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Angel pub on Coldharbour Lane becomes arty community space run by Brick Box

Well you could argue that they have already introduced themselves to the local community, as they run a very popular cafe in Brixton Village and have run several free events already, including some kids' art events.
They've introduced themselves to Brixton Village.
Still, it's good to know what has inspired this "sensual and sumptuous feast of the most unprecedented kind offering up rare delicacies, exquisite aromas, and bizarre discoveries."

Our inspiration
We look for inspiration from the streets of the world; the places that are visceral and rough and ready; where the street drinkers hang out; where the bins are kept.
You don't actually understand the point

Why did you get drawn on this? For the limited amount it's worth, I can see what he's getting at on that specific, pedantic point - but that's irrelevant, as the substance of the point you were making should have been incontestible enough to anyone who's not hopelessly naive and lacking in any sort of historical or social perspective.

The point I'd make would be this: the fact that fairly ordinary people don't see £40 as a bad amount to pay for a four course meal (and I agree it's not) does little to ameliorate the crassness of inaugurating a supposed community centre in a poor area with an event that is not only out of the price range of those who most lack community facilities, but also patently not aimed at them.
Why did you get drawn on this?
Good question, I should know better really. Sorry.
The point I'd make would be this: the fact that fairly ordinary people don't see £40 as a bad amount to pay for a four course meal (and I agree it's not) does little to ameliorate the crassness of inaugurating a supposed community centre in a poor area with an event that is not only out of the price range of those who most lack community facilities, but also patently not aimed at them.
Exactly. And that's why I've repeatedly described the event as inappropriate because it is.
It's not really about the money anyway (though £40 is a fair whack for dinner). There's a specific (sub)cultural relevance to the whole theme - it's aimed to appeal to a certain group of people, who are very much in the "gentrifier" bracket. It's not just a random subject for a night any more than cupcakes are random food items.
It's not really about the money anyway (though £40 is a fair whack for dinner). There's a specific (sub)cultural relevance to the whole theme - it's aimed to appeal to a certain group of people, who are very much in the "gentrifier" bracket. It's not just a random subject for a night any more than cupcakes are random food items.

This point will be missed both by those so far away from that particular sub-group of gentrifiers as to be unaware of what it looks like, and by those so deeply ensconced in it as to be unaware that it's not actually the entire culture. Without knowing the posters here irl, I suspect they may include representatives of both these groups.
preston got it's first cupcake shop last week, so i'd assumed everywhere else had moved on...
You ain't got nothing until you've got a "Guerrilla Restaurant" running a £40 night in a closed traditional black pub opposite a social housing estate hosted by people who like to be "where the street drinkers hang out."
although fwiw it's hardly a new idea - i vaguely remember making plans to go to a similarly themed night (sans 40 quid meal) at the telegraph about 10 years ago.

does seem an odd choice for the launch party of a community centre though.
If we don't have quirky shops and eateries what do we get instead? More starbucks, more high street chains, more pound shops - I suppose it would put off the young people (they do seem to be upsetting the older people :()
Chronic alcoholism - a tortured self-medication of extreme emotional pain. Graduation from hanging with street drinkers; crack rape. Cup Cake & Crack Rape - beats French & Grace.
If we don't have quirky shops and eateries what do we get instead? More starbucks, more high street chains, more pound shops - I suppose it would put off the young people (they do seem to be upsetting the older people :()

There *are* businesses in existence that manage to be neither overtly elitist nor branches of international chains, FYI.
None of the actual clubs he listed regularly charge £15-£20 admission. That is a simple fact, easily checked by looking at this week's Brixton Buzz listings. In fact, why don't you try and find some regular examples yourself if you think he has a 'good point''? http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/


£20 for a Trance and Techno night. This Friday.

Now you're going to try and claim that a trance and techno night is a "gig", not a club night. It's a gig, but there are two rooms with DJs, playing dance music, and it goes on till 6am. That's a gig, yes, nothing at all like a club night.

You will also try and claim it's not "regular" because, even though it's on this Friday, and the same venue held club nights on the 5th April, 6th April, 7th April, 28th April (I was at that one and can confirm that it was a club night, based on my experience of going to club nights and knowing what a club night is), 5th May and 12th May, all £20 except one at £15, well, that's not "regular" because if it was it would mean you'd have to admit that you are talking rubbish and throwing around accusations without checking your facts.

This is all of course a distraction from the main point, but I am pursuing it because I made a statement that I'm fully able to back up, and you responded by calling me deceitful and stupid amongst various other things. And I'm not going to let it go because I'm not going to let you get away with it, especially as you keep implying that I am constantly waging some kind of personal attack on you.

Your standard line of argument: "you're talking rubbish/clueless because I say you are rubbish/clueless" is really irritating and this is the only way to combat it.

Apologies to other posters that this has diverted the thread from what it should be about.

£20 for a Trance and Techno night. This Friday.

Now you're going to try and claim that a trance and techno night is a "gig", not a club night. It's a gig, but there are two rooms with DJs, playing dance music, and it goes on till 6am. That's a gig, yes, nothing at all like a club night.

You will also try and claim it's not "regular" because, even though it's on this Friday, and the same venue held club nights on the 5th April, 6th April, 7th April, 28th April (I was at that one and can confirm that it was a club night, based on my experience of going to club nights and knowing what a club night is), 5th May and 12th May, all £20 except one at £15, well, that's not "regular" because if it was it would mean you'd have to admit that you are talking rubbish and throwing around accusations without checking your facts.

This is all of course a distraction from the main point, but I am pursuing it because I made a statement that I'm fully able to back up, and you responded by calling me deceitful and stupid amongst various other things. And I'm not going to let it go because I'm not going to let you get away with it, especially as you keep implying that I am constantly waging some kind of personal attack on you.

Your standard line of argument: "you're talking rubbish/clueless because I say you are rubbish/clueless" is really irritating and this is the only way to combat it.

Apologies to other posters that this has diverted the thread from what it should be about.

You seem to be failing to learn that being right on a specific point doesn't stop you from being tedious and irrelevant.
What I actually said:
It's not unusual to spend £40 and more on going to a club night or gig night. It's not unusual to spend £40 on a meal and drinks for those who can afford either.

What you quoted me as saying:
It's not unusual to spend £40 and more on going to a club night or gig night.

What you responded.
If you're rich enough to have that kind of cash to blow every time you go out, sure. But not everyone is.

And who said anything about every time anyone goes out?
As a regular street drinker I'm actually quite proud that I'm somehow inspiring and giving something back to the community :cool:

You seem to be failing to learn that being right on a specific point doesn't stop you from being tedious and irrelevant.
He's found one single club. The rest in his list were all gigs with well known headline acts, some of which weren't even charging the amount he claimed. But as you say, it's all veh dull. Onwards!
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