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Recommendation Adblocker for Youtube?

glitch hiker

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
I've been using Adblock on Opera, along with its own native blocking. Unfortunately it now doesn't seem to be doing the job. I am getting really fucked off with the constant adverts from currency traders. These people are scum and I don't want to hear their bullshit :D

If ublock isn't working, it's worthwhile going in to the settings and turning on some/more/all of the additional blocklists; IIRC there's only a few enabled by default. As I don't do social media, media or sociability I generally leave them all enabled.

(But as mentioned previously I very rarely use youtube in the browser any more as it's just as invasive as any other google product)
Sorry it's not working for you. It works really well on firefox.
It's not your fault :D (or is it!)

It was working until a week or so ago, I guess Youtube found a way through the software. No doubt they keep trying.

or perhaps it's just that Opera is shit
I have it switched off for YouTube because I've realised that with it switched on its fucks with the algorithm for new stuff. Keep getting recommended the same stuff over again.

Instead. The m button is mute. Works well.
I have it switched off for YouTube because I've realised that with it switched on its fucks with the algorithm for new stuff. Keep getting recommended the same stuff over again.

Instead. The m button is mute. Works well.

Fuck the algorithm, I use YouTube to listen to music while working, and would rather not be distracted. I do still get new stuff recommended to me, so I'm not sure what the algo is supposed to be doing anyway.
I've been using Adblock on Opera, along with its own native blocking. Unfortunately it now doesn't seem to be doing the job. I am getting really fucked off with the constant adverts from currency traders. These people are scum and I don't want to hear their bullshit :D

im a longtime Opera user and have had this too - theres a way around it
first install this which lets you use Chrome Extensions on Opera
then install this adblocker

Chrome AdBlock — best ad blocker​

all ads nuked
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Fuck the algorithm, I use YouTube to listen to music while working, and would rather not be distracted. I do still get new stuff recommended to me, so I'm not sure what the algo is supposed to be doing anyway.
Ahh, I have a sub to Spotify so don't have that issue.
I do like the algorithm, you can guide it and get new stuff I like.
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