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Argentina: return of the pink tide?


canadian girlfriend
Argentina's a bit of a funny one, isn't it?

Fernandez promises to build a ‘new Argentina’ after storming to victory in primary elections

I'm not quite sure what the primary elections thing means in this case, but it does look like the country is going to buck the regional trends in a big way. I don't see this bringing down Bolsnaro in Brazil, or gettting Venezuela out of the mire. But it might mean something for some kind of progressive change in Argentina. . .

(Even if we have been here before several times over).
Sounds like Argentina has massive financial problems....50% inflation for example. Borrowing billions from the IMF....

I don't know anything about Argentinian politics or the economy but I'd guess and expect that if Mr Fernandez wins the election they will struggle to 'manage capitalism' and it will be another Syriza-like situation of a left party dealing with the IMF etc, swimming in the shit
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The kirchers were massively corrupt aircraft factory that produced no aircraft the ice breaker that took over a decade to repair cash hidden in a nunnery etc etc
Vulture funds when argentina went bust most creditors settled for cents for every dollar owed.

Vulture cunts buy worthless debt for pennys then try to sue for the full value of the bonds if they got tortured and flung out a plane into the atlantic it wouldnt be unreasonable.
if they got tortured and flung out a plane into the atlantic it wouldnt be unreasonable.

I see you've given the matter some thought.

Anyhoo, the tide has turned, and with it the faces at the top of the Argentinian state:

Macri and the Argentine Right Failed. But What’s Next?

There's a strong whiff of pabulum off that Jacobin piece, but it does suggest that the country's politics is a lot closer to many Euro places than Latin America:

Having hit on its formula, Macrismo launched an ideological battle on three fronts. First, it promoted the “virtues” of risk and insecurity in both the workplace and at home. Second, it sought to legitimize the abusive and arbitrary use of police force. And third, it waged a war against those social sectors it could conveniently scapegoat for the country’s political and economic crises.

. . .

All the while, Macri’s government continued to emphasize the “problem of uncontrolled immigration,” blaming migrants for the country’s economic issues. In 2018, Macri’s security minister boasted of having deported more foreigners that year than in the entire preceding decade.

Interesting that the same old tired tune is being played all over the world. Whether the Argentinian left can make him keep his mouth shut, remains to be seen.
whatever the poor quality of Argentina leadership and it's shockingly poor.

The Vulture funds and the IMF are massively worseArgentina's ex-President Kirchner faces first corruption trial
Days after announcing that she will run as a vice-presidential candidate in the upcoming election, Kirchner will stare down allegations that she headed up an illicit association that awarded 51 public works projects at inflated prices to a friend and businessman, Lazaro Baez, in her home province of Santa Cruz.

It is the first of 11 court cases against Kirchner, which include allegations of bribery and coverup.

In a statement released hours before the trial is expected to kick-off, Kirchner called it a "new act of persecution" orchestrated by current President Mauricio Macri.

"Trials should seek the truth. But it doesn't look like that is going to happen here," she wrote on Twitter. "They only create a new smokescreen that aims to distract Argentines and Argentina - each time with less success - from the dramatic situation that our country and our people are living."

The Macri government, for its part, rejected Kirchner's characterization of the trial. Justice Minister German Garavano told a radio station that the trial is the appropriate venue to "explain to the public why a businessman received so many public works projects worth millions".

Now I'm perfectly prepared to believe Argentinas justice system is highly politicized but Argentina is 107th out of 177 in the corruption league the UK is 11th

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