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Bearded Theory Festival - news and discussion

I had a better one than last year, but that was because last year I was in crisis mode and all over the place. It wasn't a good year.

This year through no-one's fault but my own, I got wasted the first two nights and then spent the rest of the festival in a too-sober not able to be social kind of state. There were people I would have loved to talk to like Sojourner and Gail and Riff but each time I bumped into them I had a really low 'social battery' and was virtually unable to talk; so that was a bit sad.

No trouble getting into woodland stage as there wasn't really anything I wanted to see there - I think the access issues were reduced by reducing the offering. I wandered in there once for some headspace between bands, that was it.

Bars were ok but the beer offerings were drastically reduced. I remember saying how much I loved BT because whereas at most festivals Thornbridge Jaipur was the best you could possibly hope for, at bearded it was the bottom of the range, and there were other far better beers from amazing breweries like Thornbridge and Magic Rock. This year Jaipur was the best of a very average selection, just like any other festival.

Toilets - I used to say bearded was renowned for having loos so clean you could eat your dinner off 'em. Not the case this year and after day 2 actively avoided unemptied campsite ones.

This is the only festival I still go to, and I think that may have been the last one for me.
Hugs Stig - maybe next year you might change your mind, you never know.

Was still lovely to see you, even though you weren't in full-on mode. I wasn't anyway, due to being sober all day :D I only came alive at night ;)
It was lovely to see you too! and yes I may do, you never know, I might just be in a maudlin mood today
Probably that mate, it's only a few days post-festival, always a bit of a mindfuck that, especially as we get older and it uses up more mental and physical energy! I'm still on the verge of tears at anything remotely emotional :D
Magical Sounds had drum and bass in it loads on Fri night, and I fkn hate it.

I love DnB, and I missed it all then :(

Big Ed was playing some stonking old rave and house/dance classics, remixed a lot of them. Boss. Danced there loads.
But did catch some of this, which was ace :thumbs:

Only saw 2.5 acts on main stage - She Drew The Gun, who were outstanding
Oh I love them, but I missed them somehow, probably having a nap :D

I was THIS CLOSE to kicking over loads of those stupid fucking chairs. You can't move for them!
Sorry you were having low social battery times Stig. Make things difficult.

Bars were ok but the beer offerings were drastically reduced. I remember saying how much I loved BT because whereas at most festivals Thornbridge Jaipur was the best you could possibly hope for, at bearded it was the bottom of the range, and there were other far better beers from amazing breweries like Thornbridge and Magic Rock. This year Jaipur was the best of a very average selection, just like any other festival.
I defer to you on your assessment of the bar offerings, I didn't explore the bar menu too much, with mainly sticking to the beer/spirits I'd brought with me. Shame if the range is much reduced then :(

I agree the campsite toilets needed emptying more often, but on the whole they were clean-ish most of the time across the site.

Apropos of nothing, I can recommend the medical tent if anyone is interested :D They were very good, would use again! (hopefully not though!).

This is the only festival I still go to, and I think that may have been the last one for me.
Hopefully you'll feel differently in a few days once the post-festie blues are passed. I felt a bit like this about Bearded last year, it just didn't seem the same as it had been.
Had an ace time. weather was perfrect too.
Caught end of soujourners set - sorry i didnt make start. We were camped a good mile form the site so timings got a bit fucked.
Highlights - Stick in the Wheel - been wanting to see them for years and they didnt dissapoint. Nice to chat to after as well.
Gary Numan (last 30 mins) looked and sounded great - and really showed how far ahead of time he was.
Echo and the Bunnymen - although the sound in the blue tent was a bit muddy and mac's voice is not what it was they were still mgnificent - so many brilliant and epic songs.
Lovely Eggs - these were ace - pop art, punked up fizzy energy thats something like victoria wood meets the fall.
Pretenders - tight, hard rocking and chrissie hynde sounds jsut as good as she did 40 years ago.
Primal Scream - big sound, big songs, gospel choir - bit wonderful. Sound on the main stage was great all weekend.
plus undedrtones, bits of menstral cramps and Public Service broadcasting and getting all ravey davey to mick dog (although the red faced, pissed mc shouting bollocks was supremely irriatating).

Gripes - the people who set up camp in front of the stages with blankets and picnic boxes and chairs like its blackpool fucking beach - just fuck off. Being charged an extra 50p for oat milk in coffee that was already £4 a pop.

Overall - a fantastic festival. (although needs less winibago warriors and more young people. And it is very, very white)
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That's Teabag, the arsehole MC. Pisses me off every time, so much so that combined with a very slow start to Michael Dog's set and him gobbing off, I left and went over to Big Ed instead.
We had a great festival as well, very friendly vibes. Loved Stick In the Wheel - their singer has a very funny, sardonic sense of humour as anyone who saw them will testify; The men they couldn't hang - loads of us singing along (have always had a soft spot for that band, they first got me interested in politics many many years ago); Benefits were brilliant; also loved Oh My god its the Church; The Lovely Eggs; Snapped Ankles; The Hacienda classics at the Big Ed; The first two poets in the Something else tea tent on friday i think were great - and well performed as opposed to just read out iyswim (my partner, a nurse loved the poem about the NHS); Public Service Broadcasting on sunday were decent - an unexpected bonus for me as i was tired by that point and the karaoke was a good laugh as well. My partner loves billy bragg, Viagra Boys were decent, would have had a good mosh if me knees were in better nick!The bogs were very clean on the whole we thought.

Less good (for us) - boiling to death in the day but freezing to death at night - weird! the people who insist on pitching their tent in the two millimeters of space available either side and in front of our tent, even though theres loads of room elsewhere, so you have to do the guyline waltz all the time - mildly annoying!! the vegan food - miniscule, overpriced portions (we drove over to burton saturday morning and stocked up) the three hours to get out of the parking field after - we later heard a campervan broke down and caused the problem. you could also argue that bearded now has more of a 'middle aged man' vibe (i'm a middle aged man myself so no shade) - it seemed a bit less 'crusty' than previous years, which is fine i guess, they have their demographic.
Cool reviews Kaka Tim and Lorca

I've been thinking about this business of Bearded being middle class sojourner. It's deffo middle-aged (but as I pointed out to a friend, it's not a 'middle aged man' festival, it's a 'middle aged person' festival, women included (myself for example)! But is it middle class? I guess on the whole festivals are more middle class than not these days, cos they're so blimmin' expensive. But Bearded is no Womad or Latitude, its's not all champagne flutes and gazebos. The acts don't feel especially middle class do they? And there's not too much chi-chi stuff to buy. But everything is expensive nonetheless. Class, it's a funny thing, and endlessly debated on here naturally. Not all my friends who go to Bearded are middle class, some are, some aren't, I suppose I am, but then again by some measures I'm not. On the whole I think most Bearded folk are sound, whatever class they are, or at least the ones I interact with are. And I'm doing my bit for lowering the age demographic by bringing my 18 yr old with me, and she has other mates her age who go too.
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I was the first poet on Lorca and me mate Janine Booth was on after me. Glad you enjoyed our stuff! ❤️😎👍

Bearded is always baltic at night. I've had ice on the tent before now. Layers layers layers.

I hear you chainsawjob , I fight my class prejudice all the time but it never quite goes away. I love you though 😉😁👍
Oh cool - you're a talented performer! My favourite poet is Mary Oliver but I also like Liz Berry and Helen Mort, who are not so well known I think.
Why thank you! Helen Mort is quite well known I think, but then it depends on your point of view eh?

Anyway, thanks again!
So, this years initial line-up is announced, what does everyone think: Jane's Addiction, Sleaford Mods, Amyl and the Sniffers, Orbital, Bob Vylan, Dinosaur Jr etc. Looks ok. Weve got our tickets on payment plan, thought it was excellent last year so looking forward to it.
After last year I said I would probably never go to a festival again as I spent most of the time wandering around feeling awkward and lost. I'm not sure now though. Lineup is looking pretty good.
Very tempted. Amyl & The Sniffers, Bob Vylan, NMA, Ferocious Dog.

But £320 (inc van) is a chunk of dosh. I'll see what mrs mx wants to do this year. If we are doing Boomtown again, that will be our only "big festival" of the year.
Very tempted. Amyl & The Sniffers, Bob Vylan, NMA, Ferocious Dog.

But £320 (inc van) is a chunk of dosh. I'll see what mrs mx wants to do this year. If we are doing Boomtown again, that will be our only "big festival" of the year.
I only ended up doing my mate's festival this year and a handful of gigs, and handful is generous. Mind some family stuff has been keeping me away from the fields. This might give me the bum kick to rev up my shop to a higher gear and get some cash in the kitty for next year.
I was waiting for this line-up to be announced to make my decision - and it's a yes :)
There's still Convoy Caberet and the Dance Tent to be announced, so it's looking good.
Hey Stig I'm liable to be doing the same. Could twin with you.
That would be lovely and is very tempting, thanks! I'll have another look at it in a few days - it's not the money so much as the transport headaches and the fact I've been going with my ex for quite a few years which is often great but can be stressful.
Good line-up, but is it £210 per ticket good? I'm not so sure.

The booking fees are getting a tad stupid too. £9.95 per adult weekend ticket. Plus nearly £30 to park at a festival site that doesn't have the greatest transport links. That would set the two of us back £468.15 in total.

There's other festiivals on the same weekend. I'm going to hang fire to see their line-ups before making any final decision oh who gets my hard-earned money.
that first announcement had I think 8 bands I want to see live, so that already tempts me.

No idea what the life schedule will look like in May, though.
After last year I said I would probably never go to a festival again as I spent most of the time wandering around feeling awkward and lost. I'm not sure now though. Lineup is looking pretty good.
Girlswhatgig, are they only on Facebook, not sure, are posting about who is going so there might be a larger female contingent going.
I have bought a deposit ticket. 2 adults & a camper was £114 upfront & £85 per month for 5 months so £260 each. Campervan alone was a whopping £95.

I’m doing Shambala too which I think was nearly £300 a ticket. 2025 will definitely be seeking much cheaper options.
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