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Accused rapist Ched Evans to be released from prison

Re the arabs, i think if you see earlier posts, that i was not the first to mention this...many. arabs look at "crimes" against women in a slightly different way to people in the west.
That's quite a generalisation. :hmm:
Edit: both about the west and arabs.
Re the arabs, i think if you see earlier posts, that i was not the first to mention this...many. arabs look at "crimes" against women in a slightly different way to people in the west.
Re the fans, i seem to remember seeing a news clip of fans who would be happy to see him playing for the blades again.

In case you hadn't noticed, numbnut, half of us 'arabs' are women, and we're capable of thinking for ourselves, as are our 'brothers', outside our 'arabness', without people speaking on our behalf , shukran you very much
Thanks for posting that. It sets out their position quite clearly, although I find their statements about Evans sharing their value judgments about rape somewhat at odds with the case his defence put forward.
Yea, he agrees rape is a heinous crime, he just doesn't think what he did was rape (as well as a disturbing number of people, including a lot of women)
Here's the official statement from the club regarding Evans training with them...

I'm not sure about the timing of the pfa 'request' to his last club, but I'd guess evans representatives and the club were talking well before it was made. And even though it was only recognising that he had made such a statement (rather than agreeing with what he said), the wording of this was a rather helpful spin on what he did actually acknowledge:
Mr Evans, acknowledging the destructive nature of the acts, which led to his conviction, and seeking a chance to be rehabilitated by returning to work in his chosen trade after having completed the custodial portion of his sentence.
I'm not sure about the timing of the pfa 'request' to his last club, but I'd guess evans representatives and the club were talking well before it was made. And even though it was only recognising that he had made such a statement (rather than agreeing with what he said), the wording of this was a rather helpful spin on what he did actually acknowledge:
Aye 'the acts that lead to his conviction' not 'the crimes that he carried out'. Very telling.
Aye 'the acts that lead to his conviction' not 'the crimes that he carried out'. Very telling.
If I remember correctly, on his website the only thing he acknowledged - with regard to 'the destructive nature of the acts which led to his conviction' - was cheating on his girlfriend (I'm not going back to check, felt a bit grubby going there in the first place). Nothing about the victim.

If he showed any remorse/compassion to his victim people might not be so against him.
But calling ched a role model for fighting against injustice:mad::facepalm:

No he deserves all the shit he gets.

Re the birmigham 6 that was a miscarrige of justice ched thought two's up on a drunken woman his mate picked up was reasonable behaviour so bollocks about the miscarrige of justice.
like the level of shitstirring eh's doing is actively encouraging the cunts who think behaving like he did is acceptable. and encouraging those who believe shit like rape allegations being morning after regret. it's giving a chance for all the cunts to yell louder.
Re the arabs, i think if you see earlier posts, that i was not the first to mention this...many. arabs look at "crimes" against women in a slightly different way to people in the west.
Re the fans, i seem to remember seeing a news clip of fans who would be happy to see him playing for the blades again.

Quite apart from your casual slandering of arabs, if this thread has demonstrated anything, it's that not all "people in the west" see crimes against women in the same way.

It isn't necessary to journey many 100s of miles to the east to find those who are prepared to commit crimes against women and then deny that what they did was a crime, or those who are prepared to go along with the denial or at least overlook the crime if they would prefer to believe it couldn't possibly have happened that way.
Re the arabs, i think if you see earlier posts, that i was not the first to mention this...many. arabs look at "crimes" against women in a slightly different way to people in the west.
Re the fans, i seem to remember seeing a news clip of fans who would be happy to see him playing for the blades again.

Are the fans arabs then? Only asking as these fans obviously " look at crimes against women in a slightly different way to people in the west."
And why is the word crime in inverted commas in your response?
Re the arabs, i think if you see earlier posts, that i was not the first to mention this...many. arabs look at "crimes" against women in a slightly different way to people in the west.
Re the fans, i seem to remember seeing a news clip of fans who would be happy to see him playing for the blades again.

Got any anecdotal evidence of that?
everyone knows some blades fans support his return - altho the chanters were a small minority in one section of the ground only.

As for arabs being dodgy on rape, yes of course some are, but you could pull exactly the same stories from the UK and ignorant british judges. And lets not forget that Blackpool FC are still owned by the rapist Owen Oyston
Which reminds me...Oyston was denied early parole because he wouldn't complete the sex offenders programme, because he refused to accept his guilt. So how did Evans get out early?
Which bit, about Middle East and rape - hows this for a start http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23381448

or about some Blades fans supporting his return - I can't find the television news link, but hows this to be going on with http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/524420/Ched-Evans-Sheffield-United-fans-chant-return-rapist...

Not sure how those two things, together or seperately, support your original contention that
arabs look at "crimes" against women in a slightly different way to people in the west (highlighting by topher25)

although they would support the facile observation that you can find a sub-group of cunts within just about any larger group you care to mention.
More to the point, Utd are 50% owned by a Saudi Prince. I am not saying that the bloke is bad but women have no rights in Saudi, in fact Saudi rank 127th out of 136, when it comes to equality for women. I wonder if the owner actually views rape as a crime against the perpetrator or the victim? If his views are different to ours, then he may not look on this rapist in such a bad light as the rest of us and may be ok about resigning him.
Tbf all concerned would jailed/killed in saudi public drunkness adultery not wearing a tent etc etc etc:rolleyes:
But then saudi arabia isnt exactly a place anyone would take answers from apart from obviously.
i have a billion dollars and want to spend it in the most tasteless way ever:hmm:

Tbf its another plaything for the prince he probably cares very little for the players.

Cheds defence was she wanted it and any way shes a total slag so must have wanted it:mad: The only thing I regret is cheating on my precious girlfriend :mad::(:mad:
Which bit, about Middle East and rape - hows this for a start http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23381448

or about some Blades fans supporting his return - I can't find the television news link, but hows this to be going on with http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/524420/Ched-Evans-Sheffield-United-fans-chant-return-rapist

Yep well done Charlie for resigning.

An authoritarian conservatively and bordering extreme Islamic regime? Hardly many Arabs is it.
I think some dodgy overseas person buying a uk football club is a way of buying seats on top tables in the UK. A way of buying respectability or acceptance if you like. This probably helps oil the wheels when it comes to doing other deals.
hash tag may have a point; many Arab nations impose the death penalty for rape. We appear to give rapists the opportunity to earn millions of pounds whilst being an icon to teenage boys.

More to the point, Utd are 50% owned by a Saudi Prince. I am not saying that the bloke is bad but women have no rights in Saudi, in fact Saudi rank 127th out of 136, when it comes to equality for women. I wonder if the owner actually views rape as a crime against the perpetrator or the victim? If his views are different to ours, then he may not look on this rapist in such a bad light as the rest of us and may be ok about resigning him.

Could you make some attempt to explain exactly who the "we" or the "ours" is in your respective posts.

We have already established pretty conclusively that even if the particular Saudi prince does view rape in this way (and I have no idea if he does or doesn't), his views are not significantly different from Ched Evans, or from a minority of Sheffield United fans (and no doubt many others as well).

And just because some Arab states impose the death penalty for rape, that doesn't tell us anything about "arabs" in general, which was the original contention. "We" generally don't give rapists the opportunity to earn millions of pounds whilst being an icon to teenage boys, which is why this case has caused the reaction it has.
More to the point, Utd are 50% owned by a Saudi Prince. I am not saying that the bloke is bad but women have no rights in Saudi, in fact Saudi rank 127th out of 136, when it comes to equality for women. I wonder if the owner actually views rape as a crime against the perpetrator or the victim? If his views are different to ours, then he may not look on this rapist in such a bad light as the rest of us and may be ok about resigning him.
Why are you choosing to ignore the fact that - as previously stated - the day to day running of the club is left to the englishman, Kevin McCabe (owner of 50% of the club)
I think some dodgy overseas person buying a uk football club is a way of buying seats on top tables in the UK. A way of buying respectability or acceptance if you like. This probably helps oil the wheels when it comes to doing other deals.
Jesus you're writing some crap this morning.
I am frankly amazed and disappointed that various people are now making this about the ethnicity of the part-owner of Sheffield United.

Next you'll be arguing that none of this would ever have happened had it not been for the pernicious influence of "foreigners" bringing in their nasty misogynist ways and sullying nice respectable British football.
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