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Australian heat waves & bushfires

Victorian fire authorities will not be sending fire crews into isolated communities to protect people who refused to leave.
Travelling around NZ and occasionally listening to their talk radio. I know their TR is probably as bad as ours (‘call in with your view, no matter how vile’ as one presenter put it), but, ffs, the level of denial is unbelievable.

“I’ll believe in climate change once there’s 100% proof” as more than one person put it.

you’ll be long dead by then, you buffoon(s)
Shocking news this morning that the fires are burning & moving faster than any of the modelling & predictions suggested they would. :(

That picture above of people crowded on the beach and the state of the sky sent a shiver down my spine, it must be fucking terrifying. Apparently there are plans to evacuate them by sea.

Watching ABC News, available on youtube, there was a lot of scary personal stories, like the guy explaining how they were cut-off & only saved due to a sudden change in wind direction when the fire was just 50m from their house. A women explaining there were 55 staying in a lodge, again cut-off, with the fire getting closer, luckily they are a matter of feet from the beach & a fairly large & long concrete pier, which will save their lives.

ABC was also reporting that the military has [finally] been asked for help, why on earth were they not called on earlier?

They expect a number of communities to be cut-off for days, and as electric & phone lines are down, and some mobile phone towers too, communication is becoming a problem, again it must be fucking terrifying.

Sad to hear of the latest deaths, lets all hope there're no more.
Where I live has had some solid rain today, which has dampened things down a bit. Qld, is always at risk but at the moment it's South Australia that's copping it.

Its been my experience that people don't evacuate when they're directed to for all sorts of different reasons, which are all perfectly valid

You don't trust the authorities
Mixed messaging
You're not legal
You have an illegal business on the go
You want to stay and try to save your property.
You're in the ' won't happen to me' state of mind
You think you know better ( and it happens a lot because these fires are so unpredictable- that this reasoning is validated)
You're in shock and not hearing
It's an Aussie culture thing.

People will listen to locals though. The old timers who say when it's time to leave. They listen to local experience.
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You don't trust the authorities

This happens a great deal as the authorities are so risk averse and incompetent. When we lived in the country we used to get SES volunteers manning roadblocks telling us we couldn't drive down the road to our house whenever there was a fire within 10km. I used to tell them to fuck off and drive around them. A fire got within 800m in January 2014 but me and my neighbour were in a battle of nerves to see who would crack first and pull the pin so neither of us left.
This happens a great deal as the authorities are so risk averse and incompetent. When we lived in the country we used to get SES volunteers manning roadblocks telling us we couldn't drive down the road to our house whenever there was a fire within 10km. I used to tell them to fuck off and drive around them. A fire got within 800m in January 2014 but me and my neighbour were in a battle of nerves to see who would crack first and pull the pin so neither of us left.

It's one of the reasons I get deployed. I go as a neutral party, with the first responders. Red cross etc...

It doesn't always work, and with the direction of the fires changing so swiftly.. sometimes you only have moments to gain someones trust :/
There was a sensible woman leaving her house and escaping fires on the news a few days ago. Her statement was, at least I can replace my house.
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