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Afghanistan mission accomplished, says David Cameron

How could anybody use that phrase after Bush Jr! :facepalm:
I thought Cameron was supposed to have been in PR-did he learn nothing!
there's a job there if you want it, drringding

I'd keep him on message and have a weekly right wing version "Alo Presidente" with dressed like this and on that very throne....

Piss off half the world and increase the threat of terrorism.
Perhaps not directly the aim.

Would W Bush have won a second term without the war in Afghanistan? How much more to the original decision to invade was there than 'we need to bomb someone'?

You might be right that this was calculated to increase the threat of terrorism. I suspect you may be giving the people who make these decisions a bit too much credit. They presented 9/11 as an act of war, presented their stance as that 'either you are with us or against us', puffed out their arms as they strutted around in what they must have imagined was a war-like manly manner, and stormed in.

Sometimes things are as they appear to be: in this case, a series of pathetic blunders each precipitated by the lack of thought given to the previous action.
Perhaps not directly the aim.

Would W Bush have won a second term without the war in Afghanistan? How much more to the original decision to invade was there than 'we need to bomb someone'?

You might be right that this was calculated to increase the threat of terrorism. I suspect you may be giving the people who make these decisions a bit too much credit. They presented 9/11 as an act of war, presented their stance as that 'either you are with us or against us', puffed out their arms as they strutted around in what they must have imagined was a war-like manly manner, and stormed in.

Sometimes things are as they appear to be: in this case, a series of pathetic blunders each precipitated by the lack of thought given to the previous action.

Or I would kill my own brother for some oil and guns. Fuck them anyway, they sent 10 of thousands to their deaths. They had no right to do that, it achieved nothing and they had no justification.
Or I would kill my own brother for some oil and guns. Fuck them anyway, they sent 10 of thousands to their deaths. They had no right to do that, it achieved nothing and they had no justification.
Fuck them, yes. Perhaps I wasn't clear: a series of pathetic blunders by a bunch of murderous cunts. Qualifying them as thoughtless, incompetent murderous cunts is not intended to excuse them at all. (Although Bush may be thought of as competent by certain measures given his reelection. Did better than his Dad.)
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I'd keep him on message and have a weekly right wing version "Alo Presidente" with dressed like this and on that very throne....


....with the goats whispering the latest dictats in to Dave's ear..."Bring back the workhouses, let them eat gruel, look at our balls, LOOK AT THEM"
Return of the Taliban now patrolling with the ANA

Daily Mirror said:
Return of the Taliban - gunmen take part in joint patrols with Afghanistan forces ahead of 2015 withdrawal
Daily Mirror, Dec 21, 2013. By Chris Hughes

The revelations from Sangin make a mockery of David Cameron’s overblown claim this week that it is “mission accomplished” in Afghanistan


Not over yet: Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers and Taliban jointly patrol areas in the Sangin district of southern Helmand province

Swaggering Taliban gunmen have been taking part in joint patrols with Afghan government forces in Helmand’s deadliest town.

The revelations from Sangin make a mockery of David Cameron’s overblown claim this week that it is “mission accomplished” in Afghanistan.

And it raised fears the Taliban will take over the country again as international troops prepare to withdraw by 2015.

Last night an Afghan Taliban source in Pakistan confirmed to the Daily Mirror: “Already it is true that our mujahideen have retaken some security posts in Afghanistan and this will continue to happen.”

Agreements between the Afghan National Army and the Taliban are a huge betrayal of brave British soldiers who trained local security forces to secure Afghanistan by themselves.

British troops handed over the policing of Sangin – once dubbed “bomb alley” – to US forces in 2010 after fighting daily battles from 2006 to drive the insurgents out of the town notorious for its opium trade. It was handed over to Afghan security control earlier this year.

A senior military source told the Daily Mirror last night: “Such a public display of co-operation between the Taliban and the ANA is a disgace to the memory of brave British troops who have fought to vanquish the Taliban from communities they treated with brutalism for so many years. There is very little doubt that the Taliban are already making a comeback in various locations throughout Afghanistan, and it is a huge worrry.”

Two members of the town’s community council told local media they had seen Afghan National Army soldiers and Taliban carrying out joint patrols. Taliban men toting weapons and radios were seen parading through a Sangin market place. And tribal elder Ali Shah Khan said: “I saw an ANA car following a Taliban vehicle.”

Former commander of British forces in Afghanistan Colonel Richard Kemp said: “If these reports are true, this is a foretaste of what will happen when Nato forces fully withdraw. The Taliban will seize control of huge swathes of the countryside and many towns such as Sangin.

“Government forces and the Taliban will come to accommodations based on money, power or political convenience.”

But he insisted the 446 British troops killed in Afghanistan have not died in vain. He said: “They killed many extremists who would have threatened our country.”

Colonel Kemp said Afghan forces will still need help after the withdrawal of troops, adding: “I would expect US Special Forces and air power to continue to hit terrorist networks.”

Fears of a resurgence emerged in October when senior Taliban commander Qari Nasrullah told the Daily Mirror his insurgents will make a comeback. Most British troops in Afghanistan have withdrawn to Camp Bastion in Helmand.

With our enemy the Taliban now patrolling with the Afghan National Army which the NATO countries have funded with billions of pounds (mostly US dollars actually), anyone who is not in denial can plainly see the fatal flaw of funding an Afghan army over which we have no political control.

Also, we've been funding the Taliban's masters - Pakistan with more billions in aid and Saudi Arabia with even more billions in oil purchases. So the Taliban have been well funded, if indirectly, by us too.

So the Taliban have not been short of money to spend on training up new recruits to replace their fighters we've killed on the battlefields of Afghanistan.

It is a military fundamental that you don't win a war by funding your enemy but rather you win a war by bankrupting your enemy, cutting off the resources the enemy needs to sustain its army.

So we've made the war in Afghanistan much more difficult to win because of the incompetent management of the war by our governments which we've seen over the years. The mission can now be seen to be failing and it will take thorough remedial measures to bring the mission back on course.

Part of the solution would to be re-organise the Afghan forces as I have already described to counter green-on-blue attacks by Afghans on our own soldiers.

We should establish a new auxiliary NATO force of Afghans recruited from the Afghan National Army but which would be commanded by our NATO generals and be under our political control.

We should stop funding the ANA.

The AfPak Mission Statement
by Peter Dow

The AfPak Mission on the internet is about war on terror military and security strategy for NATO and allied countries with ground forces in action in Afghanistan and air and airborne forces including drones and special force raids in action over Pakistan.

The AfPak Mission helps implementation of the Bush Doctrine versus state sponsors of terror and is inspired by the leadership of Condoleezza Rice.

The AfPak Mission approach to the Taliban is uncompromising.
  • There should be no peace with the Taliban.
  • The only "good" Taliban is a dead Taliban.
  • Arrest all Taliban political leaders and media spokesmen.
  • Capture or kill all Taliban fighters.
The AfPak Mission identifies useful content across multiple websites.

On YouTube, the AfPak Mission channel presents playlists of useful videos.

The AfPak Mission forum offers structured on-line written discussion facilities and the forum is the rallying and reference centre of the AfPak Mission, linking to all other AfPak Mission content on the internet.

The AfPak Mission has a Twitter, a Flickr and a wordpress Blog too.
You are invited to subscribe to the channel, register with the forum and follow on twitter, flickr and the blog.
Thanks for the cut and paste epic, Peter
It was only a cut and paste trailer for the main feature, 36 posts in 13 topics to be found in my AfPak Mission forum.

But for that epic proper, you don't have to go out to the cinema, you don't have to rent a DVD and neither do you have to subscribe to an online film streaming service such as Netflix or Love-Film.

No, all you need to do is to click this link for the main feature.
though it will help you gain admission to my theatre if you know the film "Braveheart".

merry Xmas!
Well it was quiet, home alone as per usual so I hope everyone here at Urban75 had a merrier Christmas day than me and have a happy new year 2014 when it comes.
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