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Accused rapist Ched Evans to be released from prison

I can only surmise that the evidence in this case was strong enough to persuade a jury that there was no question of her being in a position to give consent. Must have been pretty powerful to overcome the defence arguments. In which case, he deserves what he got - and shouldn't be applauded back as a returning hero.
I have real problems with the law that's being used in this case, and always have done since it was framed a decade or so ago.

Under UK law, anyone who gets blind drunk voluntarily is still held to be legally responsible for any actions they take while blind drunk, from driving a car to getting involved in a drunken fight to vandalism to murder etc. being blind drunk is not a defence against any charges.

Under this law though, voluntarily getting yourself drunk apparently does remove your legal right to consent to have sex with another consenting adult, and it's up to the police and then a jury to decide for you and your partner if you were too drunk to have given your consent legally if the next day you can't really remember what happened and somehow the police get involved (in this case according to Ched Evans site, the initial contact with the police related to the lost handbag and phone).


I was wondering where you got this bit of guff from - the Ched Evans site - and you've added the reference in because it wasn't bloody there originally. You're seriously quoting that as a reputable source of information? :facepalm:

It's also not bloody true - which I think you've since realised because you've quoted the appeal transcript extensively. Pretty grim that you haven't retracted it
free spirit the stuff you are saying here is utterly fucking despicable. You are a nasty rape apologist cunt if you even believe a tiny bit of what you say.

In what way is a grubby nasty rapist turning up to penetrate a semi conscious woman in a hotel room whilst his friends film it even comparable to two pissed up people going home together?

Just fuck off.
Been spending a long time catching up with this thread (in detail) over the past two or three days. So I'm very much not only responding to the post immediately above mine, here.

However :

In what way is a grubby nasty rapist turning up to penetrate a semi conscious woman in a hotel room whilst his friends film it even comparable to two pissed up people going home together?

free spirit -- I've no doubt you won't want to reply to the above question from Glitter because of her swearing at you, but I can see her central point tbh.

So I've edited her post because I really don't understand why you've spent so little (if any?) time focussing on THAT aspect of Ched Evans' behaviour. As plenty of posters have said earlier, it's about Evans rolling in later on** to help himself that's important, not exactly how drunk or not the victim was. Pehaps the jury were focussing on how Ched Evans actuually behaved? Pehaps HIS behaviour is why they found him guilty?

**at his mate's invitation FFS -- well fucking disgraceful in itself :mad:
Been spending a long time catching up with this thread (in detail) over the past two or three days. So I'm very much not only responding to the post immediately above mine, here.

However :

free spirit -- I've no doubt you won't want to reply to the above question from Glitter because of her swearing at you, but I can see her central point tbh.

So I've edited her post because I really don't understand why you've spent so little (if any?) time focussing on THAT aspect of Ched Evans' behaviour. As plenty of posters have said earlier, it's about Evans rolling in later on** to help himself that's important, not exactly how drunk or not the victim was. Pehaps the jury were focussing on how Ched Evans actuually behaved? Pehaps HIS behaviour is why they found him guilty?

**at his mate's invitation FFS -- well fucking disgraceful in itself :mad:

I'm not sure I need editing, thank you very much.

The reason he hasn't spent any time on that part is because it weakens his position as a rape apologist cunt. I thought that was quite obvious.
I'm not sure I need editing, thank you very much.

The reason he hasn't spent any time on that part is because it weakens his position as a rape apologist cunt. I thought that was quite obvious.

Apologies if I annoyed you. I edited your post in the hope of getting fs to respond to it (he'll most likely just object to the abuse and ignore the rest, otherwise).

I think your central question is key to the whole thread. I'm pretty much at one with you (and others) about it really.
I edited your post in the hope of getting fs to respond to it (he'll most likely just moan about the abuse and ignore the rest, otherwise).

I think your central question is central to the whole thread. I'm pretty much at one with you (and others) about it really.

He's had it put to him several times and ignored it. Presumably for the reasons I detailed above. Of course it's central to the whole case. But he doesn't care about that because it stops him from being able to spread his misogynistic shite as it's completely unarguable.

I get why you did it but it really pissed me off. I know you probably didn't mean to patronise me but you did.
So I've edited her post because I really don't understand why you've spent so little (if any?) time focussing on THAT aspect of Ched Evans' behaviour. As plenty of posters have said earlier, it's about Evans rolling in later on** to help himself that's important, not exactly how drunk or not the victim was. Pehaps the jury were focussing on how Ched Evans actuually behaved? Pehaps HIS behaviour is why they found him guilty?

**at his mate's invitation FFS -- well fucking disgraceful in itself
because william, you're pushing your own morality onto the situation, and the law should never intervene in what happens in the bedroom between 2 or more consenting adults.

Which is why this case was nominally about whether or not she was too drunk to legally consent, and whether or not this should have been obvious to the accused, although in reality it was pretty obviously brought because the coppers themselves applied that same level of morality to the situation, which is why this case ended up in court whereas many other situations where drunk people have ended up fucking each other then one or other of them had no recollection of how that had happened in the morning haven't.

I also think it's interesting to note that most posters who've posted similar queries on here have done so while embellishing what we actually know about how drunk she was, with stuff like 'passed out' 'pissed herself' 'semi-concious' 'incapable of saying no'.

How come people actually have to make stuff up about how drunk they assume she must have been, when there's zero evidence to support it? Could it be that if they accepted that she wasn't / might well not have actually been passed out / semi conscious etc then they know they might have to revise their opinion of the situation, or are actually assuming that this must be what happened because otherwise he wouldn't have been found guilty?

Both of the people in the room who could actually remember what had happened had testified that she was awake, positively agreed to the idea of Ched joining in, and was very much an active participant in everything that happened - and the hotel porter's testimony also backs up the idea that she was at least a conscious and active participant in the sex, as he went to listen outside the door to check the situation.

The reason I've got involved in this thread in this way is because after investigating the actual situation, I realised that all these stories of her actually being passed out etc that kept being repeated were unsupported bollocks, then realised that essentially he'd been convicted because she'd been in alcoholic blackout and couldn't remember a thing about it, which the police, CPS and jury had taken to mean she must have been completely and obviously incapable of giving her consent.

That's absolutely not my experience at all of people who've ended up in alcoholic blackout by downing that level of spirits in a short space of time, where I know that people can appear pretty coherent, able to hold conversations, able to walk, dance, even DJ, and if anything could be comparable with someone on a manic phase of bipolar as they can really be the life and soul of the party, loosing their inhibitions in the process, but not in a way that it'd be entirely obvious to anyone that they were actually in alcoholic blackout and wouldn't remember a thing about it in the morning.

And i have a lot of experience of that late night world to draw on to know what people are capable of, and how they appear when in alcoholic blackout.

So I find their version of events to at least be plausible, it's supported by the CCTV footage, the way she'd drunk her alcohol, the fact that the blackout period started at some point in the takeaway long before she'd met either of them, and after which she managed to order and wait for a pizza, get into a taxi, walk into the hotel unaided etc. So why must she have instantly passed out as soon as she got into the bedroom just because she also can't remember that bit?

I didn't really understand why or how he'd been convicted on this basis until I read the appeal court documents, and realised that his defence had fucked it up and had an expert witness who instead of ensuring the jury understood how alcoholic blackout worked, that it effect memory formation, but not necessarily the apparent coherence of the person at the time, had instead tried to make out that she'd not drunk enough to have entered that state, and must be lying, which was an utterly shit and wrong approach to have taken both for the girl to be accused of lying, and because it condemned the guy to being found guilty because he wasted the opportunity to actually ensure the jury understood how coherent people under alcoholic blackout can appear.

So here was a situation where a girl could well have been a willing and active participant in sex at the time (no evidence offered to the contrary, supporting evidence from the night porter), but where the person who she was having sex with was later found guilty of rape because she'd been in alcoholic blackout and can't remember what happened, and a jury determined that she must have been obviously too drunk to have been able to truly give her consent without her giving any evidence at all about what happened, so the only support for the rape charge was how drunk the jury decided she must have been.

If you think this sounds like good law, then fair enough, but I don't.
Why are you reading the appeal court documents? Why are you valuing them over the actual trial records? which you have have and have gone through right?
Still digging. You're smearing this case with all sorts of your own presumptions. The 2 people that could remember etc, - Taken as ghospel. No evidence, - You weren't in the court. Because you've worked in the night time economy, this is how it happens etc.

Bit fucking rich to talk about peple pushing their own morality on to the situation. Because you have interpreted the situation in a particular way, to raise some nonsence but what if, what if. Thus anyone seeing different is somehow Mary fucking Whitehouse.
Christ, I've just been having a poke around ched evans's website. Its absolutely vile. The idea that she didn't make a complaint and both parties are innocent victims of the law out of control seems to be absent there, where the victim is repeatedly characterised as a gold digging slut. How you can side with these fucking vermin is beyond me fs.
If there is evidence of what you are saying about the effects of alcohol on memory, then the defence ought to have adduced that at the time. But, tactically, they opted for a different approach.
So we agree on that at least.

Had they actually introduced that evidence/ expert witness testimony to the jury, chances are we wouldn't be having this conversation IMO.

And there's no question of whether there is evidence of what I'm saying on alcoholic blackout, it's established science, and referenced by mulitple papers and alcohol awareness websites etc. never mind my real world experience of it.

So, given that: i. (as the Court of Appeal found) the judge's direction was consistent with Bree, such that the law around drunkenness and consent remains the same; ii. it remains an option for the defence in similar cases to adduce evidence as the the effects of alcohol on memory; and, iii. juries' verdicts do not make precedent, then there is no way in which this case can be considered to have 'lowered the bar' of what amounts to rape. Your central point is wrong.

You may be right, I was assuming that because the appeal court had refused leave to appeal that this would set more of a precedent, but having read it in a bit more detail it does look more like a case of the legal team mounting a shit defence, and the appeal courts more rejecting the defence's attempt to change their approach to it on appeal / not considering it central due to the judge not using it in his summing up etc

This is borne out by the fact that, in the two and a half years since the prosecution we've not seen thousands of people criminalised for their run-of-the-mill drunken sex. To suggest that this would be the effect of the verdict in this case is nothing more than the oft-repeated misogynists' fear of tide of false allegations.
well, I was saying that it could potentially result in any of those cases ending up in court, not that it would result in all of them ending up in court. ie that it would create a lottery on who was able to have drunken consensual one night stands, and who ended up having a one night stand with someone who later turned out to have been in alcoholic blackout, and ended up with the police involved for whatever reason and using this high profile case as their guide to whether to take action or not.

I know you've come in for a lot of stick on this thread, and I expect that has made you defensive, but it's really time for you to just admit you got it wrong - this case doesn't lower the bar, at all. If you want to say that you think the defence team didn't handle the case as well as they could have, or even that you think the jury got their assessment of the evidence wrong, then fine (although I happen to disagree with you), but please don't continue to assert that this case represents a change in the law.
The bar was lowered in this case, I can't see how that can really be questioned. I will accept though that this may or may not actually impact on future cases, time will tell on that I suppose.
because william, you're pushing your own morality onto the situation, and the law should never intervene in what happens in the bedroom between 2 or more consenting adults.

Which is why this case was nominally about whether or not she was too drunk to legally consent, and whether or not this should have been obvious to the accused, although in reality it was pretty obviously brought because the coppers themselves applied that same level of morality to the situation, which is why this case ended up in court whereas many other situations where drunk people have ended up fucking each other then one or other of them had no recollection of how that had happened in the morning haven't.

I also think it's interesting to note that most posters who've posted similar queries on here have done so while embellishing what we actually know about how drunk she was, with stuff like 'passed out' 'pissed herself' 'semi-concious' 'incapable of saying no'.

How come people actually have to make stuff up about how drunk they assume she must have been, when there's zero evidence to support it? Could it be that if they accepted that she wasn't / might well not have actually been passed out / semi conscious etc then they know they might have to revise their opinion of the situation, or are actually assuming that this must be what happened because otherwise he wouldn't have been found guilty?

Both of the people in the room who could actually remember what had happened had testified that she was awake, positively agreed to the idea of Ched joining in, and was very much an active participant in everything that happened - and the hotel porter's testimony also backs up the idea that she was at least a conscious and active participant in the sex, as he went to listen outside the door to check the situation.

The reason I've got involved in this thread in this way is because after investigating the actual situation, I realised that all these stories of her actually being passed out etc that kept being repeated were unsupported bollocks, then realised that essentially he'd been convicted because she'd been in alcoholic blackout and couldn't remember a thing about it, which the police, CPS and jury had taken to mean she must have been completely and obviously incapable of giving her consent.

That's absolutely not my experience at all of people who've ended up in alcoholic blackout by downing that level of spirits in a short space of time, where I know that people can appear pretty coherent, able to hold conversations, able to walk, dance, even DJ, and if anything could be comparable with someone on a manic phase of bipolar as they can really be the life and soul of the party, loosing their inhibitions in the process, but not in a way that it'd be entirely obvious to anyone that they were actually in alcoholic blackout and wouldn't remember a thing about it in the morning.

And i have a lot of experience of that late night world to draw on to know what people are capable of, and how they appear when in alcoholic blackout.

So I find their version of events to at least be plausible, it's supported by the CCTV footage, the way she'd drunk her alcohol, the fact that the blackout period started at some point in the takeaway long before she'd met either of them, and after which she managed to order and wait for a pizza, get into a taxi, walk into the hotel unaided etc. So why must she have instantly passed out as soon as she got into the bedroom just because she also can't remember that bit?

I didn't really understand why or how he'd been convicted on this basis until I read the appeal court documents, and realised that his defence had fucked it up and had an expert witness who instead of ensuring the jury understood how alcoholic blackout worked, that it effect memory formation, but not necessarily the apparent coherence of the person at the time, had instead tried to make out that she'd not drunk enough to have entered that state, and must be lying, which was an utterly shit and wrong approach to have taken both for the girl to be accused of lying, and because it condemned the guy to being found guilty because he wasted the opportunity to actually ensure the jury understood how coherent people under alcoholic blackout can appear.

So here was a situation where a girl could well have been a willing and active participant in sex at the time (no evidence offered to the contrary, supporting evidence from the night porter), but where the person who she was having sex with was later found guilty of rape because she'd been in alcoholic blackout and can't remember what happened, and a jury determined that she must have been obviously too drunk to have been able to truly give her consent without her giving any evidence at all about what happened, so the only support for the rape charge was how drunk the jury decided she must have been.

If you think this sounds like good law, then fair enough, but I don't.

So you aren't arguing that this case sets new precedents any more? Just that you think the jury was wrong?
well, I was saying that it could potentially result in any of those cases ending up in court, not that it would result in all of them ending up in court. ie that it would create a lottery on who was able to have drunken consensual one night stands, and who ended up having a one night stand with someone who later turned out to have been in alcoholic blackout, and ended up with the police involved for whatever reason and using this high profile case as their guide to whether to take action or not.

So what would you suggest the police do when someone comes to them having woken up in a strange hotel room naked with no memory of the previous night?

The bar was lowered in this case, I can't see how that can really be questioned. I will accept though that this may or may not actually impact on future cases, time will tell on that I suppose.

As Athos pointed out time has told.
The bar was lowered in this case, I can't see how that can really be questioned.
Mabe because you have provided abso;lutely no evidence to back up your assertion. None of the documents you cite do so. You have (deliberately) misunderstood and misrepresented them. As said above, you have presented one side of the case and accepted it as fact.
Tbh you are happy enough to throw insults around...you implied I was so stupid you could draw it in crayons so I would understand so dont act the victim.
The cap seemed to fit.

You draw up weird ideas about precedent thrown up by this case, claiming a the police could prosecute a pissed bloke for having a one night stand. Yet Evans didnt claim to be pissed. If I am wrong then why are you trusting anything he says?

You claim the law is wrong implying all men having consensual sex after they and the other person have been drinking face being charged with rape by the police without a shred of proof.
potentially. I didn't expect that everyone involved in drunken sex would suddenly find themselves locked up, just that they were more vulnerable to it if this was how the law was to be applied more widely.

I've no idea how pissed or otherwise Evans was or claims to have been, but I doubt he was entirely sober either after a night out on the town with his mates.

You imply he has been set up ...
bollocks, never said this, never implied it.

You have made all sorts of inuendos against the woman ... claiming she werent that drunk (cos you watched some cctv) so presumerably you believe she lied when she says she had no memory of events.
you mean other than the bits where I've specifically said that I don't think she lied, and the amount that she had drunk in that space of time was IMO sufficient to induce alcoholic blackout?

You conveniently ignore his lies...glossing over them as though they have no baring on the case.
people keep referring to these lies, but I've not seen anyone actually state what they're supposed to be, so yes I'll ignore it until someone gives some specifics.

And by the way your coke and drinking habits....seriously...you need to put them on a public forum to justify yourself? On this thread? Do you not consider how that looks?
I don't actually give a fuck how it looks. This is or was Urban 75 not fucking mumsnet last time I looked.
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Mabe because you have provided abso;lutely no evidence to back up your assertion. None of the documents you cite do so. You have (deliberately) misunderstood and misrepresented them. As said above, you have presented one side of the case and accepted it as fact.
other than checking and citing the previous case law referenced, I'm not sure how much more evidence you'd like me to produce.

the links are all there, go check it out for yourself if you don't believe me.
Why are you reading the appeal court documents? Why are you valuing them over the actual trial records? which you have have and have gone through right?
because I can't find the fucking trial records, and I could find the court of appeal records.

What I have had from the original trial was from various press reports, not the full transcript.
So you aren't arguing that this case sets new precedents any more? Just that you think the jury was wrong?
It may or may not, time will tell on that.

It sets the bar lower than in previous cases, whether other cases then follow that lead or not I can't know, maybe future cases will have a better defence team.
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