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Battlefield 4

They're now selling useless battlepacks for $1, $2, and $3 (bronze, silver, gold). A new level of greediness and a horrible example of squeezing every penny out of their customers.

They had that in Bad Comp 2 and Battlefield 3...
Not Battlepacks. But you could buy kit and vehicle upgrade packs.

I know, it was a one-off payment of about £7.99 to unlock everything. Specact DLC.

This is something quite different. You could spent £100 on the things, all in $0.99 micro-transactions, and still not unlock everything. Just to get your one hour of 25% xp boost or whatever.

I have no idea why people on Urban are saying this is not new! :confused:
No, I'm afraid there was no micro-transaction selling of useless Battlepacks in those games. This is new.

A lot of fans aren't happy about this news:


Ah yes you're right about Battlepacks but we were talking generally about micro payments for content and this has been going on for a while.

I'm going to say something controversial so hold on to your hats:

I don't have a problem with them. I in fact think it's fine they exist. And for those people who can't play 100 hours a week it's a good way of getting up to speed so they can enjoy the game at the level they want.

What I do have a problem with is the sheer amount of profit this game generates not resulting in a finished product on launch day.​

There, you can let go of your hats now.;)
It's going to be the first Battlefield game I don't plan on buying. If it's actually decent (after the first few patches of course) then I may reconsider.

Yeah it won't be a buy without reading reviews or trying for me either...never had that before. Always just assumed quality.
I've always found there to be problems with new games. But generally patch number 2 sorts them out.

With BF4, it's had 10 since October 2013 (On the PS4). And only now are the real problems with the "netcode" being addressed. And before that the lag problem went on for far too long. The only reason it got sorted recently is due to the rented servers being made available. But if they can upgrade the hardware for that reason, then why didn't they do it sooner when it was an obvious, huge, massive problem.

It's much better now (and hopefully even better with today's patch) and I do enjoy it. We had some cracking games last night with a full 5 man squad :)

At the risk of repeating myself, first it was a disastrous launch for Sim City, now BF4. Hardline isn't a Battlefield game so the only reason I can see it being named so is for marketing purposes. And it's a cash cow as far as I can see. Probably to help with the budget for BF5. I also will be very cautious with that release due to the problems with BF4. Not enough people vote with their wallets though so I can see these problems continuing.
It was the rubber banding that did it for me. I think I used to just put the lag down to bad aim but on Friday I emptied an entire clip into someone and he turned round and shot me. :(
Well hopefully the latest patch has addressed that.

We’re happy to announce that we’ve released an update for PC, PS3, and X360 today containing the new improved “Netcode” for Battlefield 4. The update will be released later this week on PS4 and Xbox One.

This update has been developed using the CTE (Community Test Environment) on PC (you can sign up if you haven’t done so already at http://cte.battlelog.com), and is the first update being deployed using your gameplay feedback.

The number of changes possible in this update would be difficult to pull off without the continued support from our community, both through direct constructive feedback and telemetry data gathered on the CTE.

High Frequency Network Update
For the PC, PS4, and Xbox One platforms, we are adding something we nicknamed the “High Frequency Bubble”. Within a certain radius of the player, we add the possibility to update the clients at a higher rate from the server. What this essentially means is that the server will update the client on what is happening more often than before. This normally results in a smoother, more “correct” player experience.
Thanks TitanSound. That patch was yesterday? I'll give it another crack.

It's hurting them in ways they don't know about. I was a dedicated player buying the season pass and everything. The only thing I've bought this time was Naval Strike (against my better judgement whilst pissed) and nothing else. I'm sure there are thousands out there the same so they've lost a lot of revenue they'll never be able to quantify.

I'm sure they're crying into their champagne about it.....they've probably made a few quid nonetheless.
Well by January alone they had 1.6 million premium subscribers. So with that and sales of the base game, yes, a few quid was made!

The servers may take a while to update while they make sure that the new patch doesn't fuck anything up. So hopefully it will be a lot smoother in the coming days.
I played quite a lot last week and it seems to be a lot lot better..... I've gone premium as I'm fully intendning on getting re-involved. I love the naval strike games.

Still haven't restarted the single player after my save game corrupted though :(
The patch does appear to have made a few niggled better but yeah it shouldn't have taken that long. The thing that I've been wondering is what happens if Hardline comes out, and a ton of non premium BF4 players jump on it leaving less people to play with?
I played quite a lot last week and it seems to be a lot lot better..... I've gone premium as I'm fully intendning on getting re-involved. I love the naval strike games.

Still haven't restarted the single player after my save game corrupted though :(

I played about 60 mins of the single player and got bored. Haven't gone back to it since I bought the game. Dunno why they just don't do the old Quake 3 route and dump it, concentrate all resources on creating a kick ass online game?
got a rough time you'll be on? Ive gotta pack for a festival too...

I am off week for 5 weeks from tomorrow though :D
I cannot say I'm very impressed with this DLC.

3 of the 4 maps look like the already existing Chinese maps. The only one that looks in anyway different is Propaganda. Which I really like btw.

Desert Eagle is massively overpowered!!
Not sure if anyone from here is still playing this but the big patch to fix most of the issues that have bugged the game from the start has been released, I thought it would be at least 10gb but it's only 2.1gb.

Just has a few rounds of TDM and it's like a new game.

Shame it's nearly taken a year to sort out the issues but so far so good with the patch.

BTW, the G36C is still as rubbish as it ever was and they've nerfed the SRAW, my favourite weapon for taking out camping snipers :(
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