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am on the census in spain. who should I vote for?


a.k.a. floppybollocks
As of today I'm a member of the Spanish electorate. The last three times I voted in the UK were Sadiq Khan for mayor, Remain and Chuka Umuna as my MP.

But who should I vote for here? I'm well left of centre, and always voted Labour (except in '97, '01 and '05).

Should I go for the socialists or Podemos?
I'm voting Podemos because I think there needs to be a clear break from the established parties. I think they offer the best choice for the future of Spain.
As of today I'm a member of the Spanish electorate. The last three times I voted in the UK were Sadiq Khan for mayor, Remain and Chuka Umuna as my MP.

But who should I vote for here? I'm well left of centre, and always voted Labour (except in '97, '01 and '05).

Should I go for the socialists or Podemos?
Am I right that you can't yet vote in a General Election unless you're now Spanish? So I would vote for the better list locally, between the two options you mention.
Am I right that you can't yet vote in a General Election unless you're now Spanish? So I would vote for the better list locally, between the two options you mention.
I might be wrong, but as an EU citizen you have the right to vote assunassyou have padron and on the census document.

For Andalusia, which I am assuming is at least similar to the north.
How to vote as an EU citizen in Andalucia, Spain.
Am I right that you can't yet vote in a General Election unless you're now Spanish? So I would vote for the better list locally, between the two options you mention.

Just checked, and you're right. I can vote in regional and EU elections, but it doesn't mention GEs. :(
Draw a cock and balls on the ballot of course.

On my ballot I once wrote, "Any man who lays his hand on me to govern me is a tyrant and a usurper. I declare him my enemy."

So, conceptually similar to a cock and balls. (A bit sexist, too, probably. Those pesky 19th Century anarchists didn't properly anticipate feminism.)
I think you can vote in local council elections and EU ones, not in regional parliamentary elections (I think, I don't know) and deffo not in general elections. I know you have to declare your intention to exercise your franchise well in advance, armed with your padrón and the exemption letter (the greeny blue one).
My new padron isn't going to come through in time for me to vote, which is annoying.
As of today I'm a member of the Spanish electorate. The last three times I voted in the UK were Sadiq Khan for mayor, Remain and Chuka Umuna as my MP.

But who should I vote for here? I'm well left of centre, and always voted Labour (except in '97, '01 and '05).

Should I go for the socialists or Podemos?

You voted for Chuckles?

You're dead to me, Lambrusco. Dead! :mad:
Am I right that you can't yet vote in a General Election unless you're now Spanish?

Yes, if you are not Spanish but you are an EU citizen, you have the right to vote in municipal elections and elections to the European Parliament, but you do not have the right to vote in national or regional elections.

If you want to exercise the right to vote you have to (i) be on the padrón, which of course is obligatory in any case, and (ii) have informed the local authority that you wish to vote.

In Madrid, you don't have to bother going to the local authority to inform them. You can do it by phone or internet, using a little code which the council sends by post to all foreign EU citizens who are on the padrón.

The letter I received a couple of weeks ago made it very clear that if the UK leaves the EU next March as planned, I will not be able to vote in next year's municipal election.
Cock and balls party are petit bourgeois deviationist splitters. :mad: True proletarians vote spunking cock league
As usual the Spanish left breaks down into alphabet soup. Now we have the CABP being called names by the SCL. And vice versa no doubt. How I miss the unity of the SC(AB)P. But it didn't last. Both parties have been led down a capitalist road by in-fighting.

The obvious solution is a 4th party which is also less hideously phallocratic. The Pair Of Massive Arse-Cheeks Front (POMA-CF) can unite ballot-spoilers across the world, and beyond!
As usual the Spanish left breaks down into alphabet soup. Now we have the CABP being called names by the SCL. And vice versa no doubt. How I miss the unity of the SC(AB)P. But it didn't last. Both parties have been led down a capitalist road by in-fighting.

The obvious solution is a 4th party which is also less hideously phallocratic. The Pair Of Massive Arse-Cheeks Front (POMA-CF) can unite ballot-spoilers across the world, and beyond!

A futile exercise in Popular Front-Bottomism which could never hope to replicate the glorious struggles of the People's Orifices United Movement (POUM)! :mad:
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