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Bestival - down-sizing?

I dunno what its been like recently but when I used to go Bestival had a long and seemingly proud reputation of utter garbage headline performances. Amy Winehouse or Beastie Boys anyone?
I think Stevie Wonder (I went off to do something else) and Bjork (excellent) were the big finishes when I went. Things like Misty's Big Adventure and (separately!) the Wall of Death show were more memorable than much of that.
Beastie Boys at Bestival were 2007, the only year I went. They were very far from great, but there were plenty of other good acts and atmosphere that year. This year sounds like all the fringe and non mainstream stuff that abounded back then has gone more or less.

Interesting reead, this thread :)

And it helped in Sept 2007 that the weather was great -- unlike Glasto 2007, and the rest of that summer :mad:
Just watching highlights on TV. Never been personally, but it looks rather successful :)

I prefer smaller events. Less queues, bad toilets and lost mates.
Having been to a roughly similar number of Bestivals and Boomtowns I just don't see the crossover.

Bestival has always been (to me, from going and knowing the people I do who buy tickets) populated by late 30's estate agents from Clapham with a lot of disposable income and a bit of creativity and a group of likewise mates. I was surprised by the number of people at bestival who admitted to staying in B&B's nearby and coming into the festival daily rather than camping, and those who do camp just walk off and leave it all on Monday.

Boomtown is on average ten years younger, far less 'responsible/proper job', more intrepid squat party people without two beans to rub together.

I reckon the peak Bestival crowd have just got less free time, settled with kids and whatever, and they're struggling to replace those people with new ones. Weak lineups haven't helped, although ironically Bestival's best experiences were mostly nothing to do with the headliners, but all the little things. Sadly it seems like that only comes with scale.

Spot on imo, a few years ago it was ok cos you could take the kids to Camp Bestival and that kept them happy and then you could have your weekend away later in the year, and the kids were small, school wasn't really important ... but Hugo is getting older and school matters more and buggering off the first weekend of the year isn't such a good idea and anyway, Camp Bestival is for babies so you can't get away with that one anymore. Not to mention paying for the extension on the house or that big project at work ... people get older.

It only takes one person/couple from an established group not to go anymore and people drift off.
If Bestival is failing to attract new/younger punters then they're going to have to have a serious rethink aren't they? Especially given the inbuilt disincentive of high ferry costs.
I dunno what its been like recently but when I used to go Bestival had a long and seemingly proud reputation of utter garbage headline performances. Amy Winehouse or Beastie Boys anyone?

Bit harsh - I used to go around that time too and for every Amy Winehouse and Beastie Boys there was a Chemical Brothers and Kraftwerk.
So its moving onto the mainland. Hardly surprising really.

same site as Camp Bestival, which I should imagine from an infrastructure cost point of view makes a lot of sense.

from memory the build at Bestival started pretty much immediately CB finished, going by Rob Da Banks twitter anyway.

he must spend fuck loads on artist transportation costs on IoW too.
Yes, to Lulworth Cove, just up the coast from here. I can anchor my boat there and row dinghy ashore daytime and sleep on the boat :cool:

Reckon I'll get some tickets for this :thumbs:
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