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Bangface 2022 / 5-9 May

hotel spaces added

The lineup is wild. Loftgroover and the HSMMG takeover would be my highlights. Not to mention DJ Chuckle.

I was hoping my covid diagnoses last week would have made this possible for me, but it looks very much like it was a false positive, so clubs and parties are still off the menu for me for the foreseeable :(
I was hoping my covid diagnoses last week would have made this possible for me, but it looks very much like it was a false positive, so clubs and parties are still off the menu for me for the foreseeable :(
how come? i dont follow the covid thing for you?
this isn't till May anyhow
I'm in the very high risk group. I tested + on a routine PCR last week (I do 1 PCR and 3 LFTs a week so I can visit my Mum).

I was totally asymptomatic and I did daily LFT's over the last 7 days (all negative), I also managed to blag a second PCR which also came back as negative, so the likelihood of a false positive with random community testing is much more likely than totally asymptomatic infection that subsequently didn't show up on LFT's or the second PCR.

If it had been a genuine infection, on top of my three jabs, I would have been pretty much invincible for the next few months and even Bangface wouldn't have finished me off. :D
I have an interview for a training program at work which would make it very difficult for me to go to BFW but also is very difficult to get onto the program, this unnerves me
Heard theres going to be a new fourth room (hence all the takeover crews)

I hope i get to go, looks like a good one
So thought I was going to have to leave on Sunday to start my course at work, but someone else is doing the same course another month and has leave booked. So we’ve asked if we can swap courses. It’s been agreed in principle but waiting for confirmation. Fingers crossed
Have a Hotel Bangface 2-person Prince of Wales room for 6-9th on hold with deposit. I can't make it now sadly -- so if anyone wants to take over the booking and pay remainder due on the 30th. Deposit was £108/$140 willing to transfer for £88/$118 - DM if interested.
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Sadly not going to make it as have a cant miss funeral to go to but hope anyone going has a blast, its looking destined to be a cracker - nice weather too - Sunday on the beach!
Bumped into a Distant Planet crew guy last last weekend and they've got Queen Vic takeover on Friday night which'll be a must
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