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Alex jones podcast

the way he describes a topic with off hand lines to me sounds funny.
of course the podcast is not flat out comedy.
I find him entertaining too, and I like to hear what he says on certain things.

His radio show though is about 75 % adverts then when he comes back on he tries to sell you Terrorstorm. I can't listen to that for 3 hours. He does have some good interviews now and again. His faults are also clear, he takes things with a grain of truth in and exagerrates to support his world view.

But you hear news that you would otherwise miss because the mainstream media won't touch it. Think I will give the shows a miss though and just check the website.
Sure he has his viewpoint to sell , a lot of his ideas i totally disagree .
I enjoyed watching his Bohemian Grove series.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove was a great film. In it you see Jon Ronson completely bottle out of going in there at the last minute (perhaps I would have too).

The film is important, and Bohemian Grove is historically important. Who else but Alex Jones has gone in and shown what these guys get up to?
Stories that Alex Jones brought my attention to, that I didn’t get in the mainstream media include:

Depleted Uranium weapons controversy – Brought my attention to this (link is to my thread on subject).

Bush Advisor Says its Legal to Torture Children -

World Bank Secret Documents Argentina
Alex Jones Interviews Reporter Greg Palast Interview reveals how the World Bank deliberately destroyed Argentina. (transript)

Strategic Communications Laboritories – Weaponised propaganda for public

100,000 radiations – America paid Israel to kill 100,000 jewish children in the 50s

All interesting stories, or terrible ones. That the mainstream media didn’t tell me.

He and his team are also super critical of the wars and the Neo –Cons, and are vigilant on covering the surveillance state and repression of civil liberties.
EddyBlack said:
Strategic Communications Laboritories – Weaponised propaganda for public
I have a lot of time for AJ.

Anyone who likes his stuff only has to do a search on youtube for endless hours of his radio show.

There are caveats:

He does exagerate in a way that would easily get him a job working for the Labour Party if he was that way inclined.

He is a conservative: pro-gun and quite anti-immigrant (though not to my knowledge racist - as a Texan he has a problem with border control with Mexico and thinks a lot of Mexicans are themselves racist - bred to hate the US, maybe he's right I dunno)

he is what is described as a paleo-conservative (Wikipedia defines it well), rabidly anti neo-con and anti New World Order, distrustful of the state which many of us share :) .

He strongly backs Republican candidate for prez Ron Paul, who is an interesting guy though good U75ers would never vote for him.

Listen to him long enough and its clear he makes no pretence about his libertarianism or conservative views. That makes him funny coz lots of lefties love him too. He is quite the performer - his impressions of stupid authoritarian police are a real hoot and well observed.

It is a shame that it takes someone so right wing to be one of the best and most influential critics of authoritarianism and the establishment. If the "left" cant do better then that is a problem for them to worry about rather than slagging him off.
I have a lot of time for AJ.

Anyone who likes his stuff only has to do a search on youtube for endless hours of his radio show.

There are caveats:

He does exagerate in a way that would easily get him a job working for the Labour Party if he was that way inclined.

He is a conservative: pro-gun and quite anti-immigrant (though not to my knowledge racist - as a Texan he has a problem with border control with Mexico and thinks a lot of Mexicans are themselves racist - bred to hate the US, maybe he's right I dunno)

he is what is described as a paleo-conservative, rabidly anti neo-con and anti New World Order, distrustful of the state which many of us share :) .

He strongly backs Republican candidate for prez Ron Paul, who is an interesting guy though good U75ers would never vote for hi,.

Listen to him long enough and its clear he makes no pretence about his libertarianism or conservative views. That makes him funny coz lots of lefties love him too. He is quite the performer - his impressions of stupid authoritarian police are a real hoot and well observed.

It is a shame that it takes someone so right wing to be one of the best and most influential critics of authoritarianism.
OMG!!! It mustt be teh lizards making an echo in echo in heree!

Or teh Echelon line-eater bhomb plutonium hair dye chapatti thingy...
editor said:

Well that example was one I would describe as interesting. I found it ages ago on Prisonplanet, yes you can interpret and make what you like of that one

Whereas the others examples, for example the deliberate subjugation of Argentina by the World Bank, the torturing children statement by John Yoo, and the historical story about how USG paid Israel to poison thousands of its own children cannot be dismissed can they? What do you think about those stories?

As I said these are stories that I got through Alex Jones and not the mainstream media. Regarding Bohemian Grove, it is an important place historically, and who else has gone in and filmed the place. Jon Ronson didn’t. What you make of all their weird activities is another thing. I still give the guy credit for doing that.

Regarding SC Labs, I found that interesting. I called it ‘Weaponised propaganda against the public’, Yes they are a sophisticated scientific propaganda agency, yes they frequently describe it as a weapon, yes their target is largely the general public.’ You don’t find that interesting?

They describe themselves or what they do as ‘the most powerful weapon in the world.’ Not ‘tool’…’weapon’.

‘In a world where the perception is the reality, all countries need to have the capability to manage their own perceptual alignment – otherwise someone else will.’
‘…the most advanced and effective persuasion methodology for social and group communication.’

They are nothing to do with commercial advertisement, but ’ the world’s leading authority on persuasion, communication psychology and public diplomacy’
‘Its customers include NGOs, police departments, military forces, municipal authorities, and the UN.’
SCL can:
Psychological Operations (PSYOPS)
• Civilian Affairs
• Public Diplomacy
• Public Affairs
• Military Deception
• Media Management
Internal Security
• Public Unrest
• Insurgency
• Crowd Management & Riot Control
• Counter - Terrorism Psychological Operations
• Crisis Public Affairs
• Financial Markets Perception Realignment
• Critical Incident Financial Management & Recovery
• Investment Alignment Programmes
Foreign Affairs
• International Relationship Management
• International Civil Affairs
• Public Diplomacy
• Emergency Public Diplomacy
• Chronic Illness reduction Programmes
• Epidemic Contingency Management
• Behavioural Alignment Programmes
• National Immunisation Management
• Tourism Growth Campaigns
• Critical Incident Contingency
• Long Term Perceptual Alignment Programmes
Head of State
We live in a world of communication, where perception is very often the reality. Those individuals that control the perceptions are the ones that control virtually everything…
Although SCL offers specific solutions for different government departments, it really makes most sense for our installations to be attached to the office of the Head of State. This is because communication is not department specific. What a defence minister says one day can effect the financial markets the next. An over-zealous health minister can impinge tourism growth.
The relationships that a government must manage between the groups of people that really matter are the arteries that keep the government in power. Any major disruption in the relationship with any one of the groups could be catastrophic for a country.'
EddyBlack said:
Well that example was one I would describe as interesting. I found it ages ago on Prisonplanet, yes you can interpret and make what you like of that one
Yes. You're a gullible 'loon.
No I read and made my own mind up. It speaks for itself. What is your interpretation? What do you think of those other stories?
EddyBlack said:
No I read and made my own mind up. It speaks for itself. What is your interpretation? What do you think of those other stories?
Where's the actual real world evidence to support the guff spun out by Strategic Communications Laboratories?

All I see are the hyperbolic claims of a 'who the fuck?' company that hasn't released a press release in two years.

Where's the investigative reporting telling the real story? Or is the stuff slapped on their website the entire story as far as you're concerned and no proof of actual nasty practices are needed? I don't even know what half that PR-spun guff is supposed to mean on their site. Do you?
bluestreak said:
what was alex jones conclusion over bohemian grove?
That the American elite were sacrificing babies!! :rolleyes:

I love a good conspiracy theory but this was the biggest load of tosh I have ever seen in my entire life.
editor said:
Where's the actual real world evidence to support the guff spun out by Strategic Communications Laboratories?

All I see are the hyperbolic claims of a 'who the fuck?' company that hasn't released a press release in two years.

Where's the investigative reporting telling the real story? Or is the stuff slapped on their website the entire story as far as you're concerned and no proof of actual nasty practices are needed? I don't even know what half that PR-spun guff is supposed to mean on their site. Do you?

Perhaps your right. In the defence arms industry, they are trying to sell their ‘expertise’, which perhaps have been greatly exagerrated. Nonetheless, they are interesting and somewhat sinister when you have a good look at their website. As for the ‘real world, anything to corroborate’ point.

‘SCL is a highly successful project company with an enviable track record and 12 years' experience of managing and executing political and humanitarian strategic communication campaigns for 27 governments and sovereigns worldwide - including personally advising eleven prime ministers and presidents - as well as NGOs, police departments, military forces and political parties, a major US city, and work for the UN. Projects include election campaigns and analysis (including the largest political research project ever undertaken in the world - a 500-strong team working for over a year on a budget of £20m), together with political lobbying and democratic reform.’ Armed Forces www.armedforces.co.uk/companies/raq42ad8c328c7a6

That shows they are at least somewhat genuine.

As for the other stories (leaving aside the DU which again is open for interpretation) pretty amazing stories. Its people like Jones that can focus on these and bring your attention to them..
LilJen said:
That the American elite were sacrificing babies!! :rolleyes:

I love a good conspiracy theory but this was the biggest load of tosh I have ever seen in my entire life.

Does he actually say that?
SCL on Sourcewatch. How curious..........


SCL made its public debut in September 2005 with a glitzy exhibit occupying prime real estate at Defense Systems & Equipment International 2005, or DSEI, the United Kingdom's largest showcase for military technology. The main attraction was a full-scale mock-up of its ops center, running simulations ranging from natural disasters to political coups," Sharon Weinberger writes for Slate. [1]

The elaborate booth included actors, flashing computer screens and a "a dark-suited man with a wireless microphone [pacing] like a carnival barker, narrating the scenarios." One of which features a "sophisticated campaign of mass deception" that uses a fictitious chemical plant accident as a ploy to minimize the spread of smallpox."If your definition of propaganda is framing communications to do something that's going to save lives, that's fine," says Mark Broughton, SCL's public affairs director. "That's not a word I would use for that." [2]
EddyBlack said:
Perhaps your right. In the defence arms industry, they are trying to sell their ‘expertise’, which perhaps have been greatly exagerrated. Nonetheless, they are interesting and somewhat sinister when you have a good look at their website. As for the ‘real world, anything to corroborate’ point.

‘SCL is a highly successful project company with an enviable track record and 12 years' experience of managing and executing political and humanitarian strategic communication campaigns for 27 governments and sovereigns worldwide - including personally advising eleven prime ministers and presidents - as well as NGOs, police departments, military forces and political parties, a major US city, and work for the UN. Projects include election campaigns and analysis (including the largest political research project ever undertaken in the world - a 500-strong team working for over a year on a budget of £20m), together with political lobbying and democratic reform.’ Armed Forces www.armedforces.co.uk/companies/raq42ad8c328c7a6

That shows they are at least somewhat genuine.

As for the other stories (leaving aside the DU which again is open for interpretation) pretty amazing stories. Its people like Jones that can focus on these and bring your attention to them..

Have you seen the Adam Curtis documentary?
EddyBlack said:
Perhaps your right. In the defence arms industry, they are trying to sell their ‘expertise’, which perhaps have been greatly exagerrated. Nonetheless, they are interesting and somewhat sinister when you have a good look at their website. As for the ‘real world, anything to corroborate’ point.
The point being that you blindly swallowed the story. You didn't bother to actually research the claims in any shape or form or read past the blindly regurgitated hyperbole from the likes of Pisspoor Planet in your Quest To Believe.

Instead you posted it up here without question as a Big Fact. And that makes you look rather silly.
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