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Peter Wyngarde (Klytus off of Flash Gordon/Jason King), dead at 90

Sticking the knife in is stock and trade for jernos. A tie holding up trousers was probably a bit too punky for someone to grasp in 77.
The inability to discover his age, parentage and surviving family says it all. Guardian fail.
The Guardian have responded to the overwhelmingly negative below the line comments on their obituary by publishing a separate appreciation of his work. Can't offhand recall when they last did that.
Much better.

His extensive theatre work attracted many good notices from the outset and included Shylock and King John, via Jack Pinchwife (The Country Wife) and more than 200 performances as the lead in The King and I (Adelphi theatre and tour, 1973-74). He also directed productions at the Bristol Old Vic and the Yvonne Arnaud theatre, Guildford.

In later years he was gracious with fans and a writer of detailed and helpful letters crafted in attractive – if minute – handwriting, generously extolling the virtues of colleagues he admired such as Cartier, Wilfred Lawson and Patrick McGoohan: unpredictable talents all, who should give some clue as to where his sensibilities lay.

A perfectionist, he was doubtless sometimes difficult, but the scandal that dented his career should not overshadow the many fine qualities of a charming, seductive, watchable leading actor with an offbeat streak.
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