screwed, though, I'm not convinced it indicates anything ofthe sort - it's about clashing personalities causing short-term damage during a power struggle, and even the potential court cases are easily solvable once the new administration realise their own liability (becoming a ltd company won't limit liabilities they've already incurred).
You haven't had a complaint yet, but your pub companions probably mutter "here comes Bernard Manning" when they see you. :p

I can assure you they don't. They are fairly well balanced and have better things to do than get involved in politically correct dick waving competitions.
As for the BNP stuff, that's just Oxbridge Nick setting out his version of history before his enemies set out theirs. He has a bit of form for it (unsurprisingly). I wouldn't take his version as gospel, although it will probably be interesting to compare it to "the other sides' " version eventually.
If you're reading it as an indication of the BNP being screwed, though, I'm not convinced it indicates anything ofthe sort - it's about clashing personalities causing short-term damage during a power struggle, and even the potential court cases are easily solvable once the new administration realise their own liability (becoming a ltd company won't limit liabilities they've already incurred).

Yep, I think we need to hang fire until the inevitable response/reprisal.
We're all guys now, surely...

Not read it properly yet but my first thought was perhaps it might have been best to cut and paste it so that we didn't add to the hit rate.

My second thought was that someone suddenly seems to have a lot of time on his hands ;)
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