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Bannau Brycheiniog National Park

Oh that's a diff one. Never heard about Aachen until you posted it just now, but Aix-la -Chapelle for sure.

It's one of those awkward fuckers on the motorway, in the same manner that Bruges turns to Brugge when you hit Belgium.
Been reflecting how New Zealand, a country I don’t claim to know that much about, except in terms of rugby, seems to leverage the Māori language and culture - eg calling their tournament Super Rugby Aotearoa, referring to the concept of Mana (a Māori word which comes up a lot in interviews when talking about a player / team Mana on mana mana - Te Aka Māori Dictionary )

Plus of course the Haka. Which virtually everyone who knows of New Zealand knows about even if they don’t follow rugby at all. Anyway my point is that from an outsiders perspective New Zealand embraces the indigenous culture (appreciate that historically has not been the case and inequality definitely exists between Māori / Pasifika and Pakeha).

Wales and New Zealand perhaps have similarities beyond rugby and sheep. More of this renaming and reclaiming please.
Been reflecting how New Zealand, a country I don’t claim to know that much about, except in terms of rugby, seems to leverage the Māori language and culture - eg calling their tournament Super Rugby Aotearoa, referring to the concept of Mana (a Māori word which comes up a lot in interviews when talking about a player / team Mana on mana mana - Te Aka Māori Dictionary )

Plus of course the Haka. Which virtually everyone who knows of New Zealand knows about even if they don’t follow rugby at all. Anyway my point is that from an outsiders perspective New Zealand embraces the indigenous culture (appreciate that historically has not been the case and inequality definitely exists between Māori / Pasifika and Pakeha).

Wales and New Zealand perhaps have similarities beyond rugby and sheep. More of this renaming and reclaiming please.
New Zealand has restorative justice laws that include a symbolic element, ie things to promote indigenous culture.
That’s interesting and seems to be unequivocally a Good Thing on first glance
There’s a fascinating study using it that shows prejudice can be split into ‘prejudice based on fear of a dangerous world’ versus ‘prejudice based on the desire for your ingroup to be the dominant group’. Both types of prejudiced people oppose symbolic restorative justice laws in NZ, but the former justify this by denying historic atrocities whereas the latter don’t. That’s because the former type need to maintain the moral high ground but the latter don’t care about this. Consequently, the former type also oppose financial reparations for those atrocities (because the atrocities have been negated) whereas the latter type actually don’t oppose reparations any more than the non-prejudiced do.
It's one of those awkward fuckers on the motorway, in the same manner that Bruges turns to Brugge when you hit Belgium.
Although that tells you that you have to get your papers ready for Checkpoint Alpha....
Although that tells you that you have to get your papers ready for Checkpoint Alpha....

Yep, Helmstedt Alpha, Zellendorf Bravo and of course the famous one.

Used to lob a packet of fags out of the window, the outside sentry would pick them up, and your docs were out first. :), they were actually genuinely communist though. A packet at Bravo got you priority at Alpha as well. On the way back, you dropped the fags at at Alpha. Forty years last May we left Berlin.
Yep, Helmstedt Alpha, Zellendorf Bravo and of course the famous one.

Used to lob a packet of fags out of the window, the outside sentry would pick them up, and your docs were out first. :), they were actually genuinely communist though. A packet at Bravo got you priority at Alpha as well. On the way back, you dropped the fags at at Alpha. Forty years last May we left Berlin.

Wow: I ‘m hoping to get to the museum at the Helmstedt checkpoint in a couple of weeks. Might take a packet of Players for the guides…
The English trying to boss around the Welsh as usual.

But to misquote Irvine Welsh; we are just wankers you were colonised by wankers. You can't even pick a decent, vibrant, healthy culture to be colonised by. No. You’re ruled by effete arseholes…
I think ill rename it the Bollox Bollox to reflect the sheer bollox of calling an area largely privately owned and/or completely transformed by agriculture and other commercial interests a national park
Pathetic, entitled shitty attitude
and they're free to use and say "Brecon Beacons" if they want ffs
"considering legal action", grow up

A spokeswoman for Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority said the organisation had "decided to prioritise the Welsh name going forwards".She added: "The park is not asking other people or organisations to prioritise the Welsh name. This is an organisational decision and applies to all the work they do.
"Others are welcome to use whichever name they choose for the park."
Tangentially related to this, what was the Snowdonia marathon is now Marathon Eyri :)

I did this race in 2006 and it’s a wonderful route, beginning in Llanberis and going around - but not up - Yr Wyddfa, offering wonderful views of the area. It looks like the route hasn’t changed.

I still have the slate coaster - the race souvenir - and I use it daily in my office. As you can see it was engraved in both languages - so 17 years down the line a change is well overdue :)

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