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Black & White Stripey Tops - irrational dislike

That's an interesting interpretation...a Freudian slip perhaps, suggesting a hidden desire?

You have been posting on this thread vigorously... For some reason the topic has struck a deep subconscious chord.
Killer B asked if you felt "seen". You replied you don't own a striped top. Yet ownership isnt necessary when talking about signifiers... It's about "owning" what is signified.

In your dream you and your friends are all wearing stripes... Branded by them even. How does this make you feel? Clearly it's upsetting on some level, as your subconscious dream world is having to process related issues.

As your doctor I think you should buy a striped top, and wear it. You joked about doing so above, but many a true word said in jest. Your were testing saying it out loud. This is an important step.

Wear it and see how you feel. Wear it with friends. Take a photo of yourself.

My hour is up, I'll see you next week
This thread :D

ION, I'm away at the moment, visited a few chazzas and thought of this thread when I realised I was being subconsciously drawn to the stripey tops section.

I resisted, on the grounds that you can have too much of a good thing, and spent the money on some Christmas cards and a book of David Foster Wallace essays instead.
ION, I'm away at the moment, visited a few chazzas and thought of this thread when I realised I was being subconsciously drawn to the stripey tops section.

I resisted, on the grounds that you can have too much of a good thing, and spent the money on some Christmas cards and a book of David Foster Wallace essays instead.
Very commendable - it's important to leave stocks for those who just love stripey tops.
Very commendable - it's important to leave stocks for those who just love stripey tops.
its an interesting morality tale in three pictures that

with the final stripy top:
i'm so glad you noticed!
this is good, very good. we're really making progress here, you know, thanks to the analytical powers of free association.

perhaps, as your ego gains control over the repressed impulses of the id, you are ready to finally go beyond your unhealthy fixation with stripes and face what they unconsciously symbolise for you - thanathos; death.

in the alternating lines of dark & light you see the naked rib-cage of the skeleton, & unable to accept what you inexorably are moving towards, you've repressed your natural death drive, deflected it into sneers against the 'smug' 'dull' 'horribly middleclass' wearers of 'flatline stripes of horizontal mundanity' - a classic displacement, if ever i saw one.

next session we'll talk about mothers.

i'm so glad you noticed!
this is good, very good. we're really making progress here, you know, thanks to the analytical powers of free association.

perhaps, as your ego gains control over the repressed impulses of the id, you are ready to finally go beyond your unhealthy fixation with stripes and face what they unconsciously symbolise for you - thanathos; death.

in the alternating lines of dark & light you see the naked rib-cage of the skeleton, & unable to accept what you inexorably are moving towards, you've repressed your natural death drive, deflected it into sneers against the 'smug' 'dull' 'horribly middleclass' wearers of 'flatline stripes of horizontal mundanity' - a classic displacement, if ever i saw one.

next session we'll talk about mothers.

View attachment 293425
Btw I respect the reaper

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I was looking at a British manufacturer an this popped up. 50% recycled cashmere, 50% merino wool. I would if only it were not so delicate and iffy to wash. View attachment 295589
I like it, but agree with you on the washing thing. Am planning to eBay most of my (few) cashmere clothes on the grounds that no matter how carefully you wash it, it still shrinks, and is generally too high maintenance.
I like it, but agree with you on the washing thing. Am planning to eBay most of my (few) cashmere clothes on the grounds that no matter how carefully you wash it, it still shrinks, and is generally too high maintenance.
Even with my extremely limited skills, I can manage a gentle wash in the machine for my car cloths but not sure I'd trust myself with cashmere or part cashmere. Also, I'm a hard/ heavy wearer with clothes.
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