as much as her silly facepulling and over the top-ness irritates, i think she suits Big Brother. you don't have to like someone to think they're good at something i suppose...
Rodriguies is like he's come straight off that 70s Show
how is that spelt??
oh thanks VP.
him, i want him to win.
davinas gone all edgey and sweary
Siavash is gash.
The only ones I like are Sophia, Rodrigo, and Benazir.
How can you not want Dill/Lisa to win?!
I just want to say, I did a joke about Jack Whitehall and the Wire on the last page. It's probably the best thing I've ever done.
yeah, where he at? Where's Whitehall? Where's Whitehall? Where he at?! String! String! Where's Whitehall?! Where the fuck is Whitehall?! Where is he?!
hasn't she just!!
Dillinger4 is actually Lisa!
when lisa first came on my first thought was "she looks like a winner to me". and that was well before i caught up with the thread
why? which one's Lisa again?
I give you people gold.
Heh, you must be more part of the monothought clique than you realised
I give you people gold.
I give you people gold.
hasn't she just!!
the one with the red mohawk