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Are Astral Travels real or imaginary experiences?

Are Out of Body Experiences (OBE) real or imaginary experiences?

  • OBE are real experiences

    Votes: 9 15.3%
  • OBE are imaginary experiences

    Votes: 40 67.8%
  • Sometimes real and sometimes imaginary

    Votes: 10 16.9%

  • Total voters
We`ve just had a thread on holographic universe, thats a good starting point when considering the environment which makes projection possible, indeed natural.
editor said:
Thought you might find the challenge a little too tough.

What's the matter? Too frightened to put it to the test, eh?

Well surely if your refusing to try it yourself it is you who are frightened. I bet you couldn`t do it, could you maintain concentration even when your body feels like a live wire? Would you panic like I used to at the exit sensations?

Your just a fool who mocks what he doesn`t understand. Yet would pretend to call it clarity...what nonsense. You wait til the new physics renaissance hits.
Azrael23 said:
Well surely if your refusing to try it yourself it is you who are frightened. I bet you couldn`t do it, could you maintain concentration even when your body feels like a live wire? Would you panic like I used to at the exit sensations?
Sorry, but that's just gibberish.
Azrael23 said:
Your just a fool who mocks what he doesn`t understand. Yet would pretend to call it clarity...what nonsense. You wait til the new physics renaissance hits.
I'll be delighted to give it a go once you've proved that it works.

So are you going to accept my challenge or do you intend to keep on wriggling?
editor said:
Sorry, but that's just gibberish.
I'll be delighted to give it a go once you've proved that it works.

So are you going to accept my challenge or do you intend to keep on wriggling?

I think Azreals next claim is that all the passengers of the 911 planes, and everyone in the WTC were astrally projected to Camp David or some such place... :rolleyes:
Yes and if you say something isn`t real....it isn`t....:rolleyes:

Its not my problem if our societies view of reality is drastically....WRONG.
Azrael23 said:
Yes and if you say something isn`t real....it isn`t....:rolleyes:

Its not my problem if our societies view of reality is drastically....WRONG.

Um... If you say something isn't real you usually need evidence. And unless you can provide it then your view is drasically... WRONG... :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
Its not my problem if our societies view of reality is drastically....WRONG.

I don't think it's "wrong" or even one thing...

Any society's view of reality will not be one thing but a spectrum, accomodating many things. These may vary from experiences which exists, unproblematically in the public sphere ( the economy, physics ) to "autistic" experience ( psychedelic drugs, shamanism and religious mysticism. )

The degree to which society accomodates the "autistic" range of experience as part of its totalised conception of what is "real" can be an indication of its receptivity to new ideas and change - often contained in the 'outsider' experience.

The UK, one feels, has, right now a very interesting and highly ambivalent attitude to the gargantun drug use of its young ( and not so young ) whether or not this is "tolerance" or evidence its willing to embrace a wider conception of the Real is another question.
Sid's Snake said:
The UK, one feels, has, right now a very interesting and highly ambivalent attitude to the gargantun drug use of its young ( and not so young ) whether or not this is "tolerance" or evidence its willing to embrace a wider conception of the Real is another question.

On a sidenote, Im not sure if people really get that high though - yeah they take a lot of drugs, but are they getting ionto transcendental states?

What depresses me about modern day drug use is the lazziness involved and the mundane nature of the experience, which turn it into nothing more than a distraction, rather than a meaningful experience.

Stanislaw Grof has done a lot of work on the psychology of what makes/allows people to get high - we are all able (according to him) to block the transcendental effects of any drug, including ridiculously high doses of LSD (He's done the experiments to prove this).

Blocking these experiences comes down to a general repression, but particularly of childhoos and birth events - the mroe emotionally repressed we are as people, the less likely we are likely to get high.

The reason drug use is tolerated so much is because it doesnt seem to have any profound effect on the people taking them anymore, hence doesnt threaten the mainstream fabric of society (except through drug related crime).

Sort of...not an absolute statement, but much of what I just said I agree with!
niksativa said:
The reason drug use is tolerated so much is because it doesnt seem to have any profound effect on the people taking them anymore, hence doesnt threaten the mainstream fabric of society (except through drug related crime).

I think the reason drug use ( and I'm thinking of the club/ecstacy culture, in particular ) is tolerated is because it gives a very large number of young office workers, who are by and large working harder longer and more ruthlessly than their European counterparts, a sense of collectivity and solidarity largely absent from their working lives; but necessary to the human life.

It's a whole lot cheaper for the State to allow 6 hours of "this sort of thing" on a Saturday night/Sunday morning, even if it might have to pick up a bit of the mental health bill later; than have things like labour movement around. That it fills in a little bit of the gap left by by organised religion is either a plus or a minus - depending where you stand.

I think drugs may well have a profound effect on the people taking them still, only these days the effects are more likely to be in the doctors waiting room or the ga ga ward than in visible popular culture, or the sublime heights of psychedelic music.
Sid's Snake said:
I think the reason drug use ( and I'm thinking of the club/ecstacy culture, in particular ) is tolerated is because it gives a very large number of young office workers, who are by and large working harder longer and more ruthlessly than their European counterparts, a sense of collectivity and solidarity largely absent from their working lives; but necessary to the human life.

It's a whole lot cheaper for the State to allow 6 hours of "this sort of thing" on a Saturday night/Sunday morning, even if it might have to pick up a bit of the mental health bill later; than have things like labour movement around. That it fills in a little bit of the gap left by by organised religion is either a plus or a minus - depending where you stand.

True true - and it may not be based on any evidence, but I think it is very likely that governments have a fair amount of control over what drugs get into our countries and hit the streets. Call my a conspiracy theorist (o the shame!), but I think there is at least an element of "allowance" that goes on - at what level I couldnt say.
I was recently given a copy of a book called "Hercolubus or Red Planet". When the author isn't describing what Scientific Chastity entails, or roundly condemning scientists for daring to measure the dimensions and mass of a huge planet six times the size the Jupiter that's on a collision course with Earth, he offers lots of handy tips on astral travel, which he himself has employed to visit the inhabitants of Venus and Mars.

One of those tips runs as follows:

V.M. Rabolu said:
If you want to discern where you are, whether you are in the physical or in the astral, look at everything that is around you, people, houses, the place, and ask yourself the question: "Why am I seeing this or that?" with wonder. "Am I in the astral body or in the physical body?" And you do a little jump with the intention of floating.

It is not necessary for you to jump a meter: with some centimeters that you raise yourself from the ground you already know whether you are there physically or not. If you do not float it is because you are in the physical, but if you float it is because you are in the astral body.
It is not necessary for you to jump a meter: with some centimeters that you raise yourself from the ground you already know whether you are there physically or not. If you do not float it is because you are in the physical, but if you float it is because you are in the astral body.

Interestingly, there has been, since its discovery, this question, regarding the Cave Art of the Late Paleolithic
" Why are the horses hoofs show from underneath, rather than planted firmly on the ground? "

Recent theories say they are because they literally "float" in space in the head of the Shaman/Painter who painted them.

These men or women probably didn't share the same idea of the 'real' we do; their floaty horses were not means to observe or influence the "real" world - like someone "floating" out of their bedsit in Kendal Rise in the middle of the night to rifle through their neighbours' knicker drawer - they were part of the fabric of the reality itself...:cool:

Its something of this spirit, one feels, that modern man lacks:(
Sid's Snake said:
I think the reason drug use ( and I'm thinking of the club/ecstacy culture, in particular ) is tolerated is because it gives a very large number of young office workers, who are by and large working harder longer and more ruthlessly than their European counterparts, a sense of collectivity and solidarity largely absent from their working lives; but necessary to the human life.

It's a whole lot cheaper for the State to allow 6 hours of "this sort of thing" on a Saturday night/Sunday morning, even if it might have to pick up a bit of the mental health bill later; than have things like labour movement around. That it fills in a little bit of the gap left by by organised religion is either a plus or a minus - depending where you stand.

Errrrmmm...E culture only started to be "tolerated" (although this is debateable - see the raid on the Brixton Fridge for example) when it was recuperated into the mainstream and commercialised - e.g. James Palumbo and the MoS. For a number of years it was villified, legislated against and actively pursued by the law - and the illegal (and therefore economically uncontrollable) scene still is. However the commercial club scene makes large rakes of cash for the economy.

Sid's Snake said:
sublime heights of psychedelic music.


Far out man!
Sid's Snake said:
Interestingly, there has been, since its discovery, this question, regarding the Cave Art of the Late Paleolithic
" Why are the horses hoofs show from underneath, rather than planted firmly on the ground? "(

Look here, I've said it before and I'll say it again. The serious Astral folk are really pissed off, since the kids have started doing K and stuff there's been to many munters on the astral plane, please kids try and snort your K or whatever less busy times than friday through to sunday, monday afternoon is not too busy for instance, blah blah blah;)
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