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Anonymous staff surveys

I've just brutally completed this year's survey. Questions asked include team, sub section of team, place of work, a pointer to age, sex, ethnic origin, disabilities etc. There could be no mistaking who completed it.
Yeah, I've seen this sort of thing. Stopped doing them.
just done one. answered from another non work PC, so hopefully anon. I kicked off in the comments section about the undercurrent of sexism ( women + pregnancy = drag on productivity for eg) and ageism ( give the oldies repetative tasks to get them to quit for eg). I hope others brought this up as well. MY other rant was on patronage and bias towards certain groups to the detriment of others.If you knew what I do and for who, this would probably make total sense .
My experience is that they were so scared of revealing that the tests were "not really anonymous" that nothing happened. But it is possible that promotion etc got delayed.
Exactly this. The report back from last survey was this would happen and that would happen......................not.
This one appeared a lot different to the previous one; five or six tick boxes to each question; do you totally agree, slightly agree, disagree....
Still I have said my piece and not just accepted everything by ignoring it.
Are they really anonymous? Do these things ever result in anything good being done?
My employer has just taken on a new broom and one of the first things they have done is sent out a survey.
I have answered mine honestly, not diplomatically and could be identified by it but I really don't give a toss.
It's loads of good, really good, really bad or bad type answers with two free form sentences allowed, one for good things, one for bad. I have put three or four home truths into my single sentence. Will anything come of it?
I have tried encouraging one or two outspoken colleagues to complete their's but to no avail.
Anyone have any experience of these things?
I tend to get more honest the closer I get to retirement :D
Where I used to work there used to be a virtual manhunt for anyone who scored negatively in the survey. These things are never anonymous and in most cases it's pointless bothering filling them out.
I tend to get more honest the closer I get to retirement :D
Yes. I did a culture survey recently where I really fucking laid it out there how shit the company is and will remain with respect to ”diversity and inclusion” as a result of its inability to recognise the true drivers of social injustice. I think they were actually just looking for people to say “10/10 I believe I won’t be fired because I’m a woman lol”
Yes. I did a culture survey recently where I really fucking laid it out there how shit the company is and will remain with respect to ”diversity and inclusion” as a result of its inability to recognise the true drivers of social injustice. I think they were actually just looking for people to say “10/10 I believe I won’t be fired because I’m a woman lol”
Isn't that all anyone does this for; to receive a pat on the back and hear how good they are doing.
Likewise the staff praise stuff. This last year we have been getting dozens of emails telling us what a good job someone we have never heard of
has done in a department that no one has ever heard of. Most of us just seem to delete them without even opening them.
I've been on nights for past week. About an hour before leaving, boss walks into to a virtually empty office once or twice and barely says hello to me and my colleague. Perhaps I should have been harsher with my survey.
1) is it’s anonymous -
Depends on software - MS Forms is anonymous unless it’s set to not

2) does anything good come from them


Jigsaw identification is the affronted manager’s friend: how many men aged between 25 and 32 with under three year’s service and a grievance about portion sizes in the canteen can there be in the accounts department? And how dare the bastard say that about the appraisal process?
When OFSTED show up they send all the staff an anonymous survey encouraging them to snitch on management. I've only ever sent it back with glowing reports, because there's pretty clear self-interest for the staff in the school not getting inadequated and then handed over to whichever academy chain is run by the most swivel-eyed fanatic going.
I've been on nights for past week. About an hour before leaving, boss walks into to a virtually empty office once or twice and barely says hello to me and my colleague. Perhaps I should have been harsher with my survey.

Many people would thank their lucky stars for a boss that leaves them the fuck alone.
Many people would thank their lucky stars for a boss that leaves them the fuck alone.
The boss is ineffectual and won't do anything about particular issues even if something is required and requested.

The survey is in, the results are out. The section I work for has shown that employees perception of the management is well down on last year which is in total contrast to the rest of the organisation.
I have my first 1-2-1 in years coming up in a few days. Today was a totally demotivating and demoralising day. Again, they will get it with both barrels.
I've never gotten into trouble for filling in an employee survey, but then 1) my current job has been the only one so far where we get given them and 2) I rather like my current job so my honest opinion is going to be inoffensive. My colleagues aren't dickheads, my immediate superiors are relatively accommodating, and upper management aren't psychotic freaks or blundering imbeciles so far as I can tell.

I remember we once got a survey about returning to the office. I honestly answered that I significantly preferred remote working. I wonder if that had any causal contribution towards the office being closed and us being re-contracted as remote workers? In any case it's worked out for me.

I guess if the situation turns for the worse then I'll have the opportunity to find out how well-received my honesty would be then.
My colleagues aren't dickheads, my immediate superiors are relatively accommodating, and upper management aren't psychotic freaks or blundering imbeciles so far as I can tell.

That's quite a good combination these days...

Deadline for our pointless annual review thing is end of the month. My supervisor thinks it's a load of balls and hasn't mentioned it yet. I'm not going to remind him.

(it's local authority, so it's not as if there's pay rise or bonus or anything riding on it.)
I am leaving my current employer. Apparently there are no more exit interviews just an online questionnaire which they say is anonymised. What the hell is the point of that, why would I care if I'm leaving. That said, I am the only one leaving this small department for at least the next month so I'm easily traced.
Pointless. Nothing will change.
I am leaving my current employer. Apparently there are no more exit interviews just an online questionnaire which they say is anonymised. What the hell is the point of that, why would I care if I'm leaving. That said, I am the only one leaving this small department for at least the next month so I'm easily traced.
Pointless. Nothing will change.

When I go I don't think I could go any more Howard Beale than I have when I've not gone
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