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Auf Wiedersehen, Pet


Been watching these again - it is such a great series, funny and sad and dramatic. With a great variety of well rounded characters, and Bomber. Barry, Oz and Wayne being the outstanding ones

The later series were pretty bad though, but the first two in Germany, Spain and England were superb. The godawful Noel Clarke was no replacement for the excellent Wayne.

I move that it is the best British series ever

Jimmy Nail was at his perfect, effortless best in this too. He became a bit over-exposed later.
Absolutely brilliant series, we have started watching from the start a couple of weeks ago for about the 8th time!
Absolutely brilliant series, we have started watching from the start a couple of weeks ago for about the 8th time!
I think the best episode was when Dennis goes to the hotel with Magda, and Wayne and Barry are mooching about trying to pull the air hostesses.
"What's got inta ya, Dennis man?!"
I considered having a watchthru during my summer hols, but it's only been 18 months since the last one, so I'll try and leave it til next year :cool:
I enjoyed this when it was on TV.

So much TV seems south centric it was nice to have some decent northern characters for a change!
Oh well my memory is obviously not that good. When I think of Auf Wiedersehen Pet I tend to think of Geordies mainly.
its interesting watching this stuff again- each story build slowly, lots of filler shots of the site, chit chat and suchlike. If it were remade, each story would be crammed into instant gratification half hour episodes - Im not saying ot was a golden age of telly, but it was more relaxed viewing, giving time to the charachters.

and the opening credits has a ford zephyr in it!
And Barry was a Brummie - only 3 Geordies in it.
For years I thought that he really was a Brummie. Then I re watched Quadrophenia and thought, "Bloody hell, That Timothy Spall does a great London accent!" Now, having just seen those clips of AWP after all these years, I've suddenly realised, "Bloody hell, that Timothy Spall does a shit Brummie accent!"
For years I thought that he really was a Brummie. Then I re watched Quadrophenia and thought, "Bloody hell, That Timothy Spall does a great London accent!"
He went to John Burns Primary School in Battersea. Here's a school photo

He went to John Burns Primary School in Battersea. Here's a school photo


I can't tell which one he is! But there's a kid there who looks like trashpony's foal :D

As for Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, first series was great, captured the mood of the times, later series OK, but it should have been killed off before it was - the series with the transporter bridge being moved to the native American reservation was daft.
I think the best episode was when Dennis goes to the hotel with Magda, and Wayne and Barry are mooching about trying to pull the air hostesses.
"What's got inta ya, Dennis man?!"

That is the stand-out episode of S1. S2 was excellent as well, think I prefer it to S1 but it is very close!

The two later series, while watchable, are nowhere near the excellence of the 2 originals.
The thing i always respected about it was how it managed to portray a specific work milieu so accurately that those watching it from that group identified with it rather than saying look at that, that would never happen in a million years (though i do remember my old man shouting at some of the sloppy brickwork). I was thinking more of the social rather than the technical side though.
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