Right - suggestions appreciated regarding a laptop for a 9 yr old.
She plays stuff like Animal Jam (website based game) and uses YouTube a bit. She has her own channel and is getting into hosting her own live streams over Google Hangouts. She mainly uses web-based resources, websites to do with school, a bit of research for projects she's doing in class and the games I've mentioned.
She has taken to monopolising my Chromebook for the majority of the above. The problem I have with this is the lack of easily configurable parental controls. Chromebooks do have what they call 'supervised users' but this means literally saying 'yes' with an admin password every time they visit a page they haven't been to before (page, not site).
I have used Windows Home Safety or whatever it's called in the past and found it good and easy to use and like the email reports it sends me about what the child has been doing over the previous few days, what it has blocked etc
SO... would she be ok with summat like an HP Stream (like a Windows chromebook in my opinion) 32gb storage, no cd drive, relies on the cloud etc, BUT has Windows software which she is used to as she uses these at school
Suggestions are GO >>>>>