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Bannau Brycheiniog National Park

They'll have to make some fucking effort and get used to it. The age of English imperialism over naming is over.

This may indeed be so, however, no person can be compelled to call anything anything. To Anglophones, they will remain the Brecon Beacons.

I'm a Scot, with much more experience of non English place names, and I have difficulty with the pronunciation, heaven only knows what the section of the community that cannot pronounce 'loch' correctly will make of it. I suspect that to many in Wales, they will remain the Brecon Beacons.
I am not familiar with Ysgol Hamadryad.
Do you think the answer to the valid criticism that Welsh medium schools are too skewed towards the middle class in places like Cardiff is to increase or decrease Welsh language use and education?
But then you call China 'Cathay'.

And never mind Istanbul / Constantinople, I heard you were trying to find Byazntium Airport for your upcoming holiday...

Yes, most odd. We are having to fly into that new place Antalya instead. :)

I had to look it up, but the first stamp issued by China was issued in 1878 and was inscribed 'China'.

Everything is dual language in Wales anyway regardless of whether people actively call it the Welsh version or not. I really dont think its a big deal its not like your taxi driver will offer a blank look if you say Brecon Beacons in 10 years time.

Part of bringing a laguage back and making it more important is making steps like this. It's not true at all that all Welsh speaking in Cardiff is middle class local politics types either from my experience. That's a minority.
This may indeed be so, however, no person can be compelled to call anything anything. To Anglophones, they will remain the Brecon Beacons.

I'm a Scot, with much more experience of non English place names, and I have difficulty with the pronunciation, heaven only knows what the section of the community that cannot pronounce 'loch' correctly will make of it. I suspect that to many in Wales, they will remain the Brecon Beacons.
Listen to you whining on about learning to correctly say a fucking place name. It doesn't matter if you can't pronounce it correctly: the point is that you try.
I don’t really see what the problem is with a country using its own language.

Two issues with that is this particular case - and as you can see upthread, I support the move - firstly that Wales has two of its own languages, and they are equal, and speakers of them, whether one, or the other, or both, are equal. Secondly there's an issue of who decides what a place is called - and I doubt you'll find anyone who believes that National Park Authorises (and I've lived in several) are bastions of local democracy.
I too think this is a’good thing’; but does it mean we should call the French capital
‘Paree’ now?
Two issues with that is this particular case - and as you can see upthread, I support the move - firstly that Wales has two of its own languages, and they are equal, and speakers of them, whether one, or the other, or both, are equal. Secondly there's an issue of who decides what a place is called - and I doubt you'll find anyone who believes that National Park Authorises (and I've lived in several) are bastions of local democracy.
That misses out on the history of how Welsh came to be a minority language in Wales, and the power dynamics between the two languages (and between a very English Westminster government and the institutions of Wales) both in the past and now. This has a massive impact on how people in both language communities in Wales feel (and all the evidence is that the English-speaking Welsh are massively proud and supportive of the Welsh language although there are of course exceptions) and the often very defensive reaction, normally from the English Westminster Establishment, to any assertion of the Welsh language.

I would probably use French names when visiting France, and wouldn't be affronted that French people in France use French (or Breton, or Occitan) names on websites, advertising etc. I don't think it matters to anyone what I do when I get home from my visit.
Do you think the answer to the valid criticism that Welsh medium schools are too skewed towards the middle class in places like Cardiff is to increase or decrease Welsh language use and education?

Which one are they doing at Ysgol Hamadryad?
They know more about Welsh speakers in Cardiff than gobshites on the internet who like to spout out of date clichés.
I’ll take a large portion of chips thanks. Half from each shoulder is fine.
Dim scoldys. Repeatedly tried to engage with you in good faith but you don't appear to have anything to say.

No you didn’t, not really, but I like the way your first sentence works in two languages at once. :thumbs:
I too think this is a’good thing’; but does it mean we should call the French capital
‘Paree’ now?

Paris is not in the UK.

Makes sense to make a bit more effort closer to home. But yes if you go to Paris you'd probs call it Paree right and make some kind of effort, in order to reduce the amount of spit in your soup and moulle fritte at least...
I too think this is a’good thing’; but does it mean we should call the French capital
‘Paree’ now?

What would we call Geneva though; Genève, Genf or Ginevra?

sounds fucking horrible tbf. Like a cross between a stifled sneeze and the sound of a watermelon falling onto a spike from a great height.
What would we call Geneva though; Genève, Genf or Ginevra?

sounds fucking horrible tbf. Like a cross between a stifled sneeze and the sound of a watermelon falling onto a spike from a great height.
It might sound as melodious as a melodious thing to a Genf speaker though. (((Genf speakers)))
Personally don’t give a monkeys it won’t impact me.
but I’m all for supporting the Welsh shoring up their national identity especially it’s it’s got the gammons spitting chips
I wonder if LT knows about Snowdon/Snowdonia yet. It could push him over the edge 😯
What would we call Geneva though; Genève, Genf or Ginevra?

sounds fucking horrible tbf. Like a cross between a stifled sneeze and the sound of a watermelon falling onto a spike from a great height.

Or indeed is it Aix-la-Chapelle or Aachen?
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