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A list of books written by urbs

Didn't an urb write Crisis? What Crisis? Britain in the 1970s?

I enjoyed that.
In 2008/10 I wrote four books which were published defining national doctrine for part of the public sector. Only one of which was deemed unlawful by the ECHR* two years later. So that's 75% of my books that weren't... Result!

(*Some 10 years later a completely unrelated thing that I had significant responsibility for in a central government agency was declared unlawful by the central Court of the European Union. All I need now is a war crimes conviction in the Hague and I have the full set...)
frogwoman has written a couple of dark and dystopian first-person narrative novels (short ones, I forget how long so maybe not quite full novels?)

I can't give a link because I'm not sure if / where they're available and anyway not sure how finished she considers them to be... (I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning them!)

Anyway what's scary is how far down the road towards the Britain she paints, we seem to be. Maybe 10 years to go now till kick off? :(
Eh, had a load of poems in the U.S. and a few collections of my poems published by various independent U.S. literary presses and one British one; appeared in a couple of anthologies, mostly single poems but one anthology with six other underground poets. All more than 15 years ago now and I'm not particularly keen on linking this online account to my real name, but my ego is sufficiently big that I had to mention it. :D
frogwoman has written a couple of dark and dystopian first-person narrative novels (short ones, I forget how long so maybe not quite full novels?)

I can't give a link because I'm not sure if / where they're available and anyway not sure how finished she considers them to be... (I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning them!)

Anyway what's scary is how far down the road towards the Britain she paints, we seem to be. Maybe 10 years to go now till kick off? :(

Thanks! No worries! I've written 2 full length ones, almost finished the third but have had to change the whole thing because it was literally about Russia invading the UK to save us from fascism:D

They were available on Wattpad for ages but I took them down a couple of years ago, happy to send them to anyone who wants but they do need editing.

I wrote them in 2014-2016 but had been working on book 1 much longer than that (I think since i was at school tbh). Book 1 is about a Nazi style government taking power in the UK and a few ordinary 20somethings in a shithole town who end up fighting them as partisans almost by accident. Book 2 is about the UK descending even more into civil war and then ISIS get involved to make matters worse. Book 3 was meant to be about how this situation ends but yeah I'm gonna have to redo it all :facepalm:

Kinda given up hope of them being published at all tbh but yeah happy to send a copy of someone wants, they do need to be edited tho :D
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frogwoman has written a couple of dark and dystopian first-person narrative novels (short ones, I forget how long so maybe not quite full novels?)

I can't give a link because I'm not sure if / where they're available and anyway not sure how finished she considers them to be... (I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning them!)

Anyway what's scary is how far down the road towards the Britain she paints, we seem to be. Maybe 10 years to go now till kick off? :(
You've also written a leftist themed fantasy series though, it is brilliant, set in a world where some humans left earth long ago (and have decided to come back) though again in various stages of editing!
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