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best clash song

I think Crass might fail on the 'wrote better songs then the Clash' stipulation.

More meaningful songs as opposed to catchy tunes about nothing really. The clashes political equilivents are the Fabiens, abit of a safety valve really.

Great songs, but the rebellion bit was all about selling records rather then any genuine sentiment.
who knows? but people manage it.

Bragg might struggle with the musical virtue bit, as well. Bragg and Crass are two sides of the same coin - unimaginative twats whose "writing" consists of little more than the trite and the banal. No room for me - you tell me what to think.

I don't agree. Some great Billy Bragg moments. Some great Crass shoutalongs. I bet you like some right crap. Name something and I'll laugh at it.
Bragg might struggle with the musical virtue bit, as well. Bragg and Crass are two sides of the same coin - unimaginative twats whose "writing" consists of little more than the trite and the banal. No room for me - you tell me what to think.

Youre more of a cold play man ?
Oh well that makes all the difference then.

Of course it does, the difference between people being real or not is their attitude to money, fame etc.

Its was all too easy at that time for record companies to con kids by marketing rebellion.
Oh well that makes all the difference then.

Well it probably does tbf. They do seemed to have tried to live a life around their progressive principles. Not much more any of us can do. No reason they can't have a building with a lawn.
I was just amused by his line of argument really.

Upper middle class band renounce their background, live by some ideals, release some records. Class and capital continue to turn.

So the criticism of the Clash from that perspective seems pretty weak.
And what evidence is there of Strummer or Jones being beguiled and motivated by the trappings of wealth and fame? You actually give any scrutiny to what they actually did after the Clash and it tells the opposite tale.

For myself, I can't think of anything more thoroughly (upper) middle class than imagining that one somehow builds any kind of meaningful opposition to capitalism and the powers that be by going off and living in a commune.
You breadhead hippy. Are you Richard Branson?

Im not into labels. Ive been many things, a child,a catholic, a soldier, a forester, a biker, a traveller,a cunt at times to someone that I loved a heavy weight I will carry forever, a father, a martial artist/submission wrestler, the list goes on.

Such things are aspects of ourselves but not us, our integrity is esentially who we are. You cannot be whole as a person/at one with yourself without it.

Thus you cannot own a white mansion and really sing about white riots, its an oxymoron.

Thats not to say the clash were not nice boys.
Im not into labels. Ive been many things, a child,a catholic, a soldier, a forester, a biker, a traveller,a cunt at times to someone I loved a heavy weight I will carry forever, a father, a martial artist/submission wrestler, the list goes on.

Such things are aspects of ourselves but not us, our integrity is esentially who we are. You cannot be whole as a person/at one with yourself without it.

Thus you cannot own a white mansion and really sing about white riots, its an oxymoron.


News just in - when the Clash wrote and were performing "White Riot", they were living in squats etc.
More meaningful songs as opposed to catchy tunes about nothing really. The clashes political equilivents are the Fabiens, abit of a safety valve really.

Great songs, but the rebellion bit was all about selling records rather then any genuine sentiment.

Pogo on a nazi, spit upon a jew,
Vicious mindless violence that offers nothing new.
Left wing violence, right wing violence, all seems much the same,
Bully boys out fighting, it's just the same old game.
Boring fucking politics that'll get us all shot,
Left wing, right wing, you can stuff the lot.
Keep your petty prejudice, I don't see the point,

Joe was nice to me when I was being silly.

Addressing the post: Janie Jones. Just for the sheer fucking exuberance of (30-odd years later) being able to shout, "Fill 'er up, Jacko." without ever once feeling daft.
Re. Blagsta's post: anyone else remember Penny Rimbaud's "we had a healthy relationship with the British Movement" comment in a 1989 interview with John Savsge? The words "unbelievably pisspoor naviety at the very least" don't even begin to sum that up...
Yes - and take this as you will as being either a "we fucked up" admission or a shameless piece of revisionist history re-writing - but Steve Ignorant in his book states that they should've given the nazis a slap themselves - instead of leaving it to the London-based Squadists and (later) members of Conflict and The Apostles* to do this work for them.

*I've recently heard some weird/disturbing things about the Apostles, though....
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