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Bands with a big reputation that are (musically) shite

Takes all sorts innit - for me, the one-dimensional and noisy thing works, they're a bit like the Ramones in how they just embodied a certain approach to rocknroll stripped down to its basics or taken to its conclusion. More depth and complexity would detract from the music rather than adding to it imo. Plus Lemmy's voice sounded gruffer and cooler than the yodelling of Mr Iron Maiden, Mr Judas Priest, and I would go as far to say even Mr Black Sabbath too. (Pretty sure that's what their respective vocalists were called.)
yeah definitely...listened to a motorhead album on the 1983 albums thread and it was a breath of one dimensional noise fresh air compared to some of the other ott metal about (even though this album was a bit more solo-y than earlier stuff),
Most overrated over hyped group anywhere: the stones. I have an album or two of their's and have seen them two or three times and there are just flat. They certainly do not live up to their hype.
I had forgotten all about Venom, but that phrase reminded me that I first heard them around the same time i heard motörhead, and Venom won :D
My all-time defining memory of Venom is that the one time I went to Primavera, Venom were playing, and I was kind of excited to see them, but I had to use the toilet, and I ended up going to this toilet that was about equidistant between the stage where Venom was playing, and another stage that was playing...some kind of dance music, in my head it was something a bit Eurohousy? Anyway, I sometimes wonder if I should go back and listen to Venom some more, but I know it'll never live up to the experience of being in a portaloo with Venom playing live in one ear and Eurohouse, or something similar, in the other.
My all-time defining memory of Venom is that the one time I went to Primavera, Venom were playing, and I was kind of excited to see them, but I had to use the toilet, and I ended up going to this toilet that was about equidistant between the stage where Venom was playing, and another stage that was playing...some kind of dance music, in my head it was something a bit Eurohousy? Anyway, I sometimes wonder if I should go back and listen to Venom some more, but I know it'll never live up to the experience of being in a portaloo with Venom playing live in one ear and Eurohouse, or something similar, in the other.
Just how long were you in this toilet?
My all-time defining memory of Venom is that the one time I went to Primavera, Venom were playing, and I was kind of excited to see them, but I had to use the toilet, and I ended up going to this toilet that was about equidistant between the stage where Venom was playing, and another stage that was playing...some kind of dance music, in my head it was something a bit Eurohousy? Anyway, I sometimes wonder if I should go back and listen to Venom some more, but I know it'll never live up to the experience of being in a portaloo with Venom playing live in one ear and Eurohouse, or something similar, in the other.
& thus a new genre of music was created- VengaVenom
Not a band, but Billy Bragg’s appeal mystifies me also as much as Bob Dylan’s. A horrendous grating voice and there’s nothing worse to back that but a dull acoustic guitar and no backing, not even drums.
Trevor Horn would have sorted him out and at least would have found a tune in there somewhere. Even Martin Hannett might have polished that turd.
Arcade Fire. They had all the celebrity endorsements and I had expected something astounding.

Felt a bit like I did the time I was given a Christopher Hitchens book as a present.
Not a band, but Billy Bragg’s appeal mystifies me also as much as Bob Dylan’s. A horrendous grating voice and there’s nothing worse to back that but a dull acoustic guitar and no backing, not even drums.
Trevor Horn would have sorted him out and at least would have found a tune in there somewhere. Even Martin Hannett might have polished that turd.

Chopin never used drums either, the tone-deaf cunt.
The Who are rubbish.
What a statement. Might not be to your tastes granted but to claim them "rubbish" is ridiculous. I'm not a fan of The Smiths or The Cure and have never purchased anything by either band but can clearly see they are both exceptional bands and can see the attraction.

You should check out a band called The High Numbers. Think you'll like them....

Yes, yes....'A mod defending The Who' shocker but come on mate....rubbish?

Not a band, but Billy Bragg’s appeal mystifies me also as much as Bob Dylan’s. A horrendous grating voice and there’s nothing worse to back that but a dull acoustic guitar and no backing, not even drums.
Trevor Horn would have sorted him out and at least would have found a tune in there somewhere. Even Martin Hannett might have polished that turd.
Agree wholeheartedly about Billy Bragg - shit voice, shit guitar playing, sanctimonious “prolifer than thou” earnestness. Where are the tunes? Crass is another lot where good message/politics doesn’t make up for an alarming lack of talent (ditto 90% of punk).

Bit grumpy today as my bodge repair on the toilet has failed and mentions of Billy Bragg hasn’t improved matters 🙂
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