I love how all of you beleive im racist, especially when Scotland is a very racist country so you've got a good point, people even fight over football its that pathetic, but lets not get off the subject.
I beleive that several previous posts have put me in the position where im judged before understood, it comes as no surprise that most people think like this. In any given conversation or circumstance I would do the same. And given my own personal flaw, I speak before I think, and all too often.
For those who wish to know what kind of person I am, well firstly. Im 100% Anti-racism, if I seen anyone gettin beat up or abused in anyway then I would immediately react and get involved to protect the innocent, I don't start fights, I don't manipulate people/friends/family to get what I want or to start a fight, My doctor for 14-16 years was Pakistan/indian. Unlike you, the community of these forums would rather talk about problems that happen in this world and spread the word rather than going out and preventing it/them personally, because although your doing the just thing of spreadin the word, your only just spreading more hate. So you can just shut the fuck up.
I have absolutely no problem with polish people, well not all of them... but I can understand that we need them just as much as they need us. And at the end of the day we're all the same whether we're asian, african/indian blah blah you know what I mean, what I am tryin to put forward as an important topic is this:
A better oppertunity/chance in percentage to have relationships so that we can have babies together
Helping these people speak our language, therefore we can allow friendships to occur than the same typical talk behind eachothers back routine and spread more hate, which leads to something more physical. And when it comes to people who don't speak our language, that hate is never extinguished.
In the 60's, 70's 80's Pakistanian people and people from india started working as our doctors, shopowners, everything. Despite everything britain has done to Africa and Black people which would give them the incentive to DESTROY US! Because our united countries, in my eyes does not deserve saving! All the slaves, rape victims and anyone else who was judged due to racism would probably say the same, therefore the hate spreads like wildfire
(Previous quote) We may be a small and very powerful country but that doesn't defeat the purpose that at any given moment we could be annhialated from within or outside these walls. Jeez, that does make me sound bad. But its fact. Our goverment gives us the incentive to move forward as a country, but there are alot of people who need to do this to make a difference. It can't just be your JOB to make you do it. It has to be done straight away and it also has to be intuitive, because if it doesn't happen, then the chances of civil war is more likely to happen!
Another small example. A polish person gets raped, killed. Who are they going to talk to!? Because its certainly not going to be us, or in the english language. This means that the hate stays there for it to eventually cause harm to someone who doesn't take retaliation lightly and boom, fights start, word travels, here comes a war.
What happens when we still have polish people in our country when we can't talk to them and we've run out of resources... umm. You'd have to be stupid not to understand the consequences.
The only thing I am trying to make aware is that we need to befriend these people who have came from a very unwealthy country, quickly.