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Search results for query: political compass

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  1. A

    IWCA v BNP, on your radio

    ...and agreeing to a local station putting the bastards on air to spread their poison, rather than trying to organise against the transmission or influence the station to NOT give their poison yet another avenue of transmission, suggests something is awry with your "political compass" nowadays .
  2. Badgers

    Re-Heating Rice

    I might start one about bikes VS cars.
  3. Crispy

    Re-Heating Rice

    Political compass?
  4. pogofish

    Re-Heating Rice

    It must be a good candidate, although I think threads about chips, the Political Compass and Brixton going posh may still be slightly ahead?
  5. Lo Siento.


    It's yet another case of mistaking the media/political class echo chamber for "public opinion" more generally. Effective trade unionists are never going to be popular with the elite, so they should stop worrying about it and get on with looking after their members.
  6. ViolentPanda


    Speaking for "most people", eh? Going on the small sample of people I've actually spoken to (from all points of the compass) about the Olympics, the attitude to both the games and their legacy (such as it is) appears to represent a big "so what?", especially outside of the metropolis. I...
  7. SpineyNorman

    Why anarchism as a method of action doesn't work.

    That's pretty much exactly what I did, with a couple of years off in the meantime. (Sorry about the multiple posts, came to the thread late and I've been replying to posts as I read them)
  8. ViolentPanda

    Why anarchism as a method of action doesn't work.

    I know a fair few members of the SP who joined as a deliberate choice after exposure to the SWP, so it seems to drive people to more points of the political compass than just anarchism. :)
  9. ViolentPanda

    Right wingers less intelligent

    I'm not interested in your beliefs. I'm interested in analysis, in facts and theories. I'm not even positivistic about analysis being grounded, as long as it's well tought through. All this being, of course, having been interpreted in light of your belief. You see what I'm getting at, here...
  10. C

    Irelands SOPA or attack on the Internet....

    colonialism certainly has a big part to play in it , along with the fake independence of the 26 county state . Theres also a political culture of almost total unaccountability . Standing up to powerful people and interests and asserting an independent approach has come to be seen as somehow...
  11. articul8

    How does the idea of 8+ more years of Conservative rule grab you? What does it mean for the left?

    well, I do recognise this picture - but this people aren't unthinking automatons - they know they're left empty handed in terms of an offer to the electorate at the moment. I'm not saying there'll be a headlong rush for the door. There won't. But there will be increasing questions about...
  12. Spanky Longhorn

    How does the idea of 8+ more years of Conservative rule grab you? What does it mean for the left?

    Unite is interested in government investment in infrastructure projects, and bringing industry into the UK - I don't see why Miliband and Balls will not offer that nearer the election in order to buy back Unite. A Unite/PCS merger could be signigicant in pulling Unite to the left, but don't...
  13. SpookyFrank

    Your solution for the deficit

    I can think of many good ideas but there's not much point posting them as they are all founded in ideas of rationality, fairness and compassion and will thus be of no interest to anyone in a major political party.
  14. Jack Black

    "My Manifesto"

    ...compared to the parties they vote for... it might surprise people where they end up on the political map. You could have a short one for lazy people, a medium sized questionnaire for people who can be arsed, and a long and super long one for geeks! Sort of like the political compass but...
  15. M

    New age cosmic hippies and the far right

    ...that sort of thing. Definition of fascism - I think you're right as per the accepted political definition but if you remember the political compass, fascists (as per that accepted definition) pretty much always score very high on the "right wing" and "authoritarianism" axes. It's not...
  16. colacubes

    Stephen Lawrence murder trial begins at Old Bailey

    I just watched last night's Panorama and have been in tears all the way through it. I was only 15 when it happened and although I've been politically aware and active for a long time and followed the case as I was growing up it really brought it home to me what that family have been through...
  17. revol68

    IPCC update regarding shooting of Mark Duggan

    bad craic when the guardian has a deeper and more nuanced reading of the riots and their political significance than quite a few "lefties" on these boards. seems to me that throwing a one size fits all blanket over the riots as a merely lumpen, mugger and gang led carnival of cannibalistic...
  18. C

    EDL watch

    So you're either refusing to accept that a far right politician who is on record being anti-semitic is anti-semitic, or you accept that he is but turn a blind eye and pretend he isn't due to the fact he isn't white. Neither an honourable position particularly.
  19. Deareg

    EDL watch

    Iran is to the far right on my political compass :)
  20. articul8

    Labour Party to rewrite Clause I

    Compass is now open further than that - to Lib Dems and Greens. Limited differences between Fabians and Compass these days - Compass would see itself as more of a pressure group with a soft left politics, Fabians more of a talking shop with an appeal to right and centre too but it doesn't...
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