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Black & White Stripey Tops - irrational dislike

I've come to the land of stripy tops!

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Don't know why I decided to read that but I love this part
Translated it

The collapse of a society is generally a rapid process[1], but rarely abrupt[2], and yet some have not collapsed but only gradually faded away, as in the case of the British Empire since 1918:D
Translated it

The collapse of a society is generally a rapid process[1], but rarely abrupt[2], and yet some have not collapsed but only gradually faded away, as in the case of the British Empire since 1918:D

Doesn't have quite the same ring to it as the french 😂
I'm the reverse. Love a stripey top, can't stand The Beach Boys.

Especially Barbara Anne where they all sound pissed out of their heads.
oh yeah i cant stand the beach boys either
we were taling about pet sounds the other day with a friend, i tried to listen to it again, physically hurts me to listen to! like kyrptonite .....Pictures are really not helping the case

what a i meant though was a nice day on bikes and by the sea RUINED
oh yeah i cant stand the beach boys either
we were taling about pet sounds the other day with a friend, i tried to listen to it again, physically hurts me to listen to! like kyrptonite .....Pictures are really not helping the case

what a i meant though was a nice day on bikes and by the sea RUINED
Yet another step down the ladder of my estimation of you ☹️
oh yeah i cant stand the beach boys either
we were taling about pet sounds the other day with a friend, i tried to listen to it again, physically hurts me to listen to! like kyrptonite .....Pictures are really not helping the case

what a i meant though was a nice day on bikes and by the sea RUINED
As it happens, I quite like the Beach Boys, but I know that the stripy-top wearing PCS delegate who made the comic posted upthread shares your inexplicable and wrongheaded hatred of them. So between the three of us and oryx, I reckon that's all four quadrants of the Beach Boys/stripy tops opinion matrix covered.
Heard someone listening to Pale Blue Eyes from somewhere off in the distance, was reminded what a great song it was and wanted to hear it properly, went to look it up on youtube and got this. It's not all tory tiktoks in stripy top land.
View attachment 429395
Heard someone listening to Pale Blue Eyes from somewhere off in the distance, was reminded what a great song it was and wanted to hear it properly, went to look it up on youtube and got this. It's not all tory tiktoks in stripy top land.

...the Donna Summer comment - I had no idea ....

...as for Nico.....

And the Tea Party drummer

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