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Accused rapist Ched Evans to be released from prison

If Evans showed any remorse, or accepted his guilt and were willing to accept the need to change his behaviour, then I wouldn't have any problem with him rejoining United. But he doesn't. And if United take him back now, they are effectively saying they agree with his version of events. They have consistently refused to address the issues around players and sexual irresponsibility, and seem to think it is only a matter of legal technicalities. There is a lot of opposition among Blades fans to resigning him, but they're still a minority. How different it would be were Evans not their best player prior to being sent down is questionable.
If Evans showed any remorse, or accepted his guilt and were willing to accept the need to change his behaviour, then I wouldn't have any problem with him rejoining United. But he doesn't. And if United take him back now, they are effectively saying they agree with his version of events. They have consistently refused to address the issues around players and sexual irresponsibility, and seem to think it is only a matter of legal technicalities. There is a lot of opposition among Blades fans to resigning him, but they're still a minority. How different it would be were Evans not their best player prior to being sent down is questionable.
I agree with all that, except that re-signing a theoretically repentant Evans would be a step too far for me. As I understand it he's gone, he has no contractual relationship with them. It would be an active process of forgiveness that they haven't got the right to make.
I got the impression (perhaps mistakenly) that, in highlighting the weaknesses of the status quo, you had an alternative in mind.

the problem isn't in the system of justice per se, it's in the underlying attitudes in society that seek to blame women for being attacked. while victim blaming attitudes are so prevalent, then changing the rules of trial won't make much difference.
Surely the weakness of the status quo means that any attempt to reform it will also be partial, weak and saturated in patriarchal assumptions? It's pretty difficult to formulate meaningful legislation with regard to sex and gender when there's such a mountain to climb in terms of institutional and social prejudices and assumptions.

and attempts to change the current laws are interpreted by a loud and deeply unpleasent minority as a feminist conspiracy to imprision men when a woman has had post sex regret.
I agree with all that, except that re-signing a theoretically repentant Evans would be a step too far for me. As I understand it he's gone, he has no contractual relationship with them. It would be an active process of forgiveness that they haven't got the right to make.
There was a thing in the paper yesterday about Jamie Oliver's 15 having taken on a child rapist. In that case the guy had fully admitted his guilt, and had accepted the need to change his behaviour and had undertaken all the courses etc that those accepting their guilt are meant to. He seemed (tho I obviously accept its hard to tell from a crappy newspaper report) to have genuinely changed. That's fair enough, imo. There must be the possibility of accepting rehabilitation, or its a meaningless term.

None of that applies to Evans tho, as he thinks he is still innocent and unjustly persecuted.
There was a thing in the paper yesterday about Jamie Oliver's 15 having taken on a child rapist. In that case the guy had fully admitted his guilt, and had accepted the need to change his behaviour and had undertaken all the courses etc that those accepting their guilt are meant to. He seemed (tho I obviously accept its hard to tell from a crappy newspaper report) to have genuinely changed. That's fair enough, imo. There must be the possibility of accepting rehabilitation, or its a meaningless term.

None of that applies to Evans tho, as he thinks he is still innocent and unjustly persecuted.
Yeah, again, I agree. It just seems wrong his old club actively taking steps to re-employ him. Like you I wouldn't really have a problem with a repentant evans returning to another club.

Anyway, from the wording of this, it looks like they are edging towards taking him back (unless, I suspect, the publicty gets too bad). Evans himself will be releasing a 'video statement' next week.
Thought the omg Jamie helping a pedo story was off the guys trying to change ched or chod hasn't even in the best possible light he behaved in a sordid manner can't belive his gf stood by him:eek:.
but it was rape the fact he thinks he can make an appeal on the ground "she was a slapper of course she consented and anyway she didn't remember so it can't have been that bad:rolleyes::facepalm:"
Apprantly his fight for "justice"makes him a role model:facepalm:

Ok a better role model than Adolf or jihad john:D
This is also an odd phrase to use, bottom of the front page:

Whilst legally true, it's a weird line to take when trying to win hearts and minds.

It's not even "legally true". Seeking convincing "beyond reasonable doubt" does NOT mean that "if there remains any doubt that a crime has been committed the accused must be acquitted" (my emphasis). It means that the jury needs to be convinced beyond reasonable doubt that an offence occurred.
The only sensible line the Blades should be taking is 'Ched Evans is a convicted rapist and no longer employed by this club'. If they wanted to be reasonable, they could add 'we understand he is planning an appeal. If he succeeds in this we will revisit the situation'. A healthy donation to a rape charit would help as well.
If Evans showed any remorse, or accepted his guilt and were willing to accept the need to change his behaviour, then I wouldn't have any problem with him rejoining United. But he doesn't. And if United take him back now, they are effectively saying they agree with his version of events. They have consistently refused to address the issues around players and sexual irresponsibility, and seem to think it is only a matter of legal technicalities. There is a lot of opposition among Blades fans to resigning him, but they're still a minority. How different it would be were Evans not their best player prior to being sent down is questionable.
Agree, plus I didn't realise til now that they didn't actually sack him, just let his contract run out which was about 2 months after he went to prison , he was probably on maybe £5k a week , maybe more
If Ched and his buddy had kept schtum when questioned by the police - they both admitted having sex with the woman - then there probably wouldn't have even been a case brought against them.
What is he arguing in his defence?

The website definitely doesn't make that clear. Someone earlier in the thread said their was video footage of him penetrating her while she was unconscious - anyone know if that is true? What defence can he possibly have if so?
Someone earlier in the thread said their was video footage of him penetrating her while she was unconscious - anyone know if that is true? What defence can he possibly have if so?
mo, its nonsense. There is video footage, iirr, of her being 'helped' upstairs while she is clearly far too pissed to walk - and, therefore, also clearly far too pissed to give informed consent.
The victim consistently said she remembered nothing. Their was no CCTV in the room. The security guard who listened at the door (how creepy is THAT for someone in a position of authority and trust!?) couldn't be sure what he heard.

Their statements were the only reliable evidence of any sexual intercourse, and then led the cops to the other friends who had been outside the window.

I'm not defending their behaviour here, just pointing out the oft-quoted point of defence lawyers that the accused can often TALK themselves into a guilty verdict.
The Sheffield Star has asked a variety of folks whether he should be allowed back.

Guess how Nick Clegg came down.

'Undecided' - the spineless twat.

Unfucking real. Can't he just have an opinion for once.
Their statements were the only reliable evidence of any sexual intercourse, and then led the cops to the other friends who had been outside the window.

I'm not defending their behaviour here, just pointing out the oft-quoted point of defence lawyers that the accused can often TALK themselves into a guilty verdict.
OUtside the room and filming, iirc.
There was CCTV footage which showed her being picked up (literally) by McDonald. I cant remember if he was in the CCTV of her being carried upstairs. There were the phone records and the other witnesses that placed at him at the scene. If he had tried to say 'I just popped over, and saw she was drunk, so hung around a couple of hours then left' - maybe he'd have got away with it, but I'm doubtful.
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