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Best piss take of playing live on TV

Orbital trying really hard on debut, plug draped over synth to prove it's not plugged in...occasional finger hitting key. Fucking class tune mind.

EMF - I Believe. Shite song but points for playing that guitar with a boxing glove.

Smiths - This Charming Man. Gladioli no microphone.
here's one I remember watching at a mate's before we went the pub.
It's an absolute dog's breakfast tbh. there's some perfunctory miming of playing the instruments
and possibly the cheapest stage costumes ever seen on TOTP
weirdly, I think Gedge IS actually singing live which was something they introduced eventually
because of all this piss taking further up the thread. but when it hits the solo bit they all just stick their
arms out and start spinning around.

there's an argument to be made that the Wedding Present managing to get on TOTP with a substandard mess like this
(even for them) is part of what killed off TOTP and the generally percieved improtance of the chart
Eels did Novocaine For The Soul on TOTP with tiny toy instruments:

I'm also 99% sure they did something like CDUK with giant toy carrots or other vegetables instead of instruments but I cant find a video of it so there is the 1% chance I dreamt it
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