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Bannau Brycheiniog National Park

Could any Welsh speaking posters tell us how to pronounce it? I'm thinking Bannau = Ban-eye?
The kabbess tells me yes but a lot of Welsh people would probably just say it as something like “banner” because words aren’t necessarily always pronounced in their technically accurate way.

And she thinks the next word is what sounds to me like “bruch-ai-nee-og” with the first vowel being something between the oo of brook and the uh of brush (if you pronounce those words like I do, anyway). However, “-ych” can sound like “ich” , so it might be “brich-ai-nee-og” instead, plus also “why are you asking me, ask a local” but she is the closest thing I have to a local so what’s the point in saying that?
I'll have to think about that - as most of my Welsh pronunciation is based around North Wales place-names, with a few from near Aberystwyth.
The kabbess tells me yes but a lot of Welsh people would probably just say it as something like “banner” because words aren’t necessarily always pronounced in their technically accurate way.

And she thinks the next word is what sounds to me like “bruch-ai-nee-og” with the first vowel being something between the oo of brook and the uh of brush (if you pronounce those words like I do, anyway). However, “-ych” can sound like “ich” , so it might be “brich-ai-nee-og” instead, plus also “why are you asking me, ask a local” but she is the closest thing I have to a local so what’s the point in saying that?
Thanks for that. We've been having this very conversation chez Voley this morning too.

Before I was properly awake, I might add. My Welsh pronunciation before my first coffee of the morning was probably enough to have me banished from the land.
The kabbess tells me yes but a lot of Welsh people would probably just say it as something like “banner” because words aren’t necessarily always pronounced in their technically accurate way.

And she thinks the next word is what sounds to me like “bruch-ai-nee-og” with the first vowel being something between the oo of brook and the uh of brush (if you pronounce those words like I do, anyway). However, “-ych” can sound like “ich” , so it might be “brich-ai-nee-og” instead, plus also “why are you asking me, ask a local” but she is the closest thing I have to a local so what’s the point in saying that?
mostly right! but banner isn't quite, it's bann-aye
All for regional identity - don't know how many will stop calling it the Brecon Beacons however...

Addendum: I find I already have an email telling me that any future exercises in the BBNP should use the new name in the title, rather than the old name, and should reference the kingdom and it's history/mythology, if at all possible.

Time to hit my children's bedtime stories to find inspiration...
Lol, can't believe a national park's been cancelled. :D 'Beacons' being flame-based and therefore contributing to climate change - that's quite a leap..
All for regional identity - don't know how many will stop calling it the Brecon Beacons however...

Addendum: I find I already have an email telling me that any future exercises in the BBNP should use the new name in the title, rather than the old name, and should reference the kingdom and it's history/mythology, if at all possible.

Time to hit my children's bedtime stories to find inspiration...
Evil American Megacorp used to use names from Greek Mythology for major projects and actually paid someone to do it. One project was name Project Aegina after some water nymph who was one of Zeus's many conquests.
An email was sent round at one point that basically said "All Staff must cease referring to Project Aegina as Project Fanny" and the project was renamed to Project Aeon which was a lot of work since people had to go through shedloads of documents and change the damn thing.
From that article. I get changing it back to the Welsh name - but don't really see the point of bringing climate change into it, sorry.
They're only doing it now so they don't have to climb up the hills for the coronation.

No beacons for sausage fingers!
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